The other day I mentioned that I was going to see Katiebird's photo exhibit. You won't be surprised to hear that it's wonderful! All six framed photos are displayed on a wall of a library that sits at the edge of a county lake. Kb's artwork looks splendid hanging there. Five of her photos in the exhibit are of New York City and San Francisco, which makes them an interesting sharp-edged urban counterpoint to the natural setting. She has a great eye for angle, drama, and light.

You can see Boran2's artwork even as it's in process. Every time he's working on a new one, he posts that week's version, and talks a little bit about how he's going from blank canvas to framed canvas. I particularly like the very newest one that he finished just last week. The colors are so rich and the depth is amazing. These are small works, mind you--about 8 x 10 inches, and yet look how it gives the impression of being a large painting . Several of us have been following his art "lessons" ever since he first started trying his hand at "painting in public." It is exciting to watch his talent develop and his skill increase. He'll be starting a new one soon, and I'm eager to see what the subject will be. (If you'd like to see his "first drafts" of the one above, to compare with this finished piece, you'll find the weekly installments on his blog.)
Good morning, creative ones!
Boran's painting is beautiful. I love watching them develop. And the finished piece looks lovely here.
(smiling) Two shows at once -- I'm set for life!!
Thank you, Nancy.
My pleasure! I wish people could see the people in your photo better, because they all seem to tell little stories. But sometimes looking at something smaller is good--this was the first time I really noticed the contrast between the shadowy sand and the "light" sand.
Mazel tov, kb! Now if only I could visit your exhibit in person. Too bad we can't do a little accordion fold of the middle U.S. so I'd be in the neighborhood.
Andi, That would be fantastic! If we ever figure out how to do it, could I come out and walk sometimes with you and your dogs?
Lol! I love the idea of accordian folding the midwest at will. Vertical and horizontal, depending on where we want to go in a hurry.
Seriously, Andi, I wish you *could* see her exhibit and the library it's in. The setting looks like the one in your photos--all trees and leaves and winding paths, with a lake out front. It's a "nature" library.
Congratulations katieb! That is so wonderful to have your work showing. So, where's your photoblog? We want to see your stuff everyday too! Right FM? :-D
btw Andi, when they're making the folds, make one so that the north is a little closer as well ... thanks! ;-)
And b2, what's impresses me apart from your artistic talent, is the consistency w/ which you do your photos. I really enjoy your series and seeing your progress through the different phases of the work, right from the canvas size selection to the framing! :)
Great post kansas. And good morning all!
Hi, Olivia! You have a pretty wonderful photo up this morning at your blog, yourself! I'm trying to talk kb into her own photo blog, too, but she claims she doesn't have enough photos yet. :) Maybe if we all start chanting PHOTO BLOG PHOTO BLOG! we'll drive her crazy and force her out to take more pictures. In her haha spare time.
Bravo to both of you! I watched B2's painting develop, but I haven't seen more than a handful of KB's photos. I don't suppose the library has a virtual gallery so we can see the rest? Yeah, PHOTO BLOG! PHOTO BLOG! PHOTO BLOG!
On "folding the map"... one of my favorite short stories is "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut," by Stephen King. I forget which book it was published in, but it's one of those stories that had my head stuck in that world for weeks after reading it.
Katiebird & Boran,
Congratulations on being so talented. Since even my stick men are poorly drawn (What is that? A match? A tree branch), I'm in awe of those who can paint.
Well done, you guys.
Morning everyone. I'm late to class today.
KB those are great pictures. I agree with everyone about you starting a photo blog. What's this about not enough photos? One photo can a blog make. So hop to it, lets get going, we want a photo blogggggggggg. :)
Boran you know how I feel about your art. I'm always amazed by your skill and.....I guess artistry. :)
Hope everyone is fine today. Since I was up most of the night last night, I see a many nap day coming today.
(blushing fiercely)
I've been thinking about it, but I'm not doing as much with Eat4Today as I'd like.
My idea is to work on development of ideas through the first of the year and then start implementing them on/around New Years (which is a big time for Weight Loss/Control interest.)
With the photos, I'm thinking about displaying mine. But, also (maybe) figuring out how to do matting & framing for me and other photographers (?). I enjoy doing that too.
I'll probably be asking for advise off and on....
But, that'll be after I work on the Eat4Today stuff.
Katiebird, Boran, very nice work, both of you.
Nancy, thanks for sharing them with the rest of us so we can give Katiebird and Boran well-earned praise.
Just a wave in passing as I'm teaching today. I'm going to share your earlier offer to answer one writing question from each student today. I was wondering how you wanted to do that.
I was thinking I could set it up as a written interview and then frontpage it at Wyrdsmiths with links to here and to Amazon (or your bookstore of choice). Does that sound all right too you? I'd give you the opportunity to pull any questions or answers out of the version that went on the web, of course.
Now back to scurrying around frantically. Empire Keemun for tea today, my favorite and the tea the tea wars were fought over.
Morning, Kelly. I think that the way you've devised sounds great. So you'll email me the questions. . .I'll answer them and email it back to you? Would you like them literally today, or. . .when?
Wonderful job to you both! Thanks for giving them added attention, nancy, they deserve it!
Busy day today so I'll wave and try to check in later. paz
Nancy, speed isn't really an issue. I'm going to mention it to the class today and have them email me their questions. Once I've got them together I'll forward them to you. Answer at whatever pace feels reasonable and I'll put it up once you're ready and let my students know where to look. Any questions that you want to answer but would rather not have go on the website I'll email direct to the asker. How's that?
Waving at everyone, halfway through the day. Ran errands all morning that I've been putting off, so they're done, yay.
More pictures! More paintings! More tea!
Your library sounds gorgeous, kb.
And supersonic private jets that can speed us all to one big party, complete with real food and hugs.
Have a great day, everyone! :-)
kb, the Pack and I would be delighted to have you come on walks with us -- in fact, they have already offered to indoctrinate you into the thrills of uselessly chasing deer, squirrels, and chipmunks.
Hi, Manee and Beth!
Kelly, that sounds like fun for me, although I don't know how it will be for them. :) I'll probably get to them sooner rather than later.
I love your photo, KB! I've got to see more.
Nancy, thanks for this and your kind comments!
Thanks to all for your comments.
Thanks Boran.
I like your picture too!
It has been my pleasure, b2 and kb. I hope it's only the first time of many.
Thank you VERY much for thinking of us. It gave me great pleasure to drop in through the day and look at our two pictures hanging in your gallery.
I think they went well together.
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