This odd creature is one of the strange formations at the Mushroom Rock State Park, the smallest park in Kansas. These "mushrooms" were formed when the softer rock below eroded faster than the harder rock above.
For the full feeling of my visit, insert waist-high wildflowers, drizzly rain, and lots of squishy mud to step in. I was the only person there. It was cool to be alone in that strange world. It's funny, though. These rocks do not call to me at all creatively, as compared to these which do. I had to write a whole new novel around that second set of rocks, but these "mushrooms" don't require me to do the same. Maybe they'll inspire you. :)
Cool rock formation!
Flour? check Eggs? check Milk? check Hokey dokey, how'z about pancakes in the morning?
Oh, delish, Far! We'll warm up the maple syrup and make sure we have real butter.
(dragging my face out of a book) Pancakes?
ummmm I'll be there!
That's an amazing sight, Nancy. I'm amazed at the stuff I've learned about Kansas from you.
FAR? How's the vacation going?
Cool rocks!
Hope everyone in the storm path is keeping safe.
And those of you up the Missouri river ... don't send the tornadoes my way. Keep safe.
I'll be back for pancakes. Blueberry syrup?
Hi Mary!
Things are a lot calmer but it was fun for a while. They almost had me convinced to go in the basement at one point but, then they switched to their Helicopter and it was flying almost right over my house. I figured if they could fly over my house, I didn't have to cower in the basement quite yet.
And I was right. The next thing they did was ask people to send them any good photos. Well.
I guess it was worthwhile. Do the weathermen get paid overtime when they're on TV for 4 straight hours?
Glad the storms didn't do much harm and I hope Kimber and the other people in Ike's path came through okay.
Nancy, I think you should have a book release party at the Chalk Cliffs and we should all come for a Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life meetup.
P.S. Those kind of rock formations are called hoodoos.
And hey, should that photo have a byline of Photo by NancyP? If so, woo hoo for your new camera.
Nancy, you are singing my song with your geologic features pictures. It is a difference of majesty and scope. The mushroom rocks are unusual and interesting. Like a geologic space ship stuck atop primordial mud.
But the second scene is of majestic scale. The striations and symmetry tantalize the eyes and soul. That center space is the eye of God, or possibilities, or mysteries of the past. Nancy, how wonderful you took the time to listen and translate to words on page.
Morning Andi--Hoodoos what a great name.
Ike hasn't made it this far yet, so everyone else has better storm stories.
Pancakes--woohoo--Pass the syrup.
Sensational Saturday to All.
Morning! Nifty rocks, Nancy!
I've got some genuine organic maple syrup from Canada for those pancakes, Far. ::holds out plate:: How 'bout some sliced strawberries to go with?
I'm spending a quiet weekend at home, doing a lot of thinky stuff for book 3.
::sends good thoughts to those in the path of Ike::
::waving a bottle of huckleberry syrup:: me too, me too!
I've learned more about Kansas in the last year...and am adding so many places to my 'must see' list!
Up half the night watching hurricane coverage, thinking about Kimber and all the folks in harm's way.
Heading to a lakefront town north of here today (Sandpoint) to visit friends, play with the jetski, and soak up the last of summer's rays. Not to mention French food and good wine - and maybe I'll even get some work done!
Happy weekend, all. Be safe.
Pancakes, ooh. Sign me up to bring the strawberry jam and a big pot of Lemon Solstice tea.
Morning, everybody. I'm off to a Sisters in Crime meeting where mystery writer Margaret Coel will be our guest speaker. See you guys later.
I wish we'd hear from Kimberly, but she may be busy in the emergency room.
"Question for Kansas folks. I just read a book by Lou Jane Temple that featured a jazz museum and Negro Baseball League Hall of Fame. Do they really exist in Kansas?"
Yes: jazz museum
AND: Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
Thanks for the links, katiebird. The one for the Jazz Museum doesn't work?
Have you visited both of these places? I've never visited the Rock and Roll Museum or National Football Hall of Fame here in Northeast Ohio. It's always "someday."
Reading is such a joy. Just another example of learning something I never knew before. This site is making me want to visit Kansas. I used to think it was just flat cornfields. Now I know better. Thanks.
I don't think it's the link, I think it's the site. When I google it, all the links are down now. But, they worked a couple hours ago.
Dang, that's what happens when you cook pancakes all night… end up sleeping all day! Did you guys leave any pancakes? How about some of those strawberries?
KB, the vacation more or less goes on, although we (once again, but because of her dad rather than her/our son this time) had to leave a day early. Next time, no phones.
Somebody's yappy little dog is having a fit down the road. My father-in-law just gave me his M-1 carbine. Perhaps this is not a coincidence?
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