And "by Far," I mean these beauties were homemade by our own Farfetched from his grandmother's recipe. Omg, can't you just smell them from where you are? I could eat the whole plate of them. First with butter, then with turkey leftovers.
So what's yeasty in your life right now?
Hi, far. :)
Night, all. Sweet dreams of Parker House Rolls.
Ah there's no turn on that's as satisfying as food p0rn.
In other news, today at 4:30 a.m. a scientific study was conducted that conclusively demonstrated that neither men nor women can sleep through wind that sounds like a freight train is running through your bedroom.
Morning, andi! Looks like it's you and me again. Safely in Mexico, listening to the surf roar outside my window (I WAS able to sleep through that last night!). And I used to live next to the train tracks - the first time a train zoomed by at 3am I woke in a panic. Within a couple of nights, I didn't hear it again. Til someone visited, and THEY woke up at 3am in a panic. :-)
I can attest to how wonderful those rolls are!!
Off to the beach - hope everyone has a great Sunday!
PS - Welcome back, Nancy! We missed you! And hey to Kimberly, ditto!
Hi Beth, glad to hear you have arrived. Have fun! (And yes that's an order.)
Aw, okay, if you insist. :-) I'll send beach vibes out your way!
Yay, Beth on the beach… something is right with the world, then! It's raining here. Again. Which is good… it's that light rain that has time to soak in and refill all the aquifers. Trying to think positive here; the days are going to get longer for the next 6 months, after all.
Andi, I told the Opal story a while back. What I didn't mention is that while it *is* impossible for man or woman, children will snooze right through it. What will wake them up is a large oak tree falling next to the house.
Now I just need to escape from in-laws & visitors and get some writing done.
You know, I forgot to post that picture on my own blog. Let me go fix that. :-)
A tad windy where you are, eh, andi? Any limbs down?
Buenas dias, Bethas! It'll be fun to check the front page map and find you down there in Mexico.
Far, what IS the drought situation in Georgia now? Is Atlanta still only weeks away from running out of aqua?
I hope I show up! When I click onto the "Comments" page, everything is in Spanish except our comments. Once I log on, it switches to English. So SOMEONE knows I'm in Mexico!
You showed up, Beth! You look cute in that sombrero.
Good Morning!
Hi, kb! Happy snow-covered-but-sun-shining morning to you.
I'm off soonish to drive my mom to her church in midtown, and then I'm going downtown. I'll report back about the streets.
::yawn, stretch, wave:: Mmm, rolls. I knew there was a reason I got out of bed.
Be careful out there, Nancy!
Hi -- in order of appearance -- Beth (again), Far, Nancy, KB, Jen.
Yep Nancy, limbs and the large trunks they are attached to down all over the place -- this morning they called out the volunteer fire department to go remove the trees blocking roads. Meanwhile, the Pack and I heard but didn't see a big tree go down while we were out walking.
::waves back at Jen:: Good thing you got up when you did, 'cause those rolls are going fast.
Andi, goodness! Was it "just" wind, or ice or rain, too? You and the pack be careful out there! Unless, of course, you're going for a particularly good photo.
Has anybody seen Family Man around the village? I notice that he still has the same post up that was up when I went missing.
I thought he mentioned that there would be a lot of relatives around. But I haven't seen him at all since before yesterday & I'm not sure when the last time was...
I hope he isn't having a migraine.
Those rolls look delicious. I've got some spreadable cheddar with port wine that would go well with them. Mmmm. Umm, gotta run to the kitchen..
Just wind, Nancy -- which is still blowing ... maybe even stronger.
Nancy and kb, Family Man's been commenting over at the BT cafe so not to worry. I hope he's out practicing taking pictures of the old farmhouse because I have big expectations.
Thanks Andi, I'll stop by and say Hi....
Yeah, kb, I hope it's just relatives and busyness.
That sounds yummy, b2. And after seeing Sweeney Todd today I had an unaccountable desire for port wine.
Andi, I missed your message about FM. That's good news. Thanks.
Just scratched off my Christmas to-do list: watch "The Polar Express." Very good. Windy here too, nothing like what Andi's getting though.
Oh my. Looks like the rolls are gone. Guess I'd better get started on the challah bread, then (and here's last year's effort). It'll wait until tomorrow, I guess.
Now I guess I'll kick back & enjoy the mental image of Beth in a bikini & a sombrero....
Far, the challah picture is so cute. They look like two little animals lying on their backs with their paws in the air.
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