Woo woo, the women aren't dressed yet! Don't worry about that throw, Andi, let me throw a few more logs on the fire.
Pocket review: iwantsandy.com is a keeper. It hooks up to Twitter, so if you're already using Twitter you can send (and even more importantly, receive) reminders on your cellphone or instant messaging service. I think Sandy also has a direct-to-cell interface, too. Like any good personal roboassistant, Sandy types up your daily agenda and puts it in your (email) inbox.
I didn't have a chance to try Jott yesterday; that particular star worked its way into the constellation of blocked sites at work. I'll try it today. If it works as advertised, the PIM — cobbled up from a cellphone, Jott, Twitter, and Sandy — may well have finally arrived.
A nice mellow black tea this morning. Not too far from:
Ancient Beauty Jasmine Much more robust than most jasmines, with a velvet texture. Delicious and good for multiple steepings. (teasource) though sadly just a plain old lightly brewed Scottish Breakfast.
Could somebody pass the scones? There are scones, right? Oh good. That's all I need then, I'll just be in the corner soaking up free wi-fi and working on the book. If you hear something that sounds like snoring from my direction, it's family man.
Kelly, you're working, so ignore this question. Are we scone purists around here, or do we like the odd cranberry or blueberry in them? I need to know for when I place the next order.
I just got the SWEETEST email message ever. My youngest former SIL saw my name on an ancient greeting card and found me by way of Google (I will NOT say she "Googled" me.)
I wish I could post it here, because the messages she sent were so elegantly crafted, my head is spinning.
Mystery Comment: Nancy, she mostly talked about her life and memories of me. She didn't mention how her mother is doing.
I'm sorry I've been so invisible. I've got a list on my wall of 8 major projects to finish before Christmas and really should be here at all.
katiebird, how very nice! (I understand your Mystery Comment, and thanks. Maybe she'll add that info later.)
Okay, that settles it, no scones with stuff in them. We want to be supportive of our E4T friends!
I wonder how much longer I can avoid working today. Jen has some fun quiz links on her website right now, including Finding Your Inner European, and a quiz to determine which Harry Potter character you are. I'm Dutch and Dumbledore. Jen's French and Hermione. Kelly's French and Dumbledore.
I didn't do the Harry Potter one, but I did do the "Find Your Inner European" one. I found out I'm Irish and can drink anyone under the table. So, what's knew? :)
Hey, far, don'tcha know this is a classy place? But if you ask real nice, the sous chef will prepare biscuits and gravy for you. And grits. Cheese grits with Tabasco. And the gravy is redeye.
andif? If you happen to see this, this late in the day. . .there's been a lot of talk about your dogs lately (well, not a lot, but some), and yet we have seen no new photos of them. ::Clears throat passive aggressively::
Boy, I checked in this morning and everyone was still snoozing. Then I got busy rewriting, and shazoom! The scones are gone, the recliners are empty, with just a stray afghan left hanging over one.
I bet everyone's left Jen's too... pout pout.
At least I can still vote for pictures of andi's dogs!
I'll catch up tomorrow - maybe we can talk fam into bringing some of those cinnamon rolls he keeps talking about.
I just noticed a good new thing here. Commenters now have the option of posting as their google/blogger name, or as anonymous, or--and I don't recall ever seeing this before--a nickname. Cool. Much more friendly than "anonymous," and doesn't require signing up.
I thought I just hadn't seen it before...blogger sure does keep changing stuff! Now if I could just get rid of my picture..how did everyone else do it?
Waving to kb! You can have half of my Vitamin C-infused scone, kb - unless maybe Nancy saved you one, too.
I'm trying to get rid of my picture when I comment, and since you're our Web Guru Extraordinaire (sorry, you can't be the Web Queen - I only have one tiara, and I promised it to Nancy), maybe you know....?
Any other special requests? :)
See you tomorrow.
Yeah, could you put a throw on the recliner? I'm in my nightshirt and my bare legs keep sticking to the leather.
That's a good idea, Andi -- I'll wrap up in mine. I forgot to put on socks and my feet are cold.
15 weeks. And THATs all I'm saying!
Morning Nancy, Andi and KB.
Wonderful looking recliner and thanks Nancy. I think I'll try it out and if everyone needs me, I'll be over there alseep.
Woo woo, the women aren't dressed yet! Don't worry about that throw, Andi, let me throw a few more logs on the fire.
Pocket review: iwantsandy.com is a keeper. It hooks up to Twitter, so if you're already using Twitter you can send (and even more importantly, receive) reminders on your cellphone or instant messaging service. I think Sandy also has a direct-to-cell interface, too. Like any good personal roboassistant, Sandy types up your daily agenda and puts it in your (email) inbox.
I didn't have a chance to try Jott yesterday; that particular star worked its way into the constellation of blocked sites at work. I'll try it today. If it works as advertised, the PIM — cobbled up from a cellphone, Jott, Twitter, and Sandy — may well have finally arrived.
andi and katiebird, here's an afghan to throw over you on cold mornings.
(Whispers) Family Man?
Already asleep!
Far, sounds like something a proud parent might say: "Have you met the triplets? Twitter, Sandy, and Jott?"
Geez Andi, put some pants on, who d'ya think you are -- me? ;p
A nice mellow black tea this morning. Not too far from:
Ancient Beauty Jasmine
Much more robust than most jasmines, with a velvet texture. Delicious and good for multiple steepings. (teasource) though sadly just a plain old lightly brewed Scottish Breakfast.
Could somebody pass the scones? There are scones, right? Oh good. That's all I need then, I'll just be in the corner soaking up free wi-fi and working on the book. If you hear something that sounds like snoring from my direction, it's family man.
Kelly, you're working, so ignore this question. Are we scone purists around here, or do we like the odd cranberry or blueberry in them? I need to know for when I place the next order.
Nancy (and everyone else)
I just got the SWEETEST email message ever. My youngest former SIL saw my name on an ancient greeting card and found me by way of Google (I will NOT say she "Googled" me.)
I wish I could post it here, because the messages she sent were so elegantly crafted, my head is spinning.
Mystery Comment: Nancy, she mostly talked about her life and memories of me. She didn't mention how her mother is doing.
I'm sorry I've been so invisible. I've got a list on my wall of 8 major projects to finish before Christmas and really should be here at all.
I just had to share this experience with friends.
(sigh) If you serve scones with cranberries or blueberries, I'll HAVE to accept one.
Let it be on your head. :)
katiebird, how very nice! (I understand your Mystery Comment, and thanks. Maybe she'll add that info later.)
Okay, that settles it, no scones with stuff in them. We want to be supportive of our E4T friends!
I wonder how much longer I can avoid working today. Jen has some fun quiz links on her website right now, including Finding Your Inner European, and a quiz to determine which Harry Potter character you are. I'm Dutch and Dumbledore. Jen's French and Hermione. Kelly's French and Dumbledore.
(still lurking)
Spanish, Neville.
Neville was my close second, kb. No wonder we get along. :)
I didn't do the Harry Potter one, but I did do the "Find Your Inner European" one. I found out I'm Irish and can drink anyone under the table. So, what's knew? :)
Scones? English muffins? Would someone help me out here? Speak Philistine, I'd probably understand it better. :-P
*snort* *snicker* Gawd, I love The Register's idea of news coverage.
We just ordered a love seat recliner, so we could do a little cuddling. It might be worth a thought. I'm excited for ours to arrive!
Hey, far, don'tcha know this is a classy place? But if you ask real nice, the sous chef will prepare biscuits and gravy for you. And grits. Cheese grits with Tabasco. And the gravy is redeye.
Who's hungry? That would be moi.
Far. . .
Lol!! And, jeez, she's gorgeous.
A love-seat recliner! :)
I will NOT utter the words rumpy-pumpy here. I totally won't do that.
andif? If you happen to see this, this late in the day. . .there's been a lot of talk about your dogs lately (well, not a lot, but some), and yet we have seen no new photos of them. ::Clears throat passive aggressively::
Hey everyone,
I'm blurry-eyed from working on revisions all day. Glad to see everyone, and the coffee in the picture does look delicious. :)
Kathy, I appreciate the offer, but wouldn't Kelly object?
"I'll get my coat."
Kimberly, welcome back to the surface. I hope it went swimmingly. Here, have a latte with an extra shot of espresso.
As it turns out, I'm much more Lestrange than Nancy:
Oliver Wood 84%
Albus Dumbledore 75%
Bellatrix Lestrange 72%
Boy, I checked in this morning and everyone was still snoozing. Then I got busy rewriting, and shazoom! The scones are gone, the recliners are empty, with just a stray afghan left hanging over one.
I bet everyone's left Jen's too... pout pout.
At least I can still vote for pictures of andi's dogs!
I'll catch up tomorrow - maybe we can talk fam into bringing some of those cinnamon rolls he keeps talking about.
Love the recliner but I'll stick with my Eames chair. ;-)
72% Bellatrix?? That is Scary Spice, Kelly. Your Bellatrix beats my Bellatrix
Here, Beth, I put back a scone for you. Watch the hot dripping butter.
Well, now this *is* a classy place, boran2!
I just noticed a good new thing here. Commenters now have the option of posting as their google/blogger name, or as anonymous, or--and I don't recall ever seeing this before--a nickname. Cool. Much more friendly than "anonymous," and doesn't require signing up.
Thanks, Nancy! I ran out to meet the editor of the mag I'll be writing for, and now I'm sneezing again.
Can you slather some Vitamin C on that scone?
I thought I just hadn't seen it before...blogger sure does keep changing stuff! Now if I could just get rid of my picture..how did everyone else do it?
Already taken care of, Beth. It's an orange scone. :)
I could do it for you, Beth, but it would eliminate everybody else's, too. Katiebird will know.
I remember someone saying they figured it out when I first showed up here - it might have been her. I'll ask her. Til then, you're stuck with me!
What? Did someone drop my name? It would eliminate my what?
(waving madly)
I think I see some scones under that pile of dirty (linen) napkins. Can I have them?
Waving to kb! You can have half of my Vitamin C-infused scone, kb - unless maybe Nancy saved you one, too.
I'm trying to get rid of my picture when I comment, and since you're our Web Guru Extraordinaire (sorry, you can't be the Web Queen - I only have one tiara, and I promised it to Nancy), maybe you know....?
Oh, my PICTURE! It's in your Blogger Profile, about 1/2 way down: Photograph.
I took mine out because seeing my face EVERY time was too much. It would be ok if it only showed up for the first comment to a post.
hmm. a healthy scone. gimme!
Maybe blogger will figure a way to do that, too. They seem to keep adding new stuff.
Thanks, kb - I'll check on it!
Made me soo laugh.
Watch out for your hands, Beth. She's dangerous when she wants a scone.
Am I going to have to slap your hand as well as my own, kb?
I removed the picture, but then it doesn't show up on my blog either. ^%$#@. Guess you're stuck with me, guys.
Now all I can think of is a hot scone...drool...
Ah, the blog part is probably more in Nancy's line. But I would think you could post your photo as an image in the sidebar or up at the top.
The way Olivia has photos all over.
You're right, kb, I could!! As my sister would say, you so smaht!
Off to go check it out...thanks!
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