Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, or for Alberto Gonzales to resign today, or landscape like this in Kansas. This used to be an ancient ocean bed, and then later a river ran through it, but geologists say it was erosion from wind and rainfall that carved out these monument rocks. This is where the book I'm working on is set. It speaks to me of contrast, beauty, the unexpected, isolation, inspiration, danger, peace, time, and timelessness. Sometimes it feels as if my book is taking as long to write as it took for those rocks to erode into those shapes. Next time, I think I'll try to be inspired by a rushing river. :)
I wish us all a happy and inspired Monday.
I'll cheer you on, if you'll cheer me on. :) Whatever we have to do today, we can do it, right?
I wish I could help. But, I'm feeling as far away from cheerful as possible.
Morning Nancy.
I've gotten one heck of a lot already done today, and I'm taking a break before I start on the lawn. Yes, I'm really going to do it today. :)
So get those typing fingers going, I know you can do it.
BTW beautiful picture this am.
And that just goes to show how down in the dumps I am....
I didn't even notice the photo. It's grand. You've told me about those formations, but I had no idea how they actually looked.
Where is it?
Hi KB.
I saw you just as I was going over to your place. I hope you get to feeling better. You know, I hear going to Costco does a lot to bring people out of the dumps. :)
I'll have to say I wasn't terribly charitable about Gonzo being gone-zo. My first thought was, "good effing riddance." It will be interesting to see what the greater blogosphere has to say about it.
That's a beautiful picture, a stark kind of landscape you don't see here.
The unexpected... I've had some of my writing take unexpected twists, complete with "WTF?" moments even as I'm typing it out. Scary, but cool at the same time.
Kb, sorry you're in the dumps. Be good to yourself today, and tomorrow will look better. A virtual hug from San Diego.
Gorgeous weather here - visiting friends til Wednesday, when I fly back to Florida and start apartment-hunting. Monday I get to write again!! (happy dance)
That IS a beautiful picture, Nancy - and I had no idea Kansas had places like that. I'll have to find out where it is, for my next cross-country trip.
I'm off to Laguna for the Sawdust Festival (something to do with artists) and fish tacos at Wahoo's. But first a long walk on the beach with my girlfriend. Maybe I'll find something unexpected there...
Happy productive Monday, everyone - it's a new week, with tons of possibilities just waiting for you to discover them...
Hi, kb. I sympathize, and wish you a day that gets increasingly happier. Those rocks are in Gove and Logan counties in west central Kansas.
Family Man, lol! You're so right, Costco is a great antitdote, even if it does leave me with that, "I spent *how* much?" feeling. But I really NEED those turkey meatballs and 150 rolls of paper towels! (Not really on the towels. Just, er, 20 rolls.)
far, yes! The best moments of writing, imo.
Beth, a Sawdust Festival? A have to laugh just imagining it.
Hey, speaking of inspiration, boran2 has up the next layer of his current painting project--which reminds me of my photo--and farfetched has up his next chapter--which I'm so looking forward to reading because he makes the possible future seem so Now. Katiebird has up her photo display at the library, and I wish we could all meet to view it and go for a beer together.
I feel better all ready just being around such wonderful friends. It would be nice if (a little later) we could go out for a beer. And maybe that bbq joint that FAR went to....
That scene reminds me of a line from one of my favorite geology books (and yes, I know it's a tad odd to have favorite geology books) discussing some odd formations in an otherwise flat landscape: something always has to be last.
And here's your Monday picture with a Monday-appropriate theme: keeping things in perspective
Andi, that's a cool photo, and thanks for it. I don't think I've ever before seen one with a curving branch like that. Your eye keeps getting better and better, imo.
Hey, yesterday was greenminute's birthday. I think. I'm confused, but I think so. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GREENMINUTE!
Happy Belated Birthday Greenminute.
Ditto on the belated birthday wishes!! And indeed, a gorgeous picture, andif.
I NEVER get out of Costco without spending $100, even when I have a list...it's like Brookstone - you don't realize there are things out there that you need until you see them.
Now I have a great need to go to Costco! Guess I'll have to wait til next week, when I'm (hopefully) outfitting my new apartment.
My vote added to kb's for the beer and bbq...oatmeal stout and Carolina bbq, please!
Hugs for Katiebird, smiles and waves for everyone else. Laura's back to teaching this week and that means I'm back on the new novel and digging in.
Beth, have you ever had those little chocolate muffin-cupcake-thingees from Costco? Oh, my, god. You can't eat just 12. And the pineapple-turkey-meatballs that sound so hideous but taste so good! I will admit, though, that I am sick of "Nancy's Quiche" and those crepe roll-up thingees. They're at every event in Kansas City, I swear.
Kelly, in your (haha) spare time, would you please dig into my novel, too? Thanks. Could you finish it by the end of September? Thanks again.
No fair to secret birthdays! Just for that I'll shout it extra loud: Happy Birthday Greenminute!
And I LOVE Andif's photo -- Those are my favorite types of branches.
And maybe Costco does more than anything to keep people out of the dumps. But, like Beth says, "I NEVER get out of Costco without spending $100, even when I have a list."
And since I HAVE to find A Little Black Dress for a wedding, I can't go spending that kind of money on food. Hmm -- for more than one reason!
I'm still vibrating close to the dumps. But, it picks me up a lot to stop by here. Do you think my boss would mind if I just stayed?
Hell, no your boss wouldn't mind, B! Just like my editor won't mind if I spent all day here. DON'T TELL HER.
Happy B'day Greenminute.
Thanks Nancy, kb, and beth for the kind words.
Nancy, the whole tree is growing at a 90° angle. If it were in the mountains, it would be called krumholtz tree* but since it's just at the top of a small hill**, maybe it's only a krummy tree. ;)
*trees that are bent and have limbs only one side because of extreme winds and snow.
** For those of who've noticed the little sign hanging off the end of the branch and wondered about it, it says "Heart Attack Hill" which is the name of the short but very steep trail that junctions at the tree.
Geeze now I want to go to Costco. Not enough for a two hour drive though.
Andi, gorgeous picture.
Greenminute, hippo birdie!
Nancy, September? Oy, maybe not so much. Also, when you consider that I haven't the slightest idea how to write a mystery, having thus far managed at best two chapters of one, I don't know that you'd really want my help. I fear it would be of the bull helping the china shop owner variety. However, if you ever happen to need a goblin or two, or maybe a troll to lurk under a bridge I might know where to get a good deal...
Look at this about the lack of readiness in Greece. The bolded part is my emphasis.
"All of the country's forests are in mountainous areas, yet there are very few fire roads for rapid access. There are no constant head tanks at mountain tops, tanks that store water so that there is enough pressure and capacity for firefighting. By some accounts Greece has only 1% of the minimum number of fire hydrants in its countryside. Entire islands, such as Meganisi, located between Lefkas and Kefalonia, have no firefighters, trucks or hydrants. Even in Athens, fire trucks with ladders do not fit most streets of the modern city, a problem exasperated by uncontrolled development and illegal parking."
That's from the WSJ, even the kind of amusing mispelling of exacerbated.
People can hate government all they want to, but damn it, when you need it, you need a good one! I'm obsessed with this Greek fire thing. Seems like a portend of disasters to come.
Kelly, my kingdom for a troll. Or a velociraptor. Alas, I guess they won't fly, so to speak, in a modern-day mystery in Kansas.
Nancy, now I REALLY want to go to Costco! Chocolate muffin-cupcake thingees?? YUM. I'm also lusting after Trader Joe's - we don't have them in my part of the NW, so I go overboard when I find one. I'm crossing my fingers that they have them in FL...
Sawdust is a semi-permanent summer/holiday art festival in Laguna Canyon. Beautiful paintings, photos, jewelery, pottery - tucked at the bottom of the canyon, with waterfalls singing and eucalyptus trees towering. A cool breeze - amazing musicians - smiling artists - it was a great afternoon. Then I bought books at BN, and frozen yogurt at the Golden Spoon. Color me fat and happy.
Sadness for the Greek fires...
Did your day get better, kb?
To make matters worse, Beth, the chocolate muffin-cupcake thingees are bite-sized.
Oh hey, happy b-day {{{Green}}}!
If you want to wait until October, my homebrew should be ready by then. That's the worst part of making beer, waiting for it to be ready to drink!
KB, is it just Monday or do you need some serious hugs this week? I'll have to dive into some work stuff after I finish this ramble myself. I guess that's a good thing about working at a library, you can't really bring work home with you? Hey Nancy, maybe your next book can include a svelte librarian? ;-)
Oh yeah, I did forget to mention I'd posted Episode 7 of FAR Future. I'm glad you noticed, Nancy…
Ah, FAR -- I'm in the dumps because on of the boys is moving into the duplex (the other side with his Grandmother.) And I'm just worried about the extra stress on mister. And that he'll move all his junk back into OUR side.
I'm ready for us to live alone, but people keep moving back in with us.....
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