Here is katiebird's self-portrait of herself on the day after her retirement in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! We's gonna purrrarty! She is, by the way, a very young retiree. Excellent planning there, kb.
Captions, anybody?
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
lol cat lolls.
THAT's going to keep me going all day. Can I borrow it for E4T?
And do you have plans for lunch?
My plans for lunch include a hospital cafeteria where I will wait for my mom to get released after some (routine) tests.
Are you kidding? You created it! It's yours. I'm the borrower.
Happy next-to-last Tuesday to you!
ummm. Hospital food. Yum. I hope your mom's tests go smoothly and that the cafeteria has a yummy special.
I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods but, over here -- it's beautiful.
(tick, tick, tick . . . .)
Good morning all, checking in from my hotel lobby in Madison before I try to get some work done. Yesterday I scrapped the first 600 words of the book and wrote a new 600 words. Much happier with the result and hopefully in a week or two I'll be back up to something like my normal daily word count pace.
Congrats on the imminent retireitude, KB!
Hope everyone has a fabulous day.
Big congrats, Katiebird! I hope you enjoy all your brand spankin' new sittin' around time. :)
Gooooood morning, Vietnam! I mean: Good morning, Nancy's blog.
Today, I worked out at 4:30 am. (Gads!) Nod to our own health conscious and soon to be retired (Yay for you!) Katiebird.
I am on page 240 of my WOULD-BE WITCH copy edits. They are not bad at all. I have had a couple of embarrassing moments. I spelled Edgar Allan Poe's name wrong. (Spelled Allan with an 'e'.) No excuse. None, considering that I have a huge volume of his completed works on my shelf right behind my desk.
Yeah, my spring writing productivity was not great. Therefore, would not object to Kelly having spring labeled a disaster. Luckily, summer's here...a new season. The perfect time for us to write like the wind.
My goal is to finish the copy edit review by the end of the day today. Only 120 more pages to go. No problemo. ;)
Hugs to all!
Morning, Kelly, Jen, Kimberly. Here I am in the waiting room. Does FOX "news" have the entire all-world waiting room franchise? Sheesh.
Now to work on a chapter instead of twiddling my thumbs or throwing something at the tv set.
The waiting room is wired? You brought your laptop? Nancy, you are so organized! You get Fox news? When I'm in waiting rooms I get stupid talk shows.
Hi to everyone. Waving to Jen. You rock, Kimber - I'm lucky to be able to make cereal at 5am. You'll be back in the swing again soon, Kelly - at least you know enough to scrap words that ain't working for you. I can hear KB's clock ticking. And I'm off to work on my mss. Maybe even in the back yard in the sunshine...a lot nicer than LAST Tuesday, when we woke up to snow!
Have a great day, everyone!
Retiree Cat … is surfin while U workin.
Well, the guy from Norway is here. He wanted Linux, I went through several contortions & got the old G3 booted up finally. I really have to rebuild that system & just run Linux as the default instead of OSX; it's so much faster. It was 90F when I told him this was probably the high for the week & he said, "Thank God."
After that, it was a pretty low-maintenance evening & I got the second part of this week's FAR Future up. This works pretty well for me, a short-story type of guy writing a novel-length story. Eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Anywayz, hope all the writers get lots of writing done today (me included). Beth, you can send some of that snow here; DD's friend will be very happy!
! Waiting rooms have Internet now? I'm astonished.
Also, FAR? I guy shows up from Norway demanding LINUX? Seriously? That's just weird. Doesn't he have his own laptop?
(giggling maniacally)
Hey KB… I think he sunk his money into the cluster he keeps under his bed. Yes, that's where he said it is. I suppose it doubles as a mattress warmer. But he brought *two* cellphones!
Farfetched, check out the front page headline. :)
Hi, Beth. Yep, I'z a wired cat. No waitin' in the waitin' room.
Have written. Going to write more now.
(Do hospitals have to be so cold? I think it may snow.)
And (maybe this was your original point?) isn't LINUX from Norway?
Two Cell phones? That gave me brain freeze and I have a meeting in 15 minutes. I'd better go thaw it out.
By the way (shameless plug) Does everyone know I had a fabulous Grand ReOpening at Eat4Today? I don't actually know why "by the way" made any sense, but I'm leaving it there so you can see that I actually DO have some brain problem as a result of FAR's new roommate.
I saw E4T last night and thought it looked really great, kb. I'll head on over there sometime today and check out the Grand Re-Opening Festivities. Are you giving away a car?
No but, I could give you a peace button
Better than a WIN button, KB! (then again, Whipping Inflation Again might not be a bad idea. Down, inflation! Down!) Linus Torvalds is actually an ethnic Swede who was living in Finland when he created Linux. Close. I've been spending a lot of brain-cycles this afternoon, wondering why he couldn't just bop over to Sweden to find a girlfriend — I thought Scandinavia had the hot babes, anyway?
Nancy, you caption thief you! :-)
I thought they were cool babes in hot saunas?
No but, I could give you a peace button
I have been laughing at this for the past two hours. KB, you are always so hilarious.
::waves and grins at Beth::
(Blushing Grin)
Hi Jen! I added your blog to my blogroll -- I love your writing and was shocked to see I'd left you off.
Impressive photoshopping there, Nancy.
Congratulations on being able to retire at age 39, KB! I plan on retiring at 29, when I get there in several years. < cough, cough >
kb gets the photoshop credit, boran2. (waves at b2) Farfetched gets the caption credit. I get the credit for having clever friends.
Caption: What mouse?
Welcome back. Sure enough was quiet on the Internet.
Rick, BIG LOL!!
Thanks. I'm glad to be back to noisy up the internets. Nice to see ya. I hope you and Anonymous are well.
Didn't you SEE all that grey fur? 39, I don't actually even REMEMBER 39. Weird.
Oh I agree, kb. I barely remember 48, and that was last year! :-)
Nancy, are you watching the game?? Just amazing. They truly do play awful on the road - and amazing at home. If they lose it now, I'm swearing off basketball forever. Go Kansas! :-)
Go, Kansas. . .lol, beth!!
Yeah, if they don't win this one, I'm taking off my Paul Pierce Peace button
I want to say it's embarrassing for the Lakers, but I'm afraid to jinx it.
Do I have ANY idea what you guys are talking about? Do the Jayhawks really play in June? Really?
lol, kb. You're dealing with a coupla sports fans here. Tonight is the final (we hope) game in the NBA championship tournament. The star of the winning (we hope) team is Paul Pierce, who is a former KU star.
Wow, Beth, 25 points off the Lakers' turnovers.
I'll admit I don't watch most games closely until the end. I'm just now waking up to the fact that the Celtics' defense is amazing tonight. Or, the Lakers' offense *really* stinks.
(giggle) I'll learn, I promise. Now that I'm retired I need some hobbies....
"Now that I'm retired I need some hobbies...."
Beautiful words!
Picture me laughing like a crazy person with every comment. It's amazing that they still require me at work. I'm like a pod person there.
This is my real life.
Yay, Celtics!
Anybody who wants to stick around is welcome to keep commenting here, but I'm going to open up tomorrow's post so I can go to bed.
Paul Pierce for MVP!
I forgot to say goodnight!
Is it OK to be jealous? envious? sad? that katiebird gets to retire already and I don't?
(hanging head) Mister told me to keep it quiet. I guess he was right.
I'm sorry.
What a game, Nancy! Paul Pierce indeed! Although I have to admit we fell asleep for most of the 4th quarter, but we woke up for the final 4 minutes - and the celebrations afterward. Kansas comes through again!!
What a game, what a series. LA goes back with its tail tucked between its legs.
Well, Paul is not the world's most charming bball player, :) , but I've always had such a fondness for him. I'm not even sure why, because it's not like I'm a bball expert, but there has always been something so amazing about his playing. I'm really happy for him that it has finally paid off in such a fabulous way.
What's our next sports biggee, Beth? I'm not interested in baseball, 'cause I don't have much of a team. May have to wait for college football.
See ya over in the Wed. thread. Happy day to you!
I'm happy for you. Looking forward to more posts by you in weeks to come - after you've done some well deserved r&r.
In the meantime, I'll just keep counting the days, no weeks, no months(?) until I'm free as well.
congrats to you!
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