Happy traveling, Beth! (She's off to Florida to live, by way of Seattle.) We'll look forward to your check-ins, en route!
Boran2 is starting a new painting today, over at his blog.
Saturday update: I'll be gone all day, so I'll just leave this post up.
Sunday Bulletin Board will be posted tomorrow for news, photos, etc.
(Friday) I'm watching the Ellen Degeneres show and she just gave every audience member two round-trip tickets to Cancun, and I'm feeling really bad that I can't do that for you guys. Could you be happy with some really really nice pictures of the Gulf of Mexico? :)
So I guess you're here 'cause you want to be, and not because of the free food, right? Me, too. I started this blog in a funny way a few weeks ago when I thought I was clicking on a button that would let me see what "my" blog might look like if I had one. It turned out to be the button that actually *made* the blog. Oops. "Well," I thought, "I guess I'll just plunge in. . ."
And then you crazy kids showed up!
But who are you, that's what some lurkers might like to know. And why do some of us already seem to know each other pretty well? Without giving away anything private, I thought I'd explain a little of that. . .
There are several of us who met a few years ago through a political blog, and especially at a "cafe" at that blog. The cafe was a place where nobody argued and everybody was kind and nice to each other. It was a relief, a refuge from the contention that sometimes was going on in the main rooms. I think nobody from that group will mind if I state categorically that we grew fond of one another, and now we follow each other around the blogsphere.
So that's one bunch, the "politicos," you might say.
Then there are some people who happened over here from other blogs. I think I first knew of farfetched from katiebird's blog, for instance.
We might call that group the "other blog friends."
And then we have writers and other creative types who have found us and popped in to say hi, and some of them have stayed on.
And that's it so far, I think. Have I left out anybody?
What's *your* blogging history, if you'd care to say?
(If you'd like to comment, but you're having problems with it, let me know. You can find my email address in My Profile or on my website.)
Boran2 is starting a new painting today, over at his blog.
Saturday update: I'll be gone all day, so I'll just leave this post up.
Sunday Bulletin Board will be posted tomorrow for news, photos, etc.
(Friday) I'm watching the Ellen Degeneres show and she just gave every audience member two round-trip tickets to Cancun, and I'm feeling really bad that I can't do that for you guys. Could you be happy with some really really nice pictures of the Gulf of Mexico? :)
So I guess you're here 'cause you want to be, and not because of the free food, right? Me, too. I started this blog in a funny way a few weeks ago when I thought I was clicking on a button that would let me see what "my" blog might look like if I had one. It turned out to be the button that actually *made* the blog. Oops. "Well," I thought, "I guess I'll just plunge in. . ."
And then you crazy kids showed up!
But who are you, that's what some lurkers might like to know. And why do some of us already seem to know each other pretty well? Without giving away anything private, I thought I'd explain a little of that. . .
There are several of us who met a few years ago through a political blog, and especially at a "cafe" at that blog. The cafe was a place where nobody argued and everybody was kind and nice to each other. It was a relief, a refuge from the contention that sometimes was going on in the main rooms. I think nobody from that group will mind if I state categorically that we grew fond of one another, and now we follow each other around the blogsphere.
So that's one bunch, the "politicos," you might say.
Then there are some people who happened over here from other blogs. I think I first knew of farfetched from katiebird's blog, for instance.
We might call that group the "other blog friends."
And then we have writers and other creative types who have found us and popped in to say hi, and some of them have stayed on.
And that's it so far, I think. Have I left out anybody?
What's *your* blogging history, if you'd care to say?
(If you'd like to comment, but you're having problems with it, let me know. You can find my email address in My Profile or on my website.)
I loved the animal tales (tails) yesterday. Bears and foxes and wolves, oh my.
G'day, mates.
Morning Nancy.
Yes the cafe was a wonderful place. There was so much caring and joking and kidding that you had to like the place and people you met. A lot like here.
I told you when you first opened your blog and I'll tell you again that I am so happy you did. This is a "want to be" place, but free food is good too. :)
Thank you so much, family man. I'm not the first to say this, I know, but don't the mornings feel like we're strolling down the street of a village, popping into one little store after another to say hi to the proprietors and friends who are hanging out?
I just popped into Olivia's place, now I'll walk down to yours. :)
Now that you mention it, it does feel like that. Lets see, in the village I'd probably be someone who's so comfortable sitting in front of his store, I would tell anyone to go in and find what you want, write it down and we'll figure it out later. I feel a good nap coming on right now. :)
Well I've got relatives that showed up last night, so it's no naps for me today. Hope everyone has a good day and see ya later.
Hm… I'm trying to figure out what my role would be in the virtual village… the greengrocer? Baker?
Yep, Nancy, I'm pretty sure I met you over at E4T. I think I heard about it on the "other" politiblog. I keep promising myself I'm going to prune some of my other web-wanderings to make time to join the cafe… it will happen eventually. :-P
Mmm, baker. Good idea, far. We need a baker to fill the morning air with the tantalizing scent of yeast and sugar.
May I be the coffee shop? :)
And then we'll all stop in at katiebird's place to weigh ourselves and stock up on water for the day.
"And then we'll all stop in at katiebird's place to weigh ourselves and stock up on water for the day."
Well, now -- that makes Eat4Today sound like a load of laughs!
I've got to come up with something that sounds inviting to people....
loll, katiebird! But we NEED that, and you know how everybody throughout history has gathered around the water well. . .:)
Hey, maybe you're the village Wishing Well! (In all sorts of ways. . .people stop by your blog to confide their hopes and dreams, their wishes, AND everybody there wishes them well.
This is fun.
Okay, knucklehead runs the pet store, Oliva has the photography shop, Beth has AAA for maps and all your travel needs, boran2 is the art supply man. . .
I could get carried away with this, lol.
Me, I'm just here to provide the occasional virtual pratfall for comic relief and to post links to pictures. Of course, I do forget sometimes and actually inhale the creative and intellectual musings floating about but, hey, not everybody can bill-clinton. ;)
Speaking of pics, the woods gave me quite a lovely and almost magical welcome home this morning.
Oh, andi, wow. I esp. love the first one. I think ghosts are doing a soft-shoe dance in those three reddish spotlights.
(If you want to see a few of andi's vacation photos from the sawtooth mountains, please visit Oliva's blog where Andi is the Guest photog today. The link's in my blogroll.)
Thanks for finding a role for me - I was trying to figure out what I could offer, since coffee shop and baker were already taken...
AAA - you are too funny!
I wish we all COULD sit down around a table and visit - but until that day, we'll just have to do it virtually - I love our little village!!
The movers are here...
One of life's most dramatic phrases.
Smooth moving today, Beth.
I'm off to a real village, Prairie Village (not kidding) for lunch at a real table with 3D friends. I'll have a wonderful time, but it won't really seem any more real than here.
Wonderful pictures today Andi. The first one made me think of being on a search for something, and a beam of light shines down at the base of a tree to point the way. The second one is purely magical.
I'm back. Hope you guys have fun stuff planned for this weekend, starting SOON.
I'd be the one quietly icurled up on a seat in the corner somewhere, waving from time to time!
As for blogging history, I'm from the politico faction, but not the cafe-ico, I guess one could say. Or would, if cafe-ico was a word.
It turned out to be the button that actually *made* the blog. Oops. "Well," I thought, "I guess I'll just plunge in. . .
LOL, that's great. I wonder how many more "accidental bloggers" there are, that that happened to. I'm glad you decided take the plunge.
I hate it when I finally see the typo... seconds after I've clicked "publish".
Nanette! I'm glad you looked up from your corner to wave. Big grin on my face and a wave back atcha.
It took me a moment to find your typo and then I laughed. "icurled." Must be a Steve Jobs invention.
"icurled." Must be a Steve Jobs invention.
lol, when he comes out with the next best thing - maybe a body pillow that has a web connection so that you can download the tunes you want to soothe you to sleep... we'll know where he got the idea from!
Oh, and hi! I forgot that part ;)
yo kansas!...if l may be so bold,as l cannot seem to get that nom de plume of my head.
l'm rather hesitant to reference literary works among such talent, but fm's comment: ... made me think of being on a search for something...triggered a recollection of a book l recently read by Paulo Coelho: the alchemist, that is about searching, as well as having insights, to my mind, into the concept of "village" and "connectedness"...if that's a word.
l think your analogy of the community aspect of the blogs that have sprung up as part of a myriad group of connections to that of a village is spot on.
congrats on asml...serendiptus, perhaps...but always an interesting read.
back to the shadows...:{)
Well, I came from that other (political) place, where I still post. I was not consistently in the cafe then, but go regularly now.
Yes, the connected blogs are like a street where one greets each indivdual in turn. I was actually going to volunteer for village idiot after some of my earlier events of the day, but art supply is probably better. ;-)
dada!! How lovely of you to drop by and say hi!
I've read The Alchemist, and I think you're also spot on in referencing it.
Thanks for your link to the International Day of Peace.
Be well. Really nice to "see" you.
Village idiot, lol! Not a chance, boran2. There are so many better candidates out there in the larger blog world. :)
Had a bad day, miss katiebird?
Yeh. I totally misunderstood something someone asked me (and she was perfectly clear, I just "heard" it wrong. It wasn't 'till I was walking out the door that I thought, "she said ... NOT ..." and by then she was long gone from work.
So, I sent her an email -- but I don't know if she checks her work email on weekends. I feel terrible. REALLY terrible.
And, mister's leaving Sunday to go up north for a week. So, well, just so.
Oh, kb, I'm so sorry. I think you'll just have to get together with a friend this week for lunch or a cup of coffee.
(rubbing my eyes)
I think you're right, I wonder who to call?
(looking hopefully around)
Whew. I thought I'd erased this post by accident. Erasing the post wouldn't be bad, but erasing everybody's comments would be!
I feel like I missed an entire day of fun! Movers came and went, did a great job - everything I own is now stored in a 10x20 storage shed. Kind of sad to see my precious stuff piled on top of itself, not to see the light of day for 7-8 months...but I'll keep thinking about that beach, and that tiki bar...
Have a great weekend, everyone - I'll check in as I can.
Beth, I know you told us your plans for the year. But, somehow I missed the part about all your stuff being packed up for over half a year. I'd be having a panic attack. I think.
I'm glad you'll be able to visit here (and keep up on your own blog) during that time.
And Nancy -- I'm really glad you didn't lose this thread. (I've come close to doing that at my place)
I might have missed mentioning it, katiebird. It costs too much to send my stuff across the country for the winter, so I'm renting a furnished place and only taking what I can fit in my car. It's hard deciding what I will NEED and what I just WANT to have with me - once you add up clothes, shoes, DVD player, radio, iPod speakers, pillows, house plants, teddy bears...you don't have room for much else. My stuff is my roots, so it's really hard to be without it. But I'll be fine - will be too busy writing to miss my pictures, my leather couch, my comfy bed...
I promise to stop in as often as I can - if only I could figure out how to check a blog on my phone (scratching head).
Night everyone!
Morning everyone.
Nancy have a good day out today.
KB I hope you get to feeling better.
Beth have a good trip and be safe.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
When you need to, cross the creek at the edge of town (it runs behind Nancy's house) and climb the hill to my place: Dolls Grocery Store.
I offer all sorts of things, but mostly not groceries. Shine, for one. Hard candy that's cooked outdoors around back to hide the still. Ginseng root I find in the hills. Tree honey.
I have a silent daughter who makes dolls per order, per special needs. She is supposed to be deaf, but I think sometimes she hears.
You come on by when you need to and she'll make a doll for you. She's on the front porch rigt now, grinning as you make your way up the hill.
That girl's been grinning since the day she was born.
Wow. It just keeps a-goin'!
I didn't get in much of a nap, I guess I didn't need one as much as I thought. Looks like a good time to catch up on my blog-buddies, new and old....
Beth, here's hoping you have a good trip & that you don't miss anything that's in storage. If you've got your writings, photos, and tools to do more of them, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Greenminute… that sounds a little spooky. [Cue the theremin]
I'm back. Hi, guys.
YOU, greenminute, need watching, lol. :)
I took two jewelry making classes today, so I am obviously qualified to open the town jewelry store.
Greenminute, you are becoming one of my favorite writers.
FARfetched, I guess I'm glad you didn't NEED a nap. Still I'm sorry you missed out. A Saturday afternoon nap is one of life's joys. I think.
Nancy, 2 Jewelery classes! You'll be posting photos?
And in other news, I went back to work early this morning to check out the problem that I didn't check on yesterday. And the woman whose message I totally misunderstood was there.
We got everything straightened out (although I'm sure she thinks I'm nuts) and we'll work on it more on Monday. Whew. I've got my weekend back!
Whew, kb! Good news.
Two jewelry making classes Nancy. I agree with KB, we need pictures.
FAR I teach remedial nap taking classes for only $19.99. Yes a $60 value for only $19.99. But wait, if you order one today we'll throw in an additional class and all for only $19.99. :)
greenminute I agree with FAR, that sounds a little spooky. But keep writing them because I like em. :)
Glad you got your weekend back KB.
(grinning like greenminute's daughter)
Whew. It's such a relief. I was really afraid that it was going to spoil my last few hours with mister.
But, we ended up having a great time. Mowed Lawns, grocery shopping, napping, dishes, dinner. Yep, it's a wild and crazy weekend!
Too funny, fm! Does a blanky come with? And does it seem to you that katiebird is entirely too happy about mowing her lawn? :)
I just watched my very first Doctor Who show ever, and oi quite liked it.
KB sounds waaaayyyy to happy about doing lawn work.
I watched a couple of Dr. Who episodes, but I never could get into it. I really hate that too, because I a big SF fan.
Do you watch Battlestar Gallactica, fm? I can hardly wait til the new season starts.
I watched the first season, but lost interest in. I classify a lot of SF, especially if it's on a spaceship as either light or dark. By that I mean, some shows have all the characters in dark settings. I've never liked the dark settings type of shows. I want enough light to know what's going on.
I just re-read what I wrote and it's not making sense to me. I think it's time for me to head off to bed.
Have a good night Nancy.
Well (all I'm going to say is) the lawn mowing WASN'T the best part.
But, we ended up having a great time. Mowed Lawns, grocery shopping, napping, dishes, dinner.
I'm putting my money on the best part was dishes. Then again, I could be totally wrong. ;)
You all are in bed, but I wanted to say hi. Safe and sound in Seattle - spent a beautiful day wandering around the waterfront with a friend from high school (how can it have been 33 years since we met? we're not that old!), then dinner and watching baseball with one of my Story Goddesses (you'll have to search way back in the blog for that explanation). Watched the Blue Angels soar overhead - sipped viognier and ate fresh seafood - shopped the bargains at Nordstrom's Rack - and it never got past 80 degrees. So goes Seattle. Baseball live and in person tomorrow - can you smell the garlic fries? Missed you all today - I kept wishing I could stop in an internet cafe and see what my fellow villagers are up to. Jewelry making and yard work - sounds like a Saturday!
Thanks for the kind traveling wishes - this is AAA signing off for the night. :-)
Waving toward Seattle!!
More in today's thread.
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