Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year, continued

Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year's Eve

Whatcha gonna do?
I'll be spending the night with friends, so I'll be there on New Year's Morning to watch the Cotton Bowl with them.
As I started writing this, it occured to me to be grateful for the things I DON'T have to resolve to do in 2008, like. . .I don't have to make a resolution to stop smoking, because I did that many decades ago. I don't have to resolve to lose the 15 pounds I lost last year. I don't have to resolve to meditate every day. It's really NICE to have some things I'm already doing, instead of thinking I ought to be doing.
Is there anything you don't have to resolve to do? I think that's worth celebrating. I know that Family Man doesn't have to resolve to relax more. :) Kimberly doesn't have to resolve to sell her novel. :)))) If there's something you've accomplished so that you no longer have to resolve to do it, breathe a sigh of relief, raise a toast of gratitude to yourself, and here. . .have some more champagne.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday Bulletin Board
Let's get our coffee To Go this morning, and then go wandering around our Village to see what our friends are up to. (I wrote most of these on Saturday, so when you visit these blogs you may want to hit Refresh to make sure you're getting the latest news.)
Cathyc has stepped down from the throne and passed over the scepter as president of the New England Chapter of Sisters in Crime. She must have done an exceptionally good job, judging from what they gave her. Go read about the charm bracelet they presented to Cathy. It's the most amazing one I've ever heard of, and must have required hours of thought, love, and effort to make for her.
You have got to take a look at Boran2's most recent finished painting. But first, to fully appreciate his accomplishment, look at his first version. (Scroll down just a bit.) Then go see the final one here.
By now, Beth is either in the air or already returned from her vacation in Mexico. She caught a cold, dagnabit, so you can give her your best cold remedy. Why do I suspect most of them will involve some kind of spirits? ; } She also had an attack of the deadly Brain Fart, for which there is no known cure.
Conda has wise things to say about tradition and change.
Family Man's, er, family does it right. They manage to balance tradition with change in beautiful ways.
I do love You Tube. And bless Jen for posting a You Tube video of Buffalo Springfield singing, "For What It's Worth." It is, she says, probably her favorite protest song. It's definitely mine, although "Ohio" always gets to me, too. Until I saw that clip on her blog, I had never seen Buffalo Springfield perform! It takes me right back to my senior year at the University of Missouri, and the pride I felt that the "Springfield" in their name was--impossible to believe--the one in my own state.
Last I heard, Kimberly was taking a well-deserved break that involved down comforters, good books, and plenty of hot chocolate.
I'm pretty sure Man Eegee is out of town, but you can still catch up with the latest picture of The Noble Bud if you scroll down just a bit.
Rick Bylina is, as always, aMUSEing and observant. He's also generous. Do you know he regularly gives writing ideas away? I don't know how many potential best-seller plots he has offered to anybody who wants them, but I hope he'll get a percentage of sales, or at least a nice box of very good chocolate. Better yet, I hope he gets his own best-sellers.
Kelly and Mrs. Kelly have colds, poor babies, but that doesn't keep Wyrdsmiths from wyrding right along.
Over at Jungle Red, they've added another writing pal to the blog: Roberta Islieb who is the new national president of Sisters In Crime. When I was "tagged" by Man Eegee, I tagged five of my seven just by linking to them, and they were awfully good sports about responding. I haven't read the last few they wrote, but that's on my touring list of pleasures for today.
Katie's got a brand new blog. Well, not really, but Katiebird is going to have a "fresh, new look" soon. In the meantime, just by visiting there yesterday, I was reminded to drink more water. As many of you know, Eat4Today is the place to go if you need a nudge (and friendly support) to sustain good, healthy habits.
Okay, maybe this doesn't exactly fall under "good healthy habits," lol, but I'm putting up a link to something delicious at Far Manor. Hey, they've got milk, they've got wheat, they've got eggs!
Did somebody say, "bird butts"? Why, that makes me think of Olivia! Here's a link to one of my favorites of her recent shots: Widdle Bitty Bird Butt.
One of our new friends, Paul Lamb, has a blog about the agony and ecstasy of the writing life. The post to which I'm linking is one in which you will find both the A and the E, plus an example of sane and practical perseverance. God and The Flying Spaghetti Monster both know that it's not easy for a writer to remain sane and practical in this business.
Another new friend, Kathy McIntosh, also has a great blog about the writing and life, where she has strong words about "conversing fuel," (lol!), and even a recipe for hummus. Plus, she recently got "tagged" by Conda, so you can read all (okay, some) about her.
Ghostfolk and Andif don't have their own blogs, so I can't link to them. If they did, they might not be here so much. Therefore, you won't catch me doing any more than the bare polite minimum to encourage them to get their own blogs. I like things JUST FINE the way they are, where I get to make Andi my unofficial blog photographer, and I don't have to leave home to read Ghostie's posties. I guess I could say thanks, though, and tell them I love their presence and presents. :)
Another little bird told me you'll also enjoy Knucklehead's photo blog, and, of course, The Daily Coyote.
Oh, and as for me, on Saturday, I saw the movie "Charlie Wilson's War," and loved it. Best role for Tom Hanks in ages. Written by Aaron Sorkin ("The West Wing"). Directed by Mike Nichols. Also starring Philip Seymour Hoffman. What's not to like? Although. . .I might not have liked it nearly so well if it hadn't ended Just Right.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Green Planet
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What I love about spring

What's your favorite season of the year?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Spring skiing
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
What's that in my stocking?

And now I've gone on to a blog of my own. But more important by far is the fact that an entire family of real-life marmots populates our back yard every spring and summer. And to think I didn't even know what a marmot was until Andif became possessed by their spirit. The constant presence of them in my life since then must be, I dunno, fate.
So from the stuffed marmot and me---and thanks entirely to Ms. Marmot, herself, Andif--here is a wish for a happy Christmas, if that's your flavor. If it isn't, I wish you a happy whatever you have, with bells.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Light posting
Saturday, December 22, 2007
By Far, the Best Rolls
Friday, December 21, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Open house

Knock, knock? Hmm, looks like nobody's home. Oh, well, let's go on in anyway. She said we're welcome to make ourselves at home even if she isn't here, didn't she? Good. I thought so. There's supposed to always be coffee and tea and plenty of food in the 'fridge and the pantry, and she said she never stops the newspapers. No, don't lock the door. She said to leave it open so her friends can come and go as they please. . .
What does that note say? Hi, Guys. I've had to leave for a few days to get some writing done, but don't let my absence stop you. I'll miss you, but I'll be back before you know it. In the meantime, come in any time you feel like it, and stay as long as you like. Love, NP
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunday Bulletin Board

So my Sunday message for this week is: CHIRP! , which translates, I've been told, into both "Please," and "Thank You!"
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Best present

I guess you don't have to try to guess what was the best Christmas present I ever got. :) Oh, and did I mention that my first book went on sale within the same twenty-four hours when my child was delivered?
Of all the gifts you have received for any occasion, do you have a favorite? Or was there one that ranks as the worst evah?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Once upon a blog

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Coffee Shop Heaven

Tag, I'm it
Man Eegee, that rascal, tagged me today.
These are the rules:
1) Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself.
3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
My seven facts. . .
l. I recently started meditating once a day. This time, I think it's going to take.
2. I love anything that makes me laugh uncontrollably.
3. I cannot play a musical instrument, and believe me, I've tried. I took piano lessons as a child and then again as an adult. In another life I'm coming back as Ahmad Jamal and playing "Poinciana" until I'm sick of it.
4. I absolutely adored being a soccer mom.
5. I love to cuss. I don't understand people who don't love to cuss. My best friends all love to cuss. We must have all been sailors together in another life. Don't tell our mothers.
6. I have never learned the multiplication and division tables.
7. I like to experiment. Like, I went without credit cards for a year and a half, partly to see what that's like in this society. Luckily, I never needed to rent a car. It was tricky at hotels. I felt a constant undercurrent of nervousness about the whole thing, which I hated. I now have two cards, but one is a bank cash card, not a real credit card, and the other is for Macy's. And I have greater understanding of what it's like to pay only cash in a credit society.
And now the new tagees. . .Hank, Rosemary, Hallie, Jan, and Roberta, you've all been tagged. You, too, Conda and Beth. The rest of you are spared either because I know you're swamped, or because I suspect you've already been tagged before.
Monday, December 10, 2007
It was a dark and stormy. . .

Let's forget the storms of the present. Come on over to the bonfire, grab a stick and a marshmallow, and tell us a storm story from the past. Maybe you were scared, maybe you were thrilled, maybe you were cozy, maybe you were vulnerable, maybe you saved somebody, maybe you were saved, maybe you nearly died, maybe you felt really alive, maybe you played the world's longest game of Monopoly, maybe you got drunk, maybe you got pregnant, maybe it was beautiful. . ..anything can happen in a storm!
What happened to you?
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Updated: Sing like a coyote

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But the blogs are so delightful,
And since we can't go outdoors,
Let it pour, let it pour, let it pour.
It doesn't show signs of stopping,
But we've got corn for popping,
We'll do as we darn well please--
Let it freeze, let it freeze, let it freeze!
When we finally say goodnight,
We won't have to go out in the storm,
When we finally turn out the light,
We can stay home and be warm.
The ice will start its melting,
The sleet will stop its pelting,
As long as we've here to go,
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Friday, December 7, 2007
The devil's teeth

Thursday, December 6, 2007
White linen
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tracking the story
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A double cheeseburger from Winstead's once a month. I have to have it with a 50/50, which is half fries, half onion rings.
A chocolate malt--must be a malted--from the same place, once a year.
Mexican food once a month.
Fried Chicken from Stroud's, once every few years.
A bag of Frito's, twice a year.
Cheetos when I travel by car. And a Hersey's Almond bar, or two.
A hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and pecans, hold the cherry, once a summer. I would really like to make it a Banana Split, but I can't bring myself to take the plunge.
Monday, December 3, 2007
She Said, He Said
I'll start. . .
I have not a shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith. Gandhi
That cracks me up, at the same time as I take it seriously. Oh, so that's all there is to it! Just make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith as Gandhi. Nothin' to it. :) We can probably achieve that by noon.
Got something funny or inspirational to share?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
In praise of mistakes