Caution! This post, and the comments that follow it, could be hazardous to a diet.
There are certain foods I have to have at regular but long-spaced intervals:
A double cheeseburger from Winstead's once a month. I have to have it with a 50/50, which is half fries, half onion rings.
A chocolate malt--must be a malted--from the same place, once a year.
Mexican food once a month.
Fried Chicken from Stroud's, once every few years.
A bag of Frito's, twice a year.
Cheetos when I travel by car. And a Hersey's Almond bar, or two.
A hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and pecans, hold the cherry, once a summer. I would really like to make it a Banana Split, but I can't bring myself to take the plunge.
Is there anything you can't live without, but which you don't have to eat often in order to feel satisfied?
I sound like the world's slowest obsessive-compulsive, lol.
Andif, check out the Quote for the Day at the bottom of the front page.
Hey Nancy, any time I can help raise the snark level of your place, I'm happy.
Once a year at the family Hanukkah gathering (this Saturday, in fact), I (over)eat potato kugel (basically baked latkes), pastrami, corned beef, tongue, my sister's spinach balls, my mom's brisket. It's the reverse miracle -- 8 days of bad-for-you food in a single night.
Morning Nancy.
I've always been one of those people who can eat anything at anytime. But since I've been a kid, I'll get on a kick and eat the same thing until I get sick of it. I overdid it with strawberries and peaches as a kid and can't stand them now.
Oh I missed the quotes yesterday, but one of my favorites and it seems to fit.
I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting. Mark Twain
Cheeto's in the car! Uh....
LOL. Slowest obsessive-compulsive you are, Nancy. But that's because you are first an over-passive passive agressive (the worst kind).
I've waited years sometimes for your other loverly shoe to drop.
Of course, so has your editor. :-)
It's not food. For me, it's a marriage proposal.
Although there is a particular mushroom that sprouts in Oregon I'm patiently waiting to have again. It's God's recipe.
Or Mississippi River vat fried catfish. Anywhere south of Cape Girardeau.
But really I do have to propose marriage every once in several years. We all have our weaknesses. After 20 years of our own marrige, my bride understands and allows me this folly (among a few others).
In 1992, for example, I proposed marriage to Sue Grafton. Maybe you had to be there, but it was the right thing to do. And as soon as she dumps that tall, handsome architect she's hitched to, I expect to hear from her.
My bride says I shouldn't be in a hurry about this. Actually, she says "Yeah, sometime after Z."
Morning Nancy and the early morn-ers,
Ah, Cheetos. Speaking of getting sick, FM, as a kid I went on a Cheetos kick one night after supper then threw up the whole bag - talk about orange! Couldn't eat them for at least a decade.
I eat pecan pie just at Thanksgiving. Over the course of a few days, I pretty much eat the whole damn thing myself.
Love those sweet popcorn balls that show up around Halloween and the holidays.
What's for breakfast?
Isn't Stroud's long gone now? What will you do about this craving?
Paul Lamb
This is the time of year I make challah bread for the family thingies. Or Parker House rolls.
I always keep a tin of smoked oysters in the pantry; I only eat them when the power goes out. Got no clue why.
Aside: Ghost, I'm reading my birthday present, a book you would be highly familiar with. Nice work. I think my in-laws might enjoy it after I finish.
White chocolate-covered Oreos, which only come out at the holidays. I keep the box in the freezer and have one every day or two.
And a boston cream donut at Dunkin Donuts when I'm back East (we don't have them in Idaho). Luckily the one here is closed for renovation - but it's due to reopen in 3 weeks (uh oh).
Nancy, can you wait for your malted fix til I get there?
Happy Hanukkah, andi!
PS - Far, the last one is my favorite.
LOL. World's slowest obsessive-comulsive! Oh, the images! LOL. Snail's deciding to cross the road. LOL. I've got to go do some chores. Maybe. Yeah. No. Y. N. This chair's too high or maybe it's all the toad licking and smoking going on in Kansas.
One must take along bridge mix when on a long drive. If it's summer and it's hot, one must pack it in a cooler. (Got this from my parents.)
I always keep a tin of smoked oysters in the pantry; I only eat them when the power goes out. Got no clue why.
No kidding! What's with this, Far? I think it's Southern. When I decided to play with Nancy's question rather than answer it, my real answer had been Sardines and/or anchovies. Smoked oysters, though, will certainly do in the dark.
If you eat them when you have light, they might remind you of someone you know. :-)
Hey, thanks for the kind words. What a wonderful, loving, insanely bright and beautiful person whomever must be to have given you such a birthday gift, btw. I hope you find a dog in there you like.
Is Granny Dollar anywhere near you? She's a real person, though dead now, of course.
"There are a lot of things that are created naturally but they are still not legal," he said.
OMG, Rick!
I love this quote from the URL you sent along.
A double cheeseburger from Winstead's once a month. I have to have it with a 50/50, which is half fries, half onion rings.
Well, now I just want that!
My big thing is what the Eastern European side of my fam calls halupkis and what most Americans call stuffed cabbages. It was one of my fave foods growing up, and over the years I've managed to refine my recipe until it's finally almost as good as my great-gran's was. (She worked miracles with food, she did, she also made killer pierogies from scratch.) I make them a couple of times a year but if I had the energy I'd do them once a month. Always serve them with mashed potatoes and fresh bread & butter to mop up the sauce.
Ah, I'm glad I've arrived late to the cafeteria. So much fun to read.
Happy H, andi, but. . .tongue? Maybe you have to be trained from an early age. Beef, I'm assuming. Not chicken. (Pause here, to crack myself up.) All I can think of is those big cow tongues licking their calves clean when they're born. But, hey, enjoy. I looove latkes with sour cream and apple sauce, though.
ghost, you're rollin' today, I'm rolling in lol's, thanks very much. (Smiling as I type.)
Paul, Stroud's is moving to Fairway!!!!!!! Shawnee Mission Parkway. I *think* they're going in where Waid's used to be.
Family Man, when I was preggers with my son practically all I could keep down was bananas. He has never been able to stand them. Coincidence? :)
Oh, cathy, orange barf. The worst. You may think the image would put a crimp in my cravings, but I am not deterred.
Far, that sounds like the first line of a novel. . .
Derei ate smoked oysters only when the power went out.
That was supposed to be "Derek," but Derei is kind of interesting. I wonder what nationality he is.
I'm not much of a food person, but I do have to ask: Isn't the world's slowest obsessive-compulsive the very definition of a novelist?
Kelly, that's great, lol!! And I do believe the answer is yes, sigh.
Beth, hurry. I feel the malted craving coming on me and taht photo isn't helping.
Lorraine, one is laughing.
Rick, you may be one of the few people outside of my state who understand that the rabbit hole is in Kansas.
Funny you should post this now, Nancy. My ocd: specific candy holidays:
Halloween: sour lemon balls.
Christmas: dark chocolate covered cherries.
Easter: Cadbury eggs, regular, old kind, not the new fillings.
Rest of the year, I don't touch these candies, but they make each holiday real.
I'm enjoying the quips today a little more than usual, maybe I'm just in the mood?
Ghost, I don't think it's a southern thing so much, as I grew up in Michigan, but it might have been one of the things (the other is "y'all") that have rubbed off on me.
The Granny Dollar story was one I read last night… last minus one I think. Sounds like she might have lived about halfway between me & Family Man. Mrs. Fetched has some relatives in Rome, so I might make a side trip some time when I'm over there. Now that I think of it, I think her dog is my favorite so far — how can you not like a big klutzy Great Dane who plays with bees?
Jen, a co-worker about three cubes up from me opened a Polish restaurant a few months ago. Must be nice to be young enough to live through holding up two jobs… but it sounds like you'd not have a problem finding something you like there!
Nancy, when Mrs. Fetched was preg's with Daughter Dearest, she ate huge quantities of spicy Mex. With The Boy it was salads. DD likes spicy stuff, more than she lets on these days. Derei would perhaps be an alien observer with some personality quirks?
Note to everyone: For some reason, Yahoo has chosen not to deliver follow-up comments on ANY blogs to me today - even my own. So please don't think I'm ignoring you. YAHOO is ignoring you.
I'll keep wandering around trying to remember what I said where, but if you don't know about my memory by now...
Cadbury Easter Eggs, Conda! I ate 15 in high school in a day or two, and now have one. Just one. One a year. That's enough.
And please hide the candy corn. Who eats that stuff?? Ick.
far, Derei. . .an alien, of course.
Beth, I thought I left comments a couple of places where they didn't show up.
YOu know how everybody's mother's meatloaf is the best? My mom made hers tonight, with meat loaf gravy. Oh, my. Y'all come over and have some.
My mom used to make the best meatloaf. I never got her recipe. You think your mom might share, Nancy? She can come with us on our malt and cheeseburger jaunt...
Hopefully it's fixed tomorrow. I feel like I'm missing stuff!
Then again, my mailbox has been very quiet today.
My mom just uses the old Betty Crocker Cookbook recipe, Beth. And then uses all of the hot juice, with flour and milk, salt and pepper, to make gravy. Do you think that's what your mom might have used?
I'm a non-catsup kind of meatloaf lover, myself, how about you?
Quiet around my mailbox today, too.
I've gotta have pizza at least once a week. And not that pizza hut stuff, I need the real stuff, NY pizza.
Did I say that I like pizza?
Pizza and beer for everybody tomorrow, in honor of B2.
Oh, ketchup, sorry. Cold on a sandwich the next day, with ketchup. Then again, I've never had it any other way, and would sure be willing to try.
No, I doubt she used that recipe. But I'll try it with your suggestions - thanks!!
Oh, I LOVE meatloaf sandwiches the next day. But I heat mine up, and use mayo.
Beth, if you ever do come here, I don't think we'll have any trouble agreeing on where or what to eat. :)
I've made this meat loaf recipe several times and while I'm sure it's no match for Nancy's mom's, it's really quite good. (Works w/o the bread crumbs, for the gluten-intolerant.) Great for leftover sammiches too.
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