I'm still dreaming of spring. One of one of my favorite things is to wander down rows of baby flowers. It's like sliding a tray down a cafeteria line where my eyes are bigger than my stomach, only in this case my eyes are bigger than my garden. But I just know I can make room for a bit of this, and a little of that, and oh! look what's over there. . .
What's your favorite season of the year?
I have just noticed that Blue Jays REALLY like bread crumbs? Well, not so much crumbs, maybe. Bread chunks. I think Jays may be French and I just never realized it. They kind of look it, actually. And I can just see them picking up baguettes at the baker's shop. To eat? Or to whack squirrels with?
G'night until g'morning.
Good morning Nancy.
Winter is my favorite time of the year. Summer is just too hot here, Spring I know the lawn will start to grow and Fall all the leaves keep falling so they have to be picked up.
Winter in a place with no snow can be very slackerly.
I love winter the best. Coffee? -- looking....
It's a miracle!
No, it isn't that spring arrived. I woke up at 4:30 and at 5:30 I lay down on the couch and slept till 7:30!
(And I'm not going to think about how geezerly it is that the most exciting thing in my life is that I slept late.)
Morning everyone.
Fall, except that it leads to winter, my least favorite season. If fall could lead to spring, I'd be in hog heaven. The colors on the trees, the smell of woodsmoke in the air, crisp mornings, apple cider and pumpkins...
Blue Jays look like alcoholic uncles to me, Nancy. It's the way they comb their hair.
My favorite seasoning, btw, is mustard. No, wait, maybe ketchup.
Well, I can't live without salt... is that a season? Maybe we could name the months after food instead of Roman imperors. Is December fruitcake?
Far, I've been thinking about your electricity generating windmill.
When there is no or little wind. (I had a cousin named Little Wind, btw.) And chickens.
Well, first I thougt cats running a wheel of some kind that would turn a generator. Because so many cats are indoor cats these days, they need exercise.
I guess nobody wants skinny chickens, though.
So if animals won't do, what's next. Of course, children.
Let's start rounding them up for the future. Legally, I think I can adopt three. Or maybe I could open a boarding school.
What I need, Far, is your engineering mind to create a machine that children can and will operate to generate electricity.
What you got?
Go back to bed, ghost. You're being WAY too creative this early in the morning.
Or way too something.. :-)
Isn't it sad when 7:30 is late? If I sleep til 7, I do a happy dance. We must be getting old, andi...
Wish sleep would cure it for me, Beth. Sadly, I am "way too something" all the time. :-)
But it's better than being Lou Dobbs.
Yes, you ARE too something, ghost, but it's a GOOD something! :-)
Here's some more spring for Nancy.
Slept late, Andif? 7:30? A.M.? What happens in our lives that it becomes sleeping late--I can remember when it was only late, past noon.
And Nancy, I adore having seasons. I lived in Singapore for a time: close to the equator so the sun coming up and going down only varied a half hour each way, two "seasons" one the monsoon when the difference was it rained more. BORING.
Man, I didn't wake up until my son called at 9 a.m. What is the world coming to when the kid wakes the parent up? He's at such a nice age--he was calling to see if we need anything, since the driving's bad, and he has a truck. My sweetie.
Woke up to lots more snow.
Fixed the broken internet connection for the second time since yesterday.
Swept off the deck enough to feed the boids and squirrels.
Now must shovel.
Soccer players, Ghost. Little uniformed soccer players chasing a ball. It will help if we can give them something to kick, too.
Hi, fam man, conda, beth, andi, and kb. Kb I can't remember--did you go to work today?
LOL, Ghost! You might want to try an idea I've toyed with for years: use a treadmill to turn a generator that in turn powers a TV set. The kids (or in my case, the girlies) would have to get some exercise if they wanted to watch the One-Eyed Antichrist.
Favorite season? Not winter. Spring and Fall are tied for first, with Summer very close behind. Depending on my mood, any of the three could be my favorite at a given moment.
Hmmm... I made the coffee strong this morning. Mom would approve. I need it though; I was up until 2am finishing that "twin daughters" story we threw around in Open House. What a p!$$3r that was to do in one day: constant interruptions, constantly having to check facts on the web, and when I got to 2000 words I realized it would probably run close to 3000 (actual: just short of 3300). I promised to send Beth a copy when I got it done, but I want to grammar-check it first (and the interruptions continue, compliments of both Mrs. Fetched and The Boy), so it will be later today.
My hometown high school, Middlesex, New Jersey, where named the Blue Jays. They are really quite vicious birds. They wipe up the blood of their victims with the bread.
Fall is my favorite time of year. The fresh blasts of cool Canadian air after a summer of hot southern oppression can do wonders for the soul. Besides, the fish bite best in the fall.
Ghost...What a great way to harness the boundless energy of youth...having them run windmills during slack time.
Looking forward to 2008 and writing the story that I KNOW I can write.
Hi all, have cold, will lurk.
I'm with Beth & Rick -- autumn rulz. The food is amazing, the smells are heavenly, the days aren't too long or too short, it's not too hot or too cold, it's like the Goldilocks season of "just right". Plus which, here in the midwest it's gorgeous to look at.
Hope you feel better soonest, Kelly!
Fall! By far. Not only is it a beautiful season, but the moderate temperatures make it much more pleasant to be out in the forest or on the trail. Plus, it's a sort of gentle reminder that life is brief and it's best to get things done when you can.
I'm happy any time it's 70 and sunny. But it seems like that's one or two days a year. The rest of the time it's just too hot or cold. (I'm feeling whiny today.)
Rick. . .They wipe up the blood of their victims with the bread.
lol! Hmm, have you seen Sweeney Todd?
Be welly, Kelly.
Hi, Far, Jen, Paul, and Boran2. Looks like fall is winning our season sweepstakes.
I saw a movie today that I can't recommend. "Savages." Neither of the people I saw it with liked it, either. It's supposed to be a tear-jerker, but it was a yawn-jerker for us. Coulda used a couple of velociraptors.
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Nancy, you've got interesting um tastes in movies ... sort of meatpieish.
Vote for fall.
NP...Haven't seen "Sweeny Todd" yet, but I think JD is great. Let the blood flow.
Indeed, Rick, and indeed, it does. And spurt, and gush, and. . .
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