Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Where's Sniff?
Andif reports that Sniff has just about had it with political over-analysis. If he has to listen to much more of it he will just howl. Sniffy, there are maanny people who would like to crawl under that blanket with you and hide their ears. But is it possible to be both sick of it AND still addicted to it? I think that's me. If I could read political blogs all day, I probably would. Don't tell Sniff. :)
For me, it's less an addiction and more like the need to watch the really scary part in a movie -- you don't really want to see it but if you don't, you won't understand what's going on.
Nancy I think Sniff has taken my place. Even I can't sleep almost standing up. Congrats on the books back in reprint.
I've been pretty tired of the political over-analysis stuff. Sometimes I wish a week before elections they put up a list. It would say this is what each one says they're going to do. You decided an vote. So much more slackerly and cheaper. :)
I'll bet some of the candidates wish they could be slackerly for awhile. I don't know how they do it--the grueling primaries, the even more grueling general, and then stepping right into the job when what we really need to give them is about six months on an island in the South Pacific, alone with their families.
Beth, I know, it's horrifying to wake up so early. :) Actually, it's good and I think it's the result of my mom wanting to turn down the thermostat ten degrees at night. Because she's elderly, she needs a lot more heat in the house than I do, but when we got the last heating bill she suddenly discovered she could stand it cooler. :) I think I was over-sleeping 'cause of the heat, and now I'm waking up both earlier and feeling much more refreshed.
If you're feeling refreshed AND have more hours in the day AND are saving money, that's good! And we like seeing you here at any time - although I am NOT going to say anything about beating andi up...
I slept 9 hours last night - a record! Guess I'm catching up from the weekend.
Poor puppy--I know how he feels. Mostly because I live in the most polarized, one-party-only state in the nation. Or as a good friend of mine said once: "If only the Democratic party didn't run for office we wouldn't have these awful problems." Too painful for me.
Oh,god, Conda! Poor you! And I say that from Kansas where we're just beginning to have an opposition party again.
I'm spending the morning writing emails to mystery bookstores to let them know about the new books. It will be interesting to see how they respond, because POD isn't great for indies. Too little discount, and they can't "return." I don't know how happy they'll be about this. I hope they can use the news.
On the coverage front, the complete blackout of news that I had in Hawaii was grand. I didn't know anything about the New Hampshire primaries until I got home, and by then all the bloviating was done and it was just results. It was wonderful. Maybe there's a lesson for me there.
Sleeping in like nobodies business here as I try and make the time zone shift the hard way. I got 13 hours night before last which was kind of nice as a one time thing, but way too much for anything else and it slotted me into waking up about two hours after I should.
Lordy, I hate morning meetings. Especially the ones where you have to pay attention. They really cut into blog-surfing.
Nancy, Andi, I feel the same way. I really don't want to watch, and I get sick of it right away — but at the same time, I feel compelled to watch. Call it Civic Duty.
Conda, I think Planet Georgia is working to catch up with Idaho. If they haven't already gotten there.
Oh, and Kelly, I have a little coming home present for you. {evil grin} ....
I call it Madness but it has me, too. No matter how bad it gets, I cannot look away.
I wish we lived in a world where a list of candidates' stated beliefs would be true enough to rely on in the voting booth, alas, I feel I can only gauge their intent through closely monitoring their behavior. This lets me know where and when to apply which sort of pressure in attempts to further the political goals I care about, like trying to end wars, feed hungry people, achieve equality, alla that good stuff.
I have to agree with that, Jen. Even if you mostly agree with the platform a candidate espouses, the devil is in the details. And even if said candidate goes into office with the best of intentions, other things all too often get in the way. Call it Washington inertia.
Nancy - I'm with you. Addicted. It's a good thing it only happens every 4 years cuz I could eat, sleep and drink it. But ... I only get interested when an actual election is looming. So all the horserace blogging last year - bored me silly. Now that there are primaries though? Hog heaven.
It's hard to find a place though to have a discussion and not an argument. I never get emotionally attached to candidates. I kind of view them all as specimens in a big experiment to be analyzed. I think, based on my blogging experience, that I'm in the minority on that.
Hey, Kelly. Kelly? Asleep again. Better wake up, cause god only knows what Farfetched has in mind for you. :)
Hi, Jen. Yeah, actual behavior means a lot to me, too.
Mary, you are sooo wise about the emotional attachment thing. I fell in love with a candidate last time and I'm not doing that this time. I would like to feel good and enthuiastic about somebody, but I don't have to love them. (I've been reading BT more lately, which means I get to read more of you, and I think you do a really nice job of keeping things on a friendly, even keel. And, yeah, it's not easy in the primary atmosphere.)
(Wakes up because of faint chill down back) Whazat? Did someone say something I should be worried about. It was Far? Uh-oh. Maybe it's time for another vacation.
BT? What's BT? maryb is somewhere else and I'm missing it?
I'm so glad Kelly is back! And we've missed you too, fam.
And I'm relying on y'all to keep track of the political stuff, since someone here has to be "in the know" - and you know it's not me! All I know is tiki bars...
And I get to see my sister in 9 days!! Woo hoo! Except that the Bad Relative might be there...send wishes that she goes far, far away, please.
Just got back from the big city where I had to show up in person to make an appointment for a MRI. I asked the lady making the appointment if they got a lot of prank calls. She asked me why, and I told her that's the only reason I could see that someone would have to be there in person to make the appointment. She told me no they didn't, but it was just admin make up more silly rules. Arrgggg!
The reason I don't get caught up in the debates is because I figure that all candidates are spewing out what each person/group wants to hear and once elected, then they'll do and act just as they always planned to.
Mary I also agree with Nancy about your comments at BT. You always keep things on a friendly, even keel. So much better than seeing insults thrown around.
The social which is mostly represented by The Froggy Bottom Cafe/Lounge is actually the place I think of and visit at The Booman Tribune.
But there's also the political element which is where I imagine Mary's even keel is most useful. Unless she's having to sit on Andi again in the Cafe.....
Thanks, kb. I'll check out the Lounge. Bookmarked the regular page, but since it looks very political, you can imagine I won't be spending a lot of time there. Why do y'all put up with me? :-)
Beth at BT most of us hang out in the cafe/lounge. It's non-political in there, and it's mostly like here. Just everyone hanging out and talking. If you look in the boxes at the top, it in one in the right.
That's where I made my first comments anywhere, and where I met for the first time a lot of people that hang out here. We used to get kind of raunchy in there, but I've made a lot of them clean up their act. Of course I would never act like that. :)
Now I'm getting all nostalgic for the good old days of the cafe and feel a compulsion to do my favorite cafe link (if you can guess which one, you know you hung around there too much).
Nancy--some more good news. I worked for a truly tiny indie (the store is only about 500 sq. feet) and my ex-boss (whom I'm still good friends with) now orders 2 or 3 POD copies of the first novel of many of the authors she has on her shelves--that way she figures she can get new readers interested in the series.
Beth some of us used to host the cafe there on certain days. If I remember right, my day was Thursday. I think we all did a pretty good job of hosting, but with no offense to the other hosts, I think Mary was the best. I think she holds the record for the most new cafes put up in one day. We'd usually let the comments get up to around 100 and then put up a new cafe.
Yep I think Mary was the best in that respect, well at least that's what she would tell you. :)
Beth - don't believe a WORD they tell you ... well, ok believe some of it. I must confess that I don't frequent the cafe anymore, but not because it doesn't have really nice patrons. But sitting in there eating all the pie, and drinking cosmopolitans ... well it's better for me to exercise myself on the front page.
kb - I never sat on Andi, she moved too quick.
It's hard to choose my favorite moment from the cafe but the Orgy remains at the top of my list(but most of you geezers were already asleep, I'm not even sure Manny was there. and btw the magic went out of the cafe when the Holy Chihuahua incantation stopped working.)
My second favorite cafe was the f'ing party to welcome AndiF and JimF back from vacation. Although the night that FamilyMan made us all put on a musical show was fun too.
FM - maybe that nice lady made you come in person because she wanted to see you. Maybe she has a crush on you. Maybe she's into mud wrestling.
Yes Mary I will give you a concession. Of course you were the best because you kept telling us you were the best. :P
I always had a good time whenever I had to put my helmet on. Beth a lot of times all the women in the cafe would gang up on me when I would say something that would get me slapped in the head. A lot of knots on my head for awhile there. :)
well, it's hard to argue with the numbers FM. But I appreciate the concession, so long after the fact.
Beth should be pleased that we trained you so well FM. She would have been shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, if she had known you in the days you needed a helmet.
It's nice Nancy provided a place for lots of nice people to gather. Now we can all make NEW memories.
For the record, that was mostly the evening cafe. Those of us who hung out in the morning were much more decorous. I, for example, was a veritable paragon of virtue.
You guys got me thinking about the cafe. I have to tell Beth one more story - this one is about boran2. He would come to the cafe, usually later at night like he does here. We had a standing joke where we shared virtual M&M's.
Then I was fortunate enough to meet him in person at YKos in Las Vegas. We were chatting away and suddenly he stopped and said "Wait, I just remembered I have something for you." I'm thinking - what could he possibly have for me? Well, he had brought me some real M&M's.
Mary my most favorite memory of the cafe was of the meet up in Chicago. I could'nt afford to go and everyone was going to chip in their frequent flier miles to get me a ticket. Even if I was only up there for an afternoon, everyone cared enough to where they would send me those frequent flier miles. Although I still couldn't make it, that really touched me, and it's a memory I'll always cherish.
I've definitely had more than my share of political analysis. Make that microanalysis. Every breath, every word, every misstep is analyzed and then overanalyzed. Lather, rinse and repeat. /rant
Oh! You know how you can look and look at a picture and see it one way, and then suddenly you see it another way? I just did that with Sniff.
Right up to a moment ago, I thought the red part was carpet and the blue blanket was falling down from a tan couch. Now I think I see that the red is really the sofa and the tan is a pillow, right?
Is that, have I gotten one? Or, are you looking for the right address to send something too? If it's the former, can you give me a keyword with which to search the spam folder? As it seems to have gotten chomped. If it's the latter, kelly at my domain (kellymccullough.com).
Andi, I'll happily talk about Kauai, though I covered most of it over at Jen's place. Lots of surf sports, lots of fish, some cultural research, and a bit of hiking.
I can't tell. It seems ok now, but it was touch-and-go while American Idol was on.
What I don't know is how well I'll feel when I'm not so close to the counch/bed. And I don't know if I should take my drugs and go to work. They make me pretty groggy.
It was so nice that FAR took over today. I didn't have to get up to post or watch the blog. It was a real day off.
Although I might have gotten a little carried away here in the afternoon....
I was just over at dKos in BookFlurries and the woman who posts it had just read Vita Sackville-West's book "Passenger to Tehran" because it had been on my end of the year reading list. She was sharing favorite passages from books including that one. So I shared this one by Vita - and then thought it not only captures reading and the armchair traveler but blogging too. So I thought I'd share it her.
"Nothing is an adventure until it becomes an adventure in the mind; and if it be an adventure in the mind, then no circumstance, however trifling, shall be deemed unworthy of so high a name."
Thanks for sharing my celebration, guys. We emptied the champagne, so coffee and tea is all we get for the morning.
See you then. 'Night, Sniff.
Oh, DARN! I missed you....
I've been adding an Amazon Widget to Eat4Today. But, I'll let you spot it yourself!
Morning everyone.
For me, it's less an addiction and more like the need to watch the really scary part in a movie -- you don't really want to see it but if you don't, you won't understand what's going on.
katieb, you were up late!
G'morning, Andi. I'm pretty sure you weren't up late.
Good Morning Nancy, KB and Andi.
Nancy I think Sniff has taken my place. Even I can't sleep almost standing up. Congrats on the books back in reprint.
I've been pretty tired of the political over-analysis stuff. Sometimes I wish a week before elections they put up a list. It would say this is what each one says they're going to do. You decided an vote. So much more slackerly and cheaper. :)
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi, Family Man, and thanks.
I'll bet some of the candidates wish they could be slackerly for awhile. I don't know how they do it--the grueling primaries, the even more grueling general, and then stepping right into the job when what we really need to give them is about six months on an island in the South Pacific, alone with their families.
Nancy, what were you doing up at 6am???
Morning everyone! I'm successfully avoiding all political stuff, except what folks tell me. Me and Sniff, on the couch, ignoring it all.
I'm with fam - I want a list with what they believe a couple of days before the election, and I'll vote based on that.
Hope everyone has a good day - I'm in the final push to get this draft done - and then on to the next rewrite.
Waving to everyone from cold Florida!
Beth, I know, it's horrifying to wake up so early. :) Actually, it's good and I think it's the result of my mom wanting to turn down the thermostat ten degrees at night. Because she's elderly, she needs a lot more heat in the house than I do, but when we got the last heating bill she suddenly discovered she could stand it cooler. :) I think I was over-sleeping 'cause of the heat, and now I'm waking up both earlier and feeling much more refreshed.
If you're feeling refreshed AND have more hours in the day AND are saving money, that's good! And we like seeing you here at any time - although I am NOT going to say anything about beating andi up...
I slept 9 hours last night - a record! Guess I'm catching up from the weekend.
Poor puppy--I know how he feels. Mostly because I live in the most polarized, one-party-only state in the nation. Or as a good friend of mine said once: "If only the Democratic party didn't run for office we wouldn't have these awful problems." Too painful for me.
Oh,god, Conda! Poor you! And I say that from Kansas where we're just beginning to have an opposition party again.
I'm spending the morning writing emails to mystery bookstores to let them know about the new books. It will be interesting to see how they respond, because POD isn't great for indies. Too little discount, and they can't "return." I don't know how happy they'll be about this. I hope they can use the news.
Nine hours of sleep, Beth. . .so yummy after days of deprivation!
Everybody: big yawn and stretch with Beth.
Good morning, all.
On the coverage front, the complete blackout of news that I had in Hawaii was grand. I didn't know anything about the New Hampshire primaries until I got home, and by then all the bloviating was done and it was just results. It was wonderful. Maybe there's a lesson for me there.
Sleeping in like nobodies business here as I try and make the time zone shift the hard way. I got 13 hours night before last which was kind of nice as a one time thing, but way too much for anything else and it slotted me into waking up about two hours after I should.
Hey all!
Lordy, I hate morning meetings. Especially the ones where you have to pay attention. They really cut into blog-surfing.
Nancy, Andi, I feel the same way. I really don't want to watch, and I get sick of it right away — but at the same time, I feel compelled to watch. Call it Civic Duty.
Conda, I think Planet Georgia is working to catch up with Idaho. If they haven't already gotten there.
Oh, and Kelly, I have a little coming home present for you. {evil grin} ....
Call it Civic Duty.
I call it Madness but it has me, too. No matter how bad it gets, I cannot look away.
I wish we lived in a world where a list of candidates' stated beliefs would be true enough to rely on in the voting booth, alas, I feel I can only gauge their intent through closely monitoring their behavior. This lets me know where and when to apply which sort of pressure in attempts to further the political goals I care about, like trying to end wars, feed hungry people, achieve equality, alla that good stuff.
Andi, that picture of Sniff is made of pure cute.
I have to agree with that, Jen. Even if you mostly agree with the platform a candidate espouses, the devil is in the details. And even if said candidate goes into office with the best of intentions, other things all too often get in the way. Call it Washington inertia.
Nancy - I'm with you. Addicted. It's a good thing it only happens every 4 years cuz I could eat, sleep and drink it. But ... I only get interested when an actual election is looming. So all the horserace blogging last year - bored me silly. Now that there are primaries though? Hog heaven.
It's hard to find a place though to have a discussion and not an argument. I never get emotionally attached to candidates. I kind of view them all as specimens in a big experiment to be analyzed. I think, based on my blogging experience, that I'm in the minority on that.
Hey, Kelly. Kelly? Asleep again. Better wake up, cause god only knows what Farfetched has in mind for you.
Hi, Jen. Yeah, actual behavior means a lot to me, too.
Mary, you are sooo wise about the emotional attachment thing. I fell in love with a candidate last time and I'm not doing that this time. I would like to feel good and enthuiastic about somebody, but I don't have to love them. (I've been reading BT more lately, which means I get to read more of you, and I think you do a really nice job of keeping things on a friendly, even keel. And, yeah, it's not easy in the primary atmosphere.)
(Wakes up because of faint chill down back) Whazat? Did someone say something I should be worried about. It was Far? Uh-oh. Maybe it's time for another vacation.
BT? What's BT? maryb is somewhere else and I'm missing it?
I'm so glad Kelly is back! And we've missed you too, fam.
And I'm relying on y'all to keep track of the political stuff, since someone here has to be "in the know" - and you know it's not me! All I know is tiki bars...
And I get to see my sister in 9 days!! Woo hoo! Except that the Bad Relative might be there...send wishes that she goes far, far away, please.
Be vewy worried, Kelly....
Hello again everyone.
Just got back from the big city where I had to show up in person to make an appointment for a MRI. I asked the lady making the appointment if they got a lot of prank calls. She asked me why, and I told her that's the only reason I could see that someone would have to be there in person to make the appointment. She told me no they didn't, but it was just admin make up more silly rules. Arrgggg!
The reason I don't get caught up in the debates is because I figure that all candidates are spewing out what each person/group wants to hear and once elected, then they'll do and act just as they always planned to.
Mary I also agree with Nancy about your comments at BT. You always keep things on a friendly, even keel. So much better than seeing insults thrown around.
Hey Kelly, since you're up, you could distract us all from politics and tell us all the wonderful things you did and saw on Kauai.
Beth, BT is Booman Tribune where several of us originally met up.
Jen, Sniff working on his cuteoverload shtick -- I think it's coming along nicely. :)
Fam Man, that seems absurd! Are they trying to make sure you actually have a body to MRI? Can't be too careful about "disembodied" voices. Snort.
Thank you, andi. I knew someone would enlighten me.
Off to see what BT is all about!
And I agree, fam, sometimes people just don't think before they make rules. Pretty silly.
The Booman Tribune has two personalities,
The social which is mostly represented by The Froggy Bottom Cafe/Lounge is actually the place I think of and visit at The Booman Tribune.
But there's also the political element which is where I imagine Mary's even keel is most useful. Unless she's having to sit on Andi again in the Cafe.....
Thanks, kb. I'll check out the Lounge. Bookmarked the regular page, but since it looks very political, you can imagine I won't be spending a lot of time there. Why do y'all put up with me? :-)
And andi gets beat up here and sat on there? :-)
Beth at BT most of us hang out in the cafe/lounge. It's non-political in there, and it's mostly like here. Just everyone hanging out and talking. If you look in the boxes at the top, it in one in the right.
That's where I made my first comments anywhere, and where I met for the first time a lot of people that hang out here. We used to get kind of raunchy in there, but I've made a lot of them clean up their act. Of course I would never act like that. :)
Byt the way, that was just a cheap crack -- The great thing about the FBC is that no one has to sit on anyone. It's the best.
Of course, fam! :-)
Oh, and I'm in the obsessive camp when it comes to politics. But I don't find myself jumping in too much this year.
Well, it's true that no one sat on anyone at the cafe ... unless you count the mud wrestling.
Well, Andi -- since that's how we sold the tickets, we couldn't count it out. Face it, The Froggy Bottom Cafe IS Mud Wrestling!
Raises an eyebrow....
I can't lie, Beth. We've got our company manners here. But at the Cafe, there are no rules.
Margins are broken almost everyday.
Sat on? Cheap crack?
Sounds like my kind of place!
Yep Andi, Olivia, Mary, CG and SN would gang up on me in mud wrestling. They would tag team me and keep my head down in the mud. :)
And don't forget the tickling!
Now I'm getting all nostalgic for the good old days of the cafe and feel a compulsion to do my favorite cafe link (if you can guess which one, you know you hung around there too much).
Yep there was a lot of that there KB. :)
Beth I used to be such a nice mannered person, but then everyone in the cafe corrupted me. ;O
Good Times.....
Good Times!
Who needs politics when you can have Slug-Sex
Andi I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!
Oh the good old days of slug sex. But lets not leave out the Bonobo either. ;P
Okay, andi, that's hysterical! What have I been missing?!
Just got called to run an errand. I'll check back in, in a little while.
I think you're STILL nice-mannered, fam - I'm still reeling over the slug sex....
Oh my... do I have TIME to look at another website?
Hey, snow! Really!
OK, not much, but there are definitely flakes in the air. On the roof too; I heard them yelling at each other earlier this afternoon.
Well Beth, it's my goal in life to fill all those tragically empty holes (double entendre intended).
(double entendre intended)
If ever a short parenthetical summed up a location, that one has the cafe's number alright, lol.
Nancy--some more good news. I worked for a truly tiny indie (the store is only about 500 sq. feet) and my ex-boss (whom I'm still good friends with) now orders 2 or 3 POD copies of the first novel of many of the authors she has on her shelves--that way she figures she can get new readers interested in the series.
And you're doing SUCH a good job, andi!! :-)
You guys are hilarious! There must have been some champagne left over.
Conda, that is really smart of that bookseller. I LIKE her. :)
Just got back from the errand.
Beth some of us used to host the cafe there on certain days. If I remember right, my day was Thursday. I think we all did a pretty good job of hosting, but with no offense to the other hosts, I think Mary was the best. I think she holds the record for the most new cafes put up in one day. We'd usually let the comments get up to around 100 and then put up a new cafe.
Yep I think Mary was the best in that respect, well at least that's what she would tell you. :)
Hah, ya hear that Mary, Hah! :~P
Beth - don't believe a WORD they tell you ... well, ok believe some of it. I must confess that I don't frequent the cafe anymore, but not because it doesn't have really nice patrons. But sitting in there eating all the pie, and drinking cosmopolitans ... well it's better for me to exercise myself on the front page.
kb - I never sat on Andi, she moved too quick.
It's hard to choose my favorite moment from the cafe but the Orgy remains at the top of my list(but most of you geezers were already asleep, I'm not even sure Manny was there. and btw the magic went out of the cafe when the Holy Chihuahua incantation stopped working.)
My second favorite cafe was the f'ing party to welcome AndiF and JimF back from vacation. Although the night that FamilyMan made us all put on a musical show was fun too.
FM - maybe that nice lady made you come in person because she wanted to see you. Maybe she has a crush on you. Maybe she's into mud wrestling.
ooh, a concession from FM.
I am the champion.
Mary, I'd forgotten about the musical. That was choice. But yes, you are the champ.
Jen, let's not forget about suggestive flower parts and cherry stems.
Nancy, it ain't booze -- it's a reaction to an overdose of political commentary.
Yes Mary I will give you a concession. Of course you were the best because you kept telling us you were the best. :P
I always had a good time whenever I had to put my helmet on. Beth a lot of times all the women in the cafe would gang up on me when I would say something that would get me slapped in the head. A lot of knots on my head for awhile there. :)
well, it's hard to argue with the numbers FM. But I appreciate the concession, so long after the fact.
Beth should be pleased that we trained you so well FM. She would have been shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, if she had known you in the days you needed a helmet.
It's nice Nancy provided a place for lots of nice people to gather. Now we can all make NEW memories.
Beth, don't you just feel so sorry for FM? Ganged up on by all those women? He just hated it, as I'm sure you can tell.
But listen, you want to know who is REALLY well-behaved here? Our little Ms. Jen, that's who. Oh, we could tell stories. . .
Helmets...slapping...slug sex...mud wrestling...musicals...
My head is spinning.
And with all of that, you're trying to tell me that Jen was WORSE?
I'm glad you've graduated to a much more civilized existence of cinnamon rolls and mimosas!
Yep it is nice of Nancy to provide a place like this. It's the closest I've seen to the old cafe. It is a place to make a lot of new good memories.
Beth don't believe Mary. I was the perfect gentleman until they led me down the path of down and dirty. ;)
For the record, that was mostly the evening cafe. Those of us who hung out in the morning were much more decorous. I, for example, was a veritable paragon of virtue.
Kelly you've always been the picture of decorum. ;)
You guys got me thinking about the cafe. I have to tell Beth one more story - this one is about boran2. He would come to the cafe, usually later at night like he does here. We had a standing joke where we shared virtual M&M's.
Then I was fortunate enough to meet him in person at YKos in Las Vegas. We were chatting away and suddenly he stopped and said "Wait, I just remembered I have something for you." I'm thinking - what could he possibly have for me? Well, he had brought me some real M&M's.
1,2,3 ... awwwwwww.
Mary my most favorite memory of the cafe was of the meet up in Chicago. I could'nt afford to go and everyone was going to chip in their frequent flier miles to get me a ticket. Even if I was only up there for an afternoon, everyone cared enough to where they would send me those frequent flier miles. Although I still couldn't make it, that really touched me, and it's a memory I'll always cherish.
Can I get a 1, 2, 3... awwwwwwwww also. :)
Sweet stories. I like 'em. :)
I've definitely had more than my share of political analysis. Make that microanalysis. Every breath, every word, every misstep is analyzed and then overanalyzed. Lather, rinse and repeat. /rant
Kelly... got an email?
Oh! You know how you can look and look at a picture and see it one way, and then suddenly you see it another way? I just did that with Sniff.
Right up to a moment ago, I thought the red part was carpet and the blue blanket was falling down from a tan couch. Now I think I see that the red is really the sofa and the tan is a pillow, right?
I thought it was carpet/couch too!
But, NOW I think that it's all couch. But the back and seat have fabric over it & the arm is uncovered.
But I could be wrong.
What are you and far doing up so late, kb? I'm watching basketball, so I have an excuse. And I see it's snowing in Atlanta...
But now I'm off to bed. My teams squeaked by tonight. I'm exhausted from the excitement!
Oh, good, it wasn't just my lyin' eyes.
How's the ear, katiebird? Did you stay home today?
'Night, Beth! Good for your teams.
Mister won't let me go to bed! He says he wants to talk....
Can you believe that?
Also, I'm afraid if I go to bed too early, I'll wake up in the middle of the night. I've had A LOT of sleep today.
lol! Hey, when a male of the species wants to talk, you gotta grab the chance. My son talks best at about 3 in the morning after a few beers. Sigh.
Hi Nancy,
Yes - I stayed home (Did you see FAR's Guest Post? He stole the keys to the blog last night!)
I'll see how things go tomorrow. I'm nervous about the weather.
I thought Far's guest post was adorable.
Do you think your ear is any better now?
Hey Far,
Is that, have I gotten one? Or, are you looking for the right address to send something too? If it's the former, can you give me a keyword with which to search the spam folder? As it seems to have gotten chomped. If it's the latter, kelly at my domain (kellymccullough.com).
Andi, I'll happily talk about Kauai, though I covered most of it over at Jen's place. Lots of surf sports, lots of fish, some cultural research, and a bit of hiking.
I can't tell. It seems ok now, but it was touch-and-go while American Idol was on.
What I don't know is how well I'll feel when I'm not so close to the counch/bed. And I don't know if I should take my drugs and go to work. They make me pretty groggy.
It was so nice that FAR took over today. I didn't have to get up to post or watch the blog. It was a real day off.
Although I might have gotten a little carried away here in the afternoon....
Hi Kelly, Good to see you! I haven't been around the neighborhood. I'll have to go to Jen's Place & catch up (probably tomorrow)
I'm glad you're back, I missed you.
I was just over at dKos in BookFlurries and the woman who posts it had just read Vita Sackville-West's book "Passenger to Tehran" because it had been on my end of the year reading list. She was sharing favorite passages from books including that one. So I shared this one by Vita - and then thought it not only captures reading and the armchair traveler but blogging too. So I thought I'd share it her.
"Nothing is an adventure until it becomes an adventure in the mind; and if it be an adventure in the mind, then no circumstance, however trifling, shall be deemed unworthy of so high a name."
Hi Katiebird,
Sorry about your ear. Is this still the problem you were having when I left? You were supposed to be better by now.
kb, I'm sorry your ear isn't back to it's normal self.
Hi Mary -- that's a nice quote. You're right.
Hi Kelly, Yep -- same earache. I finally decided to stay home and take my drugs as scheduled AND sleep as much as possible.
That and some guided imagery seems to have helped.
I think. I don't want to jinx it.....
Winter sucks.
Maryb, that's really nice.
I'll cross my fingers for you KB.
(sniff) Thanks, Kelly. I do hope the worst is over.
Maybe I shouldn't watch Tweety on Jay Leno if I REALLY want to get better....
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