"Boing" as in spring, and springing back. Didcha miss me? I missed you! I sorta read the comments, now and then, but I tried to stay away as much as possible to make good on my vow to write. I finished one short story rewrite, got part of another one done, and not much else, I'm afraid, though I also finished my Christmas shopping. The photo of fireweed is one of my favorites from Andif. (Correction: It's actually from her husband, Jim.)
100 comments! Seemed like a good time to close that post and start anew.
And now I'm off to bed, but I will see you in the morning.
Good morning all and at last I have things to say:
1. Jim took the picture.
2. It was taken this summer, along Fourth of July Creek in the White Cloud Mountains of Idaho.
3. The fire was in 2005. Called the Valley Road Fire, it burned 50,000 acres.
4. I'm off work till the 2nd -- which doesn't mean, apparently, that I'm going to sleep late.
I'm glad you're back.
Do I understand that the fireweed in that picture grew after a burn? That's supposed to be a wonderful thing for a forest. Of course, I don't know much about those kinds of things.
Paul, fireweed got its name because it's one of the first plants to grow after a fire. It's the start of the plant succession process (the first trees to appear are often willow and aspen).
Yes, fire is generally a good thing because many kinds of pine trees depend on fire to both clear out old growth and ground debris (allowing in more light) and open pine cones, which allows the seeds to spread.
However, if the fire gets too hot, you get crown fires and soil sterilization which is highly destructive and severely impedes recovery. Because of so many years of fire suppression, fires now tend to burn much too hot because there is way too much fuel. That's why the forest service and parks have started doing controlled burns and letting some naturally caused fires burn themselves out.
And I'll just bet you were really wanting a lecture first thing Saturday morning.
Good Morning! Like Andi, I'm off work, but wide awake.
Andi, that's a lovely photograph. And I LOVE the info about fires.
Nancy, it's great to see you again! But your guest house was great fun.
G'morning, Andi, Paul, and Katieb.
People left things amazingly neat and clean around here.
Nancy! It's great to see you.
Do you think we'll get snow today? We've had 'weather' every other Saturday this month....
They're saying 3 to 4 inches, so. . .
Thurs. I found a gift at Dillard's for 63 bucks. Yesterday I found a better version of the same thing at Costco for 33 bucks. Attention, Value Shoppers!
1/2 - 2? ....
Okay, why am I not smart enough to understand that, kb?
All I meant was that the big storms come by surprise and anything that's predicted turns to dust -- that I have my doubts we'll get any snow to speak of. ...
I wish I belonged to Costco. It always sounds like fun.
I'll take you to Costco with me sometime if you'd like to go. We can even have a bratwurst.
Which reminds me, did you see that Sophie's is closing?
Good morning, people!
Happy almost Christmas. :) I was at Einstein Bros for breakfast and coffee, and people were so pleasant (seriously). Everyone smiling and holding doors open and cheerful. I guess most people are off work and getting enough sleep for once. Though I was there around 8 am, so maybe nobody in the U.S. can sleep in when they first get off work.
Andi -thanks for fire info (and lovely picture). Very interesting.
Nancy -good job on all your productivity!
After days of writing Xmas cards, shopping, going to parties and hosting a meeting at home, today is my final party day! It should be fun.
Until I have to head out, I'm writing. I hit the 20 K mark on the new novel. That's exciting. It's fun to watch the word count go up and to think...okay, turns out I can write a sequel. That's good news since I already cashed the check.
I must say I like the publishing company's faith when they have authors sign contracts for books that aren't yet written. It's nice to feel like when I go out on a limb, I take a bunch of other brave souls with me. Just hope the branch can hold us all. ;)
Hugs all around.
Hi, Kimberly! I've been having that same nice experience--even when I returned something. No grinches.
okay, turns out I can write a sequel. That's good news since I already cashed the check.
lol! Yes, very reassuring. :)
Great pic whoever took it. And good info too, Andif. As an Idahoan, I tend to focus on only the destructive danger of fire, for exactly the reason you pointed out.
Great having back, Nancy--and congrats, you got a lot done, after all it is the Christmas season!
Hi, Conda, and thanks for giving me a good excuse. :) It IS Christmas season, by gum. We can't be expected to work much. To work.
I don't know anything about fires. Except that when I was a kid every couple of years The Bad Boys would set fire to the hill in front of our neighborhood. But it as all grass, no forest or trees.
It always burned FAST!
Writing and shopping completion! Sounds like you've made your time away very productive, Nancy.
Yay, Nancy's back! Did you see the rolls I left you?
Gotta congratulate Kimberly — it's always great to fulfill an obligation, cross off that thing on the to-do list, whatever, isn't it?
Hi, boran!
Far, those rolls!! Want some!
Nancy, I wish I could email you a couple of them. They're Parker House rolls, aka Crack House rolls. Evil diet-busting stuff… but soooooo gooood. My grandmother's recipe, too.
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