Update: Hey, look what I've been doing to avoid writing today. Check out the new calendar link in the upper right hand corner of this blog.
Good afternoon! This is, as the Big Boy Bloggers say, an Open Thread. I'll see you in the comments, where we also have tea for Kelly and free WiFi for all. Pass the croissants, please.
I already know from reading family man's blog that Cat came back, whew. And farfetched learned to appreciate his own motorcycle even more. And Olivia has waaay too many people in that canoe. :)
I had dinner--Mongolion Barbeque-- with my son last night, and what could make a Mom happier than gazing across a table at her darling boy? Big Smile! I saw his new place to live, and I approve. It's a beautiful old stone house in a great part of town.
Happy Mom. What is making--or could make--you smile today?
Tea? Sign me up. Empire Keemun would be delightful. I'm back in the land of the digirati as of today and really happy about it–I love my laptop.
Hello everyone (waves).
And now back to digging out from under three weeks of accumulated e-work of various sorts.
Morning Nancy.
A cold front. Yes, definitely a cold front would make me smile.
Mongolion Barbeque sounds very good. Now you've got me hungry and I think I might know what's for lunch today. :)
Hope everyone has a good day today.
Hey Kelly I didn't get a chance to say Happy B'day earlier. So Happy Belated B'day. Welcome to the bi-focal age. :)
My car is fixed - I have air conditioning again. I spent Tuesday night with dear writer friends. I only have to drive 3 hours roundtrip today to visit another friend in VT. And I slept til 7:30!!!! Life is good.
And being able to say good morning instead of good night to y'all makes me very happy.
My ears were burning yesterday - I'll have to blog about the good and the bad parts of my vagabond life...thanks for thinking of me!
Happy Almost-Friday, everyone!
It's about to storm here. The light has that eerie yellowish quality to it. Although I'm not fond of storms (stems back to being near a tornado when young and frightened...okay I was 16, but alone @ home with kid sisters) this storm will bring blessed cooler weather.
Sunday's high is slated to be 77 - which makes me very happy.
I'll be traveling to Richmond in the nice cool weather to do a signing with Donna Andrews, Ellen Crosby, Ellen Byerrum and J.B. Stanley at Creatures 'n' Crooks - a store that makes me spend a LOT of money.
Happy nearly the end of the week day!!
Beth, I wondered where you were yesterday. VERY glad to see you here! Sounds as if a happy day is ahead of you!
Maria, have a great time with everybody tonight. Sell tons o' books. And tell Donna I bragged on her. She has been very helpful in a Sisters In Crime matter lately.
Hey, family man and Kelly! Kelly I'm so glad you're back on-line. That's too long to go without email and the web!
The heck with croissants, pass me the wifi.
Kimberly Frost Chambers:
it's time to just breathe and listen to the heart.
This is such good advice that a few years ago I had a heart tattooed on my left ear lobe.
To remind me that it is a waste of time to write anything I don't deeply care about.
I forget sometimes to listen to myself.
Nancy, I do consider the setting of a book as one of characters.
And with that, setting includes backstory. I would also humbly suggest that a glance at the folklore of a particular setting might provide some useful insight for a writer.
Of course location as character can be a stranger you are meeting or someone you know well. I like both, don't you?
A location being discovered and learned by a newcomer... is as much fun as being immersed in a community from the inside out.
I think most the novels I love are novels of place. It's a reminder to me that our own culture describes something that happens as something that "takes place."
If it didn't take place, it didn't happen.
green, I especially loved two observations--about settings as strangers, and taking a look at an area's folklore.
Here, andi--have some wifi.
Damn, Nancy, it didn't work. :( I went to upload what makes me smile and it took just as long as it always does.
Anyway, I doubt it will surpise anyone to see what puts a smile on my face.
Late for the party. Hi all. I'll take a good helping of high speed wifi.
Comin' right up, b2. But first I have to finish watching the finale of So You Think You Can Dance.
Hi all,
Just stopped in for a quick hello. It's too late for tea, though that photo looked wonderful. I want to start more days like that.
Family man - my godson, Nick, loves Mongolian Barbeque. You made me think of him and miss him. He's away at tennis camp in Florida right now.
Green - I love that picture you've got
Nancy -We talked a while back about representation, and I was in touch with Meredith who was so kind, but very swamped when I first made contact. She asked me to wait and contact her after a couple of months if I didn't find another agent. It turned out that another agent found me. :) She took me on based on the novel that you saw the beginning of at WRW and were very encouraging about. Although that story hasn't sold yet, I wrote a new novel (an urban fantasy that's sort of Bridget Jones meets Harry Potter) which did sell in a two-book deal to Berkely. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy knowing how well things have worked out and that you were not wrong in seeing a bit of a spark in me. Thanks again for being wonderful.
Kimberley, I'm staggered with delight, though not surprised at your success!! Whoopee!! This is lovely, lovely news. I send you cases of virtual champagne and pop a cork for everybody to share tonight.
Good going, girl. Hard work, persistence, talent. Paid off. Hot damn! I can't wait to read them!
Still grinning.
What's making me smile? It's Virtual Friday! My three-day weekend has begun. After a little garden work in the morning, I'm outta here for a couple of days.
Smiles for all the great stuff that people are sharing here too.
Andi ... that put a smile on my face too ... :)
G'morning all.
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