This is such a gorgeous picture by Andif. Otherwordly. Do you dare to follow Captain Pickard down the path, into the Comments?
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Ah, brave lads and lasses. . .
The lure of the green is irresistible .......
Green, especially this time of year, is a lovely color. Ah to be out there right now!
I was going to correct your spelling but I like the idea that it's otherwordly because I can never find any words that can really describe the intense green of the early spring forest.
Besides if I agreed it was otherworldly, I'd be othering myself. ;)
Lush and enticing. Spring isn't too far away, folks - as my father would say, keep the faith. I LOVED Next Generation - it was the only Star Trek I ever got into. My sister looks like Deanna Troi. And I'd follow you down any of andi's forest paths!
I leave for home late this afternoon. Red eye flights - home tomorrow. Yawn! And I caught a cold, so it'll be a long flight. But then I'll be home and can sleep it off. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Nancy, Nancy, Nancy:
You just wrote the definition of the decade. I am so proud of you.
Godspeed, Beth.
Safe journey Beth.
Try not to sneeze during the flight so you won't give your cold to the other 300 people on the plane. ;)
If you haven't checked out Far Manor today, I must warn all dieters to eat first. And keep one eye closed.
A baker's dozen, btw, Far.
Your last picture, Andif, is of what as children we called Scamper Woods. It was always that little draw with trees on either side and just enough water in the low to loose a shoe in.
No kidding, andi. I try to be aware of that stuff. It's just tough on planes. At least I'm not coughing. Sniff, sniff.
Thanks for the good wishes, folks! I'll pass them onto the pilots.
Good morning everyone!
I'll walk that path just as long as there's coffee at this end this morning.
Ghost I've been over to FAR's place and already put in my order.
Beth I hope you get to feeling better.
Andi, lol! I'm leaving that typo. On these days when I have nothing to say, I appreciate otherwordliness.
Hi, Beth, Ghostie, and Fam. Beth, scamper safely through the high today.
My name is Nancyp and I am a computer game addict. I know this is true because yesterday for the first time I sought out a web discussion group to find out how to advance in a certain game. ARGH!! What am I, twelve??
Olivia! Good morning. I'm looking out at the snow on our deck chairs and thinking, "Olivia has it worse." Thank you for keeping me in perspective. :)
Beth, that was my fav Star Trek series, too. I used to be asked if I was Capt. Picard's daughter. Now I get asked if I'm his wife. :) Damn, eventually I'll be his mother!
I'm an original series fan. Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, McCoy… I know it's incredibly quaint by today's standards, but it really broke new ground in its day.
Green is a nice color. Kudzu turns a brilliant green when it's not winter out — I guess it's like me; its favorite season is also not-winter. During the winter, it's just a tangle of dried vines.
So… you liked the cinnamon rolls, eh? I'm kind of buzzing after eating one this morning. Next time, I think I'll do a half-recipe and only make six or so.
Nancy: don't you have any nephews or nieces you could consult for computer game questions? Of course, situations like these may result.
lol, far! I love those photos.
I actually don't have any nieces or nephews to ask and my son is not much of a gamer, either. The site I found is a great help, though, and it's kind of reassuring to find so many other stupid players. :)
I haven't been over to your place yet today. I've been putting together a Village Tour for my Sunday Bulletin Board tomorrow. People can pick up c. rolls at your place. Yum.
Make it so, Captain Pickard. Beautiful photo.
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