Wouldn't it be nice to do that now and then? I think I'll linger afterwards and pull out my laptop and work on a short story there. Anybody want to keep me company?
gf, maple trees are safe to stand under. However, given the acorn bombardment that has been going on the last week, hard hats in the woods wouldn't be a bad idea.
Hi, O! That is one beautiful shot over at your blog today. (And the deleted comment was me, because I posted one there when I thought I was posting here.)
Morning, everyone! Save me a spot, Nancy - and a maple scone. I promise to type quietly and not get crumbs on your short story.
I might have to drive to Panera - although the view isn't nearly as pretty as this one. But you've inspired me to get off the couch and write somewhere new today, Nancy!
I'll join ya'll at the table. We're expecting plenty of rain here. Wish I could send some Head's way. Yesterday was chilly, today is warm. I wish it would make its mind up! :)
Speaking of our talented friends. . .Boran2 started a new painting on Saturday, working from another photo of the Grand Canyon. It's always so amazing to see his "rough draft" and then follow through to the finished piece.
Katiebird, it was very kind of you to ask the tiles of my novels (in yesterday's blog messages).
I refer to them as Opie I, Opie II, Opie III, Opie IV and, ready for this?, Opie V.
Opie = O.P. Merrily out of print.
It's the next one that I care about. Truly.
Kimberly: I love brain storming!
Remember the scene in Steve Martin's Cyrano movie? [ I forget the name of it... Roxanne? ]. He goes off on nose jokes. Beautiful.
Nancy, I REALLY don't know how to do a blog. Guess I left that pirate waiting long enough.
I got the feeling the preacher's wife was having some sort of sexual attraction to her ghost pirate, though she never said so. It was clear to me that was part of her experience. And I think that may be the reral reason she didn't want to tell her husband it was happening.
I got stuck trying to get to that part on the blog because I don't know if I can say that. I fear she may accidentally read the blog on a rainy day and then come kill me.
Donuts? Yeah, I do nuts all the time. My wife keeps buying them like there is going to be a world-wide shortage. We've got 60 cans (no kidding) of cashews, a bunch of peanuts, walnuts jam the freezer along with pecans (of course, they're to be used in the holiday pies. Then there are the mixed nuts, kind of reminds me of my writing group. (Gee, I hope they don't read this. :-o) But with my coffee, I usually just go down to the original Krispy Kreme and get me one of their pastries--yummy little round things with the hole cut out of it. I'm getting hungry. Bye.
Hi, Kimberly! Think how very much the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz would have loved to brainstorm.
Ghost, lol, I can see why you'd hesitate to post that. I'll bet you're right about her secret piratical yearings, too.
I am the Sandwich Generation today. My mom, who's having vertico (ugh!) needs me to drive her to a gathering at 12:30 and pick her up a couple of hours later, and my son just called to ask me to drive him to pick up his truck this morning. While I wait for my mom I'll write at a nearby library, so all's well that ends in writing.
Late as usual. No prob, I'll grab a few square feet of floor by that window, flop out the MacBook, and start banging. Is there any coffee left? That & some water should do me; it's a bit late for dognuts. Hey — nobody peeked while KB was getting dressed? C'mon folks, I can't perv for *all* of you! Sheesh.
It's almost noon, time to toss the tuna into the crockpot. Ramen will follow shortly after, and we can have something hot for lunch on this rainy day.
I made a large pot of beef/sausage vegetable stew last week. Enough to freeze seven containers. I've got one defrosting now. Oddly enough, that's the one thing I cook that the whole family agrees likes.
I guess donut time is over or getting there. What's everyone having for lunch?
You bought a brand new legal pad. I'll admit I haven't delved too far into how people write. I'm usually more interested in the why. You don't write stories out long hand do you? Do you jot down ideas on the pad?
I write a LOT of my first draft stuff in long hand, family man. I recently wrote most of a short story on the front and back of an envelope. The only problem is trying to read it later.
A friend of mine always takes her laptop to a gorgeous spot like the one you have here, Nancy, and writes. I confess, I'm not that organized. Of course, she has 2 kids, both teenagers, at home so she may have more motivation...
FM, I keep 5x7 note pads in various places: desks (home and work), and in the glove box of my car. The one at home has a mini-RSVP pen clipped to it; that's the one I take with me if I think I'll be somewhere with time on my hands (because it always has a pen with it). A lot of FAR Future first drafts start out on one of those notepads.
But you were more interested in why. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me… an idea slithers into my head and ricochets off the insides of my skull until it either drives me bat$#!+ crazy or I get it out of my head (which means getting it on paper or hard drive). And that's why I describe my muse as a BDSM domme. :-P
Years ago while in the military I had to write survey reports to be reviewed by my boss. A normal report would be about 20 legal sized pages. One of my many bosses used to love to wield the red pencil, and I've had up to three quarters of a report returned. I used to think if I never had to pick up a pencil again I would be happy. Luckily not long after that, we went computerized.
What did I learn? That I would much rather type then write. It seems I might come up with the perfect sounding sentence or paragraph, but while writing out one sentence, I would loose the rest of it. I find I can keep up better with my thoughts while typing.
I write a LOT of my first draft stuff in long hand
Me too! And we are a dying breed, my friend.
I just get better flow with a pencil than a keyboard. And nope, pens won't do it for me. Of course, in a pinch anything will do; I once wrote a poem on tree bark with eyeliner.
The only other dedicated longhand-pencil writer I've ever known of was Roald Dahl -- whose work I absolutely adore.
I use paper and pen (I don't own any pencils, jen) when I'm trying to summarize where I am with a story, or working out a particular problem. It's too easy to ramble when I type (I type 120+ wpm, so I REALLY can ramble in a hurry) - actually writing words on paper makes me stop and think and be concise.
Hmmm, maybe I should be doing my first draft that way.... :-)
I also carry a small tape recorder for making notes when I'm on the beach or taking a walk, AND a note pad for shorter notes.
I only use paper and pen or pencil when forced to it. I write ten times as fast and five times as cleanly on a keyboard. What's more, I can then go and read what I've written a dubious proposition at best with my handwriting. It's enough of an ingrained habit that I got the hairy eyeball from Laura yesterday when I made a note on a sheet of paper. She was worried that I might be feverish since I was writing with ink rather than electrons. Speaking of which I've got a bunch of electrons calling me back to work this very instant. I've gotten 1,200 words this afternoon, but I'd really like to get another 800.
FAR, I left it so late, I almost had to go to work in my PJs! Starting this time of year, the layers stack-up and it takes longer and longer for me to change.
And the dog goes MAD when I start putting on "Outside Clothes" -- he barks like a fiend. Staring the whole time. Is that pervy enough?
Also, I've been thinking about your crockpot lunches. They always sound delicious. And we never have to worry about the dishes.
Beth: tape recorder? My smellphone has an audio recorder that I've assigned to a hotkey. It's a lot easier to yap into the phone than it is to remember to listen to those recorded notes later though!
KB: the dog is… ah, I'll take the easy way out. He thinks it's time for his walk.
I'm back from my chauffering and I got a whole first draft of my short story written! In longhand, on that new legal pad.
I'll read everybody's comments in a little while. Got to go make my mom some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich right now.
It feel so happy when I come back and find out that you guys have been chattering away to each other while I've been gone! What a cozy place you make it!
Note to self: get eyeliner, look for commas on sale.
I've been following the liveblogging, on DailyKos, of the fires in SoCal. Oh, god, I feel so sorry for those folks. To me, that's more scary than tornadoes, hurricanes, or almost anything else except maybe big earthquakes.
Kimberly, they need you on Dancing With the Stars. Marie Osmond just passed out on camera! She's okay now, but wow, thunk to the floor after a strenuous dance.
Wouldn't it be nice to do that now and then? I think I'll linger afterwards and pull out my laptop and work on a short story there. Anybody want to keep me company?
Good Morning, Nancy -- I wish I could, it looks like a lovely spot.
(Running off to get dressed)
It's raining and chilly out there. Dress warm, kb!
I'd love to join in as well.
Happy Monday Nancy and all.
It IS raining. How did that happen. And why can't they be getting this rain in LA where they need it?
Morning Nancy and kb.
Don't like donuts, how about scones?
Monday picture post: leaving isn't always sad.
Leaves are falling. Just like embers...
Set you on fire.
John Prine, btw. Or thereabouts. I wouldn't stand under that tree without a hat on. :-)
{{Andi}} Very funny!
(get DRESSED, katiebird!)
gf, maple trees are safe to stand under. However, given the acorn bombardment that has been going on the last week, hard hats in the woods wouldn't be a bad idea.
Are you dressed yet, kb?
lol, Andi, and thanks for our Monday photo, although it looks more like a painting today. Nice.
Hey, Ghostie. Did you say there's more to the pirate story over at your blog?
Hi, O! That is one beautiful shot over at your blog today. (And the deleted comment was me, because I posted one there when I thought I was posting here.)
I just checked over at knucklehead's blog to get a fire report, but he hasn't posted there yet this morning. (He lives in Malibu.)
Morning, everyone! Save me a spot, Nancy - and a maple scone. I promise to type quietly and not get crumbs on your short story.
I might have to drive to Panera - although the view isn't nearly as pretty as this one. But you've inspired me to get off the couch and write somewhere new today, Nancy!
Lovely pictures as always, ladies.
Stay warm...
Morning Nancy and everyone.
I'll join ya'll at the table. We're expecting plenty of rain here. Wish I could send some Head's way. Yesterday was chilly, today is warm. I wish it would make its mind up! :)
Hi, Beth and Family Man. I'll move my stuff over and make room for you. :)
Good morning. (waves)
Nancy would love to stop back in later after family obligations and sit in the corner with my tea and write. Empire Keemun again today.
Katiebird, hi! Hope you have a nice day oot and aboot.
Andi, scones? Ooh, I'm sitting next to Andi.
Ghostfolk, nice.
Beth (waves with mouth full of scone).
FM, I'll trade you my soggy and chilly for your warm if you want to keep things consistent.
TTFN, all.
Hi, Kelly. We'll save a chair for you.
Hi Kelly -- I lost some sleep staying up to read WebMage last night.
It's very entertaining and (my favorite thing) densely written. I wish I could stay home reading...
Speaking of our talented friends. . .Boran2 started a new painting on Saturday, working from another photo of the Grand Canyon. It's always so amazing to see his "rough draft" and then follow through to the finished piece.
Morning all,
I have my tea. It's cherry infused green. Smells heavenly. I'm just brainstorming today. Though that's plenty of fun a lot of the time.
Katiebird, it was very kind of you to ask the tiles of my novels (in yesterday's blog messages).
I refer to them as Opie I, Opie II, Opie III, Opie IV and, ready for this?, Opie V.
Opie = O.P. Merrily out of print.
It's the next one that I care about. Truly.
Kimberly: I love brain storming!
Remember the scene in Steve Martin's Cyrano movie? [ I forget the name of it... Roxanne? ]. He goes off on nose jokes. Beautiful.
Nancy, I REALLY don't know how to do a blog. Guess I left that pirate waiting long enough.
I got the feeling the preacher's wife was having some sort of sexual attraction to her ghost pirate, though she never said so. It was clear to me that was part of her experience. And I think that may be the reral reason she didn't want to tell her husband it was happening.
I got stuck trying to get to that part on the blog because I don't know if I can say that. I fear she may accidentally read the blog on a rainy day and then come kill me.
Not quite ready to be my own ghost yet. :-)
Donuts? Yeah, I do nuts all the time. My wife keeps buying them like there is going to be a world-wide shortage. We've got 60 cans (no kidding) of cashews, a bunch of peanuts, walnuts jam the freezer along with pecans (of course, they're to be used in the holiday pies. Then there are the mixed nuts, kind of reminds me of my writing group. (Gee, I hope they don't read this. :-o) But with my coffee, I usually just go down to the original Krispy Kreme and get me one of their pastries--yummy little round things with the hole cut out of it. I'm getting hungry. Bye.
Hi, Kimberly! Think how very much the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz would have loved to brainstorm.
Ghost, lol, I can see why you'd hesitate to post that. I'll bet you're right about her secret piratical yearings, too.
I am the Sandwich Generation today. My mom, who's having vertico (ugh!) needs me to drive her to a gathering at 12:30 and pick her up a couple of hours later, and my son just called to ask me to drive him to pick up his truck this morning. While I wait for my mom I'll write at a nearby library, so all's well that ends in writing.
Krispy Kreme! Red Hot Sign in window. Thank god the nearest one is far enough away that I can't smell them baking.
I'm sorry to hear that they're out of print. Would you hate it if I found them through InterLibrary Loan?
(sigh) That last message was to Ghostfolk.
(more sighs) I'm (REALLY) staying away from all talk of donuts. Donuts, coffee, rain {{STOP THINKING}}
Late as usual. No prob, I'll grab a few square feet of floor by that window, flop out the MacBook, and start banging. Is there any coffee left? That & some water should do me; it's a bit late for dognuts. Hey — nobody peeked while KB was getting dressed? C'mon folks, I can't perv for *all* of you! Sheesh.
It's almost noon, time to toss the tuna into the crockpot. Ramen will follow shortly after, and we can have something hot for lunch on this rainy day.
Katiebird, Thanks! Glad you're enjoying WebMage.
Kelly, It's a thrill to be able to tell you (more or less) directly how much fun I'm having reading it.
I made a large pot of beef/sausage vegetable stew last week. Enough to freeze seven containers. I've got one defrosting now. Oddly enough, that's the one thing I cook that the whole family agrees likes.
I guess donut time is over or getting there. What's everyone having for lunch?
I forgot to add.
Kelly - here it's soggy and warm. I think I'll take your chilly. With the warm it just shoots the humidity up so high.
far, she put up a screen so nobody could peek!
I just had tuna rice casserole between the last chauffeuring job and the next one, family man. Your stew sounds yummy.
I bought a brand new legal pad today! Oooo, fresh pages to start my short story.
Tuna rice casserole sounds yummy too.
You bought a brand new legal pad. I'll admit I haven't delved too far into how people write. I'm usually more interested in the why. You don't write stories out long hand do you? Do you jot down ideas on the pad?
I write a LOT of my first draft stuff in long hand, family man. I recently wrote most of a short story on the front and back of an envelope. The only problem is trying to read it later.
Almost afternoon, all!
A friend of mine always takes her laptop to a gorgeous spot like the one you have here, Nancy, and writes. I confess, I'm not that organized. Of course, she has 2 kids, both teenagers, at home so she may have more motivation...
[whoops, forgot something important]
FM, I keep 5x7 note pads in various places: desks (home and work), and in the glove box of my car. The one at home has a mini-RSVP pen clipped to it; that's the one I take with me if I think I'll be somewhere with time on my hands (because it always has a pen with it). A lot of FAR Future first drafts start out on one of those notepads.
But you were more interested in why. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me… an idea slithers into my head and ricochets off the insides of my skull until it either drives me bat$#!+ crazy or I get it out of my head (which means getting it on paper or hard drive). And that's why I describe my muse as a BDSM domme. :-P
Years ago while in the military I had to write survey reports to be reviewed by my boss. A normal report would be about 20 legal sized pages. One of my many bosses used to love to wield the red pencil, and I've had up to three quarters of a report returned. I used to think if I never had to pick up a pencil again I would be happy. Luckily not long after that, we went computerized.
What did I learn? That I would much rather type then write. It seems I might come up with the perfect sounding sentence or paragraph, but while writing out one sentence, I would loose the rest of it. I find I can keep up better with my thoughts while typing.
I write a LOT of my first draft stuff in long hand
Me too! And we are a dying breed, my friend.
I just get better flow with a pencil than a keyboard. And nope, pens won't do it for me. Of course, in a pinch anything will do; I once wrote a poem on tree bark with eyeliner.
The only other dedicated longhand-pencil writer I've ever known of was Roald Dahl -- whose work I absolutely adore.
I use paper and pen (I don't own any pencils, jen) when I'm trying to summarize where I am with a story, or working out a particular problem. It's too easy to ramble when I type (I type 120+ wpm, so I REALLY can ramble in a hurry) - actually writing words on paper makes me stop and think and be concise.
Hmmm, maybe I should be doing my first draft that way.... :-)
I also carry a small tape recorder for making notes when I'm on the beach or taking a walk, AND a note pad for shorter notes.
Haven't tried eyeliner, though - lol.
I only use paper and pen or pencil when forced to it. I write ten times as fast and five times as cleanly on a keyboard. What's more, I can then go and read what I've written a dubious proposition at best with my handwriting. It's enough of an ingrained habit that I got the hairy eyeball from Laura yesterday when I made a note on a sheet of paper. She was worried that I might be feverish since I was writing with ink rather than electrons. Speaking of which I've got a bunch of electrons calling me back to work this very instant. I've gotten 1,200 words this afternoon, but I'd really like to get another 800.
Hmm, need to remember to buy a new bin of commas since I appear to have run out shortly before making that last post. Off to the punctuation shop now.
FAR, I left it so late, I almost had to go to work in my PJs! Starting this time of year, the layers stack-up and it takes longer and longer for me to change.
And the dog goes MAD when I start putting on "Outside Clothes" -- he barks like a fiend. Staring the whole time. Is that pervy enough?
Also, I've been thinking about your crockpot lunches. They always sound delicious. And we never have to worry about the dishes.
Beth: tape recorder? My smellphone has an audio recorder that I've assigned to a hotkey. It's a lot easier to yap into the phone than it is to remember to listen to those recorded notes later though!
KB: the dog is… ah, I'll take the easy way out. He thinks it's time for his walk.
I'm back from my chauffering and I got a whole first draft of my short story written! In longhand, on that new legal pad.
I'll read everybody's comments in a little while. Got to go make my mom some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich right now.
It feel so happy when I come back and find out that you guys have been chattering away to each other while I've been gone! What a cozy place you make it!
You brought us together, Nancy - and we miss you when you're gone!
Congrats on the story - and the food sounds yummy. I think I'll head off to find dinner myself.
Glad your chauffeuring went okay.
Hmmm, far - I'll have to see if mine has that feature. That would be a LOT more convenient than carrying the recorder.
LOL, Kelly!
Thanks, Beth. :)
Note to self: get eyeliner, look for commas on sale.
I've been following the liveblogging, on DailyKos, of the fires in SoCal. Oh, god, I feel so sorry for those folks. To me, that's more scary than tornadoes, hurricanes, or almost anything else except maybe big earthquakes.
Ghost - I believe that Steve Martin movie was Roxanne. And I loved that one. So cute.
Nancy - good job on getting the draft done!
I took this long nap today, she says rubbing her eyes. Now it's time for a bit more work.
Have a good night everyone. See you soon. :)
Kimberly, they need you on Dancing With the Stars. Marie Osmond just passed out on camera! She's okay now, but wow, thunk to the floor after a strenuous dance.
Sorry, no doughnuts. Isn't that what they toss at big orange?
Doughnuts and pie.
Evenin', b2. :)
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