Andif has gone hiking with Jim, but she left us a bouquet for Monday.
I'm going to ease back into this blogging thing, so for now I"ll just say hi to old buddies and welcome to new ones.
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
You guys left this place amazingly clean, even though I KNOW you sneaked in now and then to leave funny graffiti on the walls.
I've got to go to work in a little while. But, I'll just sit over here grinning until then.
I'm just soooo glad you're back!
I'm awake, I'm awake!!
Discovered that rooming with 3 other people is probably *not* so smart for us high-functioning introverts.
Took today off work, though, so I can relax.
::waves at Nancy and KatieB::
I'm off to watch the Battlestar Galactica finale and grump that the 2nd half of the season won't be shown until 2009.
Woohoo!!!! [happy dance X 7]
Since I missed yesterday's festoovities (half a freeking hour of free time yesterday], I'll do my happy Welcome Back Nancy dance here. Dang but I missed you, I been like a LOLrus without a bukkit. I'm sure it was the mystery writers who left the graffiti; they're the ones with the invisible ink after all.
Nothing in the crockpot at the moment. I brought a sandwich from home, but I'm going to boil some rotini & throw a tomato/onion/garlic mix over it (which is marinating now).
I've continued churning out FAR Future while you've been gone… up to #37 as of this morning, and if the stars align & Mrs. Fetched stays out of the way, #38 will go up tomorrow. OTOH, that might not happen: Daughter Dearest is getting a visitor today. From NORWAY. It drives her nutz when I say "some guy she picked up on the Internet" but that's sort of what it is. The good thing is, he's a computer geek (DD's description), so he'll probably have a good time at FAR Manor. He's trying to mentally prepare himself for 35°C weather.
Awright, Maria, watch some TV for me. KB, I'll be around to your place shortly. And Nancy, don't worry about deadlines. In my line of writing anyway, they aren't exactly real. The fun part is when two or more departments play chicken… hoping someone else will take the blame for slipping the schedule.
Hug and howdy,
Late to the party this time. I'm at a conference in Madison. Well, Laura's at the conference --discussing how to better support new faculty in science technology and engineering. I'm trying to relearn how to write a book. I'm just coming off a three month writing hiatus--long story, but my official statement for the press is going to include the idea that this spring was simply bad for writing.
Car go boom? Oy.
Anyway, gotta go insert some angst. But in the meantime, glad to have you back and to see everybody chiming in with hellos.
Good morning, everybody!
Katie's grinning in the corner. Check
Maria's got her sci-fi fix lined up. Check.
Far is funny and cookin'. Check (Missed you, too!)
Kelly is. . .relearning how to write a book? Kelly, you are the one writer I depended on not to forget that. Lol! So reassuring to hear that it happens to you, too.
my official statement for the press is going to include the idea that this spring was simply bad for writing.
Lol. Maybe you can get a gov't. subsidy.
Maria, ain't it the truth? Being with a lot of people sounds like--and can be--tons o' fun. But after a couple of days, Must Go Be By Myself.
Writers/fan conventions crack me up for that reason. There we are, all us introverts, expected to "mix."
I was thinking more in terms of getting the spring of '08 declared a national writing disaster so that all writers who suffered a setback to their productivity in that time frame could apply for disaster relief funding.
Morning Nancy and everyone.
I'm so happy to have you back Nancy. I've missed my recliner in the cafe. ;)
It seems like everyone was taking a little break from the net at the same time and now we're all back together. I guess you could say great minds and all that stuff. :O
"Disaster relief funding"--yes! I'm so on that train. Especially if it comes with a new car.
fm's in his recliner. Check!
Hi, family man. I didn't realize that it was also a general blog-break time. Selfishly, I'm glad, since that means I can catch up more quickly.
Hi everyone! Still wired, so can't check in as oft as I'd like. Wish you were here to set up this ^%$# router, far! Maybe you could send DD's friend - hope he's less trouble than most of your other houseguests.
Off to buy ink so I can continue printing my mss for the final read-through, etc. Still need to buy a 'real' printer.
Kelly, you have great excuses for not writing this spring. You'll get back into it. Maria, totally understand the "I need to be alone" feeling - after two hours at a party on Friday, I was toast. There's good AND bad to this solitary life.
I'm doing far's happy dance, too! Fam's in his chair, KB is counting the hours to retirement, and Nancy isn't driving anywhere. Welcome home hugs to everyone.
Stupid Celtics, huh, Nancy?? Guess it gives them the chance to win at home...she said, seeking silver lining.
Stupid free throws! Hi, Beth. :)
I don't think I mentioned that a couple of days after my car blew, I turned on my printer and smoke came out of IT. I said to the universe, "Stop that."
Maybe Chris C-R is rubbing off on you. If you see lightning, hide...
Wow Nancy, I really hope your things stop catching on fire soon, that has got to suck.
I was thinking more in terms of getting the spring of '08 declared a national writing disaster so that all writers who suffered a setback to their productivity in that time frame could apply for disaster relief funding.
I would like to vote for this please, as I have had to basically shelve everything I wrote this spring. And by "shelve", I mean, "shove under the bed where I can't see it so I cease being tempted to run it all directly through the shredder".
"Nancy, your printer is smoking!"
"That's OK. It's old enough."
If I didn't send anything out during the national writing disaster, does that count? All I worked on is FAR Future, basically.
"it's old enough"
Snort! It's actually quite young, grrr.
Okay, so far we have Kelly, Jen, Far (whose application is still under review), and me qualifying for disaster relief. I think the prerequisite is that you have to feel sandbagged.
I'd like to add my endorsement to the Malfunctioning Brain and Quill Act of 2008, along with a friendly wave to everybody.
(((todo el mundo)))
Man e, I'm afraid that bill is stuck in committee, and will remain so until such time as there is a shift in the balance of power in the House and Senate. :D
Buenas tardes, ((( mi amigo ))) !
can i at least have some type of alcohol-based drink? preferably with tons of ice as it appears the sky has ignited in fire today. i picked the wroooooong day to wear a black polo shirt.
Poor Man e! Here, have a gin and tonic. In fact, I'll have one, too.
Boy, don't have one for me. I just met a girlfriend for drinks and three Ginger Rum somethings later, I'm ready for a long nap...enjoy your libations!
Beth, I don't know what ginger rum is, but it sounds excellent. Does it come that way or do you mix it up? All this talk of drinking makes me want a drink. Today was such a ... Monday.
Hi N! And everyone else that I missed today especially kb who is probably still grinning and ManEe who hopefully by now is home and has changed out of his basic black.
Monday? I've only got ONE more MONDAY!! (two more Tuesday's but, who's counting?)
And you betcher, I'm grinning!
And Waving !!
Merlot? Is there a nice Merlot in the house?
Sweet dreams, Beth. ;)
Hey, maryb. Friends of mine live up in Clarksville, where they are filling sandbags. "Oh, my aching back," one friend wrote to me. Have you been there? They love it. It sounds like a charming artists' colony sort of place. I hope it survives the deluge.
Merlot comin' up for kb.
ONE MORE MONDAY?? I almost can't believe it's nearly here! Whoop!!
Hi all. We are currently being deluged here in the Hudson Valley. I thought that I could come in here out of the rain for a while, but apparently the alcohol is in short supply. Just what kind of a place are you running here, Nancy?
Ha! b2, I haven't replenished the bar yet. SOMEBODY has been in here while I was gone. Not namin' any names. Just lookin' your way. And maryb's.
Nancy, I was at Clarksville years ago and I remember it was a very cute town. Remember we talked about going to the B&B there with Andi? I can't remember - did your friends own it or had they just stayed there?
I saw pictures of people sandbagging there today. I hope they get enough sandbags in place that they can stem the damage. There's a lot of water coming.
heh - it's b2 who makes the midnight bar runs. not me.
kb what do you mean about only one more Monday? Are you retiring?
Mary, YES! June 27th is my LAST day of work!!
I remember when it was just an impossible dream. But now here it is and I've got a special laptop just to keep up with all my couch-blogging.
OMG you ARE retiring!!! I thought you were going to say you were going on vacation.
Well, we're going to expect super duper blogging on that special laptop. Especially super duper live blogging of events that involve awards and fashion. :)
I don't know about that Mary. I think Nancy is a much better host for those events than I ever was.
I'd forgotten it was Clarksville we talked about, mb. My friends didn't/don't own the b&b, but maybe they recommended it? Can't recall. They're both writers and they tell tales of the people in C'ville being amazingly kind and helpful to them at various times. Sounds like a nice place.
When you retire, kb? We'll have a blow-out here!
You're kind, kb, but I think your couch needs to be Gala Central, lol!
kb, well, I'm sure if Nancy hosts and provides the space she won't mind if you provide the commentary.
N - I can't wait for the blow-out.
Jay Nixon sent out an e-mail today asking for volunteers to go sandbag at Hannibal and Clarkesville. So hopefully there will be enough people to help out.
They ought to intentionally break a few levees below Clarksville - it would relieve the pressure. But better to wipe out fields than whole towns.
And it's lucky then that my couch is a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TARDIStardis
The formatting on that got messed up. I meant that my couch is a tardis.
And a blowout? I can't wait!
A tardis? This. . . ?
The TARDIS [1] [2] (Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space) [3] is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor No
Cool couch!
(nodding) It is... AND there's room for everyone:
"The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior, which can blend in with its surroundings through the ship's chameleon circuit."
Nah, it was all maryb. < hiccup >
Congratulations, KB!
The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior
It sounds like the description of a loving heart. (awww)
It does, Nancy-- I didn't think of that.
Boran, I'd like one of those. It looks like you're having fun!
Boy, you guys have been busy in my absence! The rum was ginger-infused, mb - there's a chain of restaurants in ID that distill their own vodka, rum and gin, I believe. It was yummy, but one would have been enough. My head is spinning...especially after the whole couch/tardis thing...
Does that mean you should never look for loose change under the cushions for fear of falling in and not getting out?
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