This is our weather forecast for the next SEVERAL DAYS AND NIGHTS. Pray for us. :) But doesn't that photo make you want to run your hand along them and knock them off and hear the tinkle tinkle of icicles?
What's your forecast for this weekend? I predict a day of breezy writing, followed by a low-pressure front of relaxation produced by heavy movie going, accompanied by light eating and drinking.
It's not here yet. Maybe we'll get lucky.
Stay warm!
Hi Nancy,
Gary Lezak says he thinks we'll be OK until tomorrow night. So, we might be OK...
The worst thing is that I'd hate to waste an ice storm on a weekend. The best time for an ice storm is between 3 & 6 in the morning. On a Weekday!
Sleep Well.
I'm with KB. Storms are no fun unless they keep you from going to work the next day!
The weekend outlook for Planet Georgia: high temps (fever warning in effect), cloudy for company parties, with a 50% chance of a FAR Future post.
Hi FAR, I was just over at your place reading the details of your evening. It sounds like you need a portable platform that you can take around to these things.
And my stomach feels wobbly, just hearing about poor Mrs. Fetched. Are you "Poor Baby-ing" her sufficiently?
My forecast is an all day Hanukkah mix of morning grating lots of potatoes and crying over onions followed a partly cloudy afternoon of calming an anxious mother, ending by the early evening when there will be significant accumulation of good food and good talk.
Happy weekend all.
Morning! Sunny and 80's in Florida (sorry), so my personal forecast is periods of brisk activity working on Christmas stuff and running errands, interspersed with long stretches of thinking about my story. Oh, and the occasional passing football game.
That ice storm looks like cocoa and a good book, ladies. Be warm and safe! You're not going to that meeting in that weather, are you, kb?
Your forecast makes it sound like something to look forward to! I'm probably looking at blankets and good books -- chance of moving from the bed to the couch today -- hot drinks, interspersed with bursts of creative activity from the kids (hopefully they'll stick to art projects around the kitchen table this weekend).
Katiebird, I haven't been outside yet, but I've heard it's slick out there. I hope Mister puts that foot down, though not so hard it makes him slip and fall.
Andi? Eat latkes for me, please. (There's a downside to passive aggressive.)
Far, I hope the fever front passes quickly!
Beth, do you really need all those extra degrees? Honestly, don't you think you're hoarding? Send some here, please.
Tracy, I'm going to be starting a new Sisters in Crime chapter here, right after the first of the year. Let me know if you're interested, okay? It will focus on writers and will meet at I Love a Mystery in Mission.
You're right, Nancy. I'm ashamed of myself. You can have as many of mine as you need. Let's take your 31 and my 85 and share...58 for both of us? I'd even be willing to have 40 today, as long as the sun stays out.
Freezing rain - be careful out there!!
That's right generous of you, Beth. And I'll tell you what. We won't even be greedy. Just send us enough degrees to boost us over the freezing mark. 40's too low for you guys. Even 60 is too low. We have to consider all those vacationers. :) Wouldn't want to spoil their fun.
They can have a cool day to go to DisneyWorld. They'll get sunburned if they have too many hot days. Really, I'm just thinking of their well-being.
Tourists and snowbirds, bah humbug. :-)
lol! You're becoming a true Floridian.
Are there any football games today?
Aren't I awful? It was SO peaceful for a couple of months. Now it's nuts on the roads and the beaches - I haven't tried my favorite bars yet, but they're probably packed too. I was warned...
No football, BOO! College season is over, and bowls don't start til the 20th. But I watch college basketball, and there will be games all day today. So I'll survive. And there's pro ball tomorrow.
Thanks for making sure I get my fix! :-) Did you finish your short story last night?
I didn't finish it, but I'm close. Today should do it.
I meant to buy cocoa mix yesterday--in the same spirit that Floridians buy bottled water when a hurricane is coming--but I forgot, dammit.
Put in on your list!!
Hot milk with a little vanilla (or almond flavoring) and sweetner is pretty yummy...
Hope you get finished today. And someday feel compelled to continue work on the "other" writing project. :-)
"Other writing project?" she said innocently, batting her eyelashes.
I don't think I can do hot milk without chocolate in it.
It's called a steamer in the NW espresso world from which I hail. Hot steamed milk with flavoring. No coffee aftertaste, no caffeine, just yummy sweet warm milk....
Okay, now I have to go to Starbucks. Which is 15 miles away. Good thing I'm heading that way anyway in a few minutes.
'Other writing project' - snort. That muffled noise is your conscience bound and gagged with duct tape, stuffed in the guestroom closet...
SAT. 64-45. PC. Wood chopping.
SUN. 60-53. Drippy. Cut caramels.
MON. 75-55. Sunny. Wood chopping.
TUE. 68-52. PC. Painting porch.
WED. 75-55. PC. Wood chopping
I could use a snow storm.
And yes, I want to knock each of those icicles down, but one would probably hit me in the eye.
Busted. :) Happy Starbucking, Beth.
Rick, whatcha need all that wood for in that weather?
Cut caramels?
Beth! You took me right back to the world of 1987 when I lived in the Seattle Capitol Hill neighborhood, one block from a Starbucks.
(coughing) I always, always got a Steamer! I loved them!
And because of that, I've always had a soft spot for Starbucks.
I didn't know you lived in Seattle! But you mentioned siblings living there recently.
We have hundreds of coffee places in Coeur d'Alene - heck, the NW. And I'll go to them first. But I do love Starbucks.
I hope this means you didn't go to that meeting!!
Bye ladies - stay safe and warm and de-iced!
Central NC has very varied weather in December due to its geographic location. This is a warm stretch. The 75 degree days would be record warmth. It could just as easily be in the 20/30s. And I heat with wood. Daffadils start to rise in mid-January. With about 5,000 daffidils scattered in the woods, my wife insists that all trees I need to fall, need to be felled by the first week in January. Henceforth, much wood cutting in December.
As far as the caramels go, I make homemade caramels. They come out of the pot into a cookie sheet to cool. Then, I cut them into bite-sized pieces. A sheet makes about 240-260 pieces depending upon how I cut them. I wrap them in small sheets of wax paper. It takes about 3/4qtrs of a pro football game to wrap an entire sheet.
If you end up at WRW08, you just might be able to sample them provided you get there before they're all gone. ;-)
Time to go wash the dishes. Potatoes pancakes with eggs and coffee this morning. Lumberjack breakfast.
It's a perfect day for staying home. But, I wish we could all be hanging out in the same one!
And eating Rick's caramels.
(I will be at WRW '08. I didn't know you'd be there! And Beth might be. Conda? Anybody else?)
Okay, I'm off to finish. . .I hope. . .my ss. I have only a limited time until my conscience, bound and gagged in that closet, breaks loose and pummels me.
Good morning everyone, sorry I'm late. I've been following around ducks all day to see if I can hear an echo, or it just might be that moonshine. :)
Hope everyone's w/e is going well.
Oh, I'll definitely be there, Nancy. Paid my two cents already. And Rick's caramels are to die for. I resisted last time and only had a couple, but I doubt I'll be that strong this time.
It's a great workshop, for the writers out there! In a beautiful, peaceful setting. With really interesting people. And good caramels.
LOL Fam!
It's a great workshop, for the writers out there!
Gee I feel so all alone. If I came could I at least get a couple of Rick's caramels?
Then again, since I don't even know what WRW08 is, I guess ya'll will have a few more caramels to share. :)
WRW08 = Writers Retreat Workshop 2008. Follow the link,
Caramels are optional at the retreat.
Yes, FamMan, soomeone should name a liquor Duck Echo.
Wow, all that ice and a slideshow taken down. Ugh.
Still, may I go off-tpic? Just watched a movie (dvd) called Mr. Brooks. Has anyone seen this?
I was really taken aback. For one, Costner wasn't awful. I think Wm. Hurt made a better actor of him since most the scenes had both of them in them.
The thing is I have never seen so much story in a single movie. There were enough plots for six movies. It almost hurt to watch all the story go by, but I was also impressed by it.
Has anyone else seen this?
Backstory in Hollywood, btw, seems to have been reduced to a single line of dialogue these days.
(sniffing dolefully)
I wish I was a writer. :(
It sounds like fun.
Hi Ghost,
I've been wanting to see Mr. Brooks. I've always loved Wm. Hurt. And even though I could easily live in a world without K. Kostner, I wanted to see this one.
Your recommendation makes me want to see it even more.
Katiebird, did you stay home today???
Hi Ghost,
Yes I did. In fact -- I haven't even gone for a walk. Or strayed much at all.
I am thinking about going to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
I'm trying to design a business card for my web design business (which is in it's very early infancy.)
I'm glad I decided yesterday not to go. I think it's really too dangerous for driving. And the temperature's dropped almost 5 degrees so far today. It's almost down to 20.
And I (secretly) love it.
I've been following around ducks all day to see if I can hear an echo
lol, fam man. Any luck so far?
You're right, it won't seem right to be at WRW without the rest of you nuts. Maybe I'll live-blog from there. "Beth just walked from her cell to the dining room. She doesn't think anybody can see her go for the extra Brownie. And there's Rick, sticking haiku's on people's backs."
I definitely won't allow Beth and Rick to blog, though, 'cause they will be supposed to be writing. :)
Duck Echo is a wonderful name for a wine. It would have to be white, wouldn't it?
Over at Olivia's blog, ghost, we had already named a beer Duck Butt.
Well Nancy who do you thing had me following "duck Butts", yes it was Olivia and Andi. They never told me I wouldn't hear echos. And thanks Kelly, I really didn't know that they do echo.
Now I hope at least one of you writers use that. When I read it I can go "ah ha, I seem to remember that." :)
Nancy, as a presenter at WRW 08, do you stay the entire ten days?
Just saw KC on the weather station. Duck butts, indeed.
A white wine, then? I don't know, I was savoring something ala a burgundy mallard. Heady, but not too much echo.
I don't know how long I'm going to stay, Randy. Previously, I've stayed only long enough to do my gig, but I might like to stay this time and work, just like a real writer.
"burgundy mallard" LOL!!
"heady, but not too much echo"
LOL again!
Stay, Nancy, stay! Stay and write with the rest of us. Hang out at the bonfire. Eat caramels. And salad. And more salad. Watch Roman do his stuff at Night Owl.
Then sometimes there are tequila shots afterwards... :-)
I wish you all could come! Maybe we need our our Bloggers Retreat!
I want to, I want to!
Last time, one night we all watched "Tootsie" together and I laughed like a hyena. I'd forgotten how funny that movie is, plus how much fun it is to watch a comedy with a group.
Wow, I don't think we turned the television on the entire time...that sounds like fun! (Speaking of good old movies, I'm watching Blazing Saddles. But it's censored, so I'm having to fill in the blanks. It's still SO funny.)
Roman had to choose a hunk for the video he was going to shoot with Kelly Clarkson and Reba, so we spent the wee hours one night looking at various models and choosing our favorites. And laughing ourselves silly. And drooling, a wee bit. I didn't get much sleep, but had a blast.
Oh, and learned a lot, too! :-)
Hmm, my Bob Segar You Tube video disappeared. Family Man, in case you wonder where our three comments went, I deleted the post, cause it became a big blank space. Sorry!
Beth, an educational experience, I'm sure. :)
What? A post? I missed a post?
You didn't miss anything, kb. I was experimenting to see if I could download a You Tube video to my front page, which I did. There were only three comments--two from me, and one from Family Man saying that my Bob Seger video sounded better played at the same time as his Irish music. :)
And then the video vanished, so I deleted the post.
Did you have a nice warm day inside today?
Actually Mary and I are bundled up and freezing & mister is in a sleeveless tee-shirt & cut-offs.
And we did stay in all day. Did you? Are you warm? Yikes! It's 19 degrees!!
It's tough when people with different internal thermostats live together!
I stayed in, except when I went out to salt the walk and driveway, which I have never done before. But the forecast. . .a tenth of an inch of ice can make you slip just as well as an inch of it can.
I am warm, thanks.
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