Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year, continued
I'm off to the wilds of Prairie Village, Kansas, but don't let that stop you if you want to party on. Remember, Andif has a couch available, and you'll only have to pick off about a million dog hairs. But that's okay, because one or two of you may need a little hair of the dog in the morning. ; p
It sounds like a quaint place - is it? Or is the name deceiving?
I'm getting LOTS of work done on my book! And watching a great football game. And as soon as the next commercial comes on, I'm popping popcorn. And maybe might open the champagne early (ssssh)...
Thanks kb, Beth and Boran. Yep, Manee's in Times Square - or at least he said he would be in one of the comments at his blog today. I said I would look for him on teevee.
I was in Times Square the day before New Years Eve one time and the crowds were tremendous, I can't even imagine it on New Year's Eve.
We need to give him a (virtual) "I survived Times Square on New Year's Eve" button when he gets back.
I'm watching our local New Year's celebration on TV - a First Night celebration for families. They just had an artist who painted a giant portrait live on stage using his fingers. I think boran needs to try that - with a web cam. How about it b2? Something to think about for the new year?
I'm meeting Nancy and kb in April. And knucklehead sometime this summer. And spent Thanksgiving with Far. Hopefully will run into Ghost in April, too. I hope someday to meet all of my blog family!
beth, I've been to Sedona several times. We stayed about a week this past summer. I really love it there. We should have bought something there years ago. It's too late now unfortunately, far too expensive.
kb - No. I wasn't social blogging last year at the time. In fact I was barely blogging at all anywhere.
Beth - it's fun. We critique all the gowns. And drool at all the guys. But it's more fun when kb has a relative who's up for an oscar. Any chance this year kb?
I haven't been lucky enough to meet kb (I know I promised ... ) but I did get to meet Nancy when she was on her book tour a couple of years ago. She was the first blog person I ever met live.
Isn't that always the way, boran? I discovered Telluride, CO and Whitefish, MT before they were popular, but didn't buy anything. And was in Aspen in the early 80's, before it was destroyed. Now if I could just find the next "big" place before everyone else does...
As I said in the intro notes to the FAR Future episode I just posted, the in-laws believe that what you do on New Year's Day establishes a pattern for the rest of the year. For example, work on your car today = work on it all year long. So I might be a little scarce today… I'm gonna try to kick Olga awake and get her to help me jump-start a couple of short story ideas I've had kicking around for a long while. Like I said last post, the goal this year is to sell a story. At least one. By Thanksgiving. But in any case, I'm going to write. If nothing else, I'll go the webscab route and use AdSense as a tip jar.
Here's my toast: to writers and readers, who inspire and encourage each other through their words! skaal!
Hmmm. With THAT rule (and it sounds as good as any) I guess, I'd better spend the rest of the day working on my SIL's website. I've already written at E4T....
I've been thinking about posting a TipJar or Adsense. But, I don't think E4T gets enough reads (yet)
I'd love to hear about your experiences with it if you go for it.
Hi, everybody, and happy new year! I'm still at my friends' house, and it's halftime at the Cotton Bowl which our team is winning so far. We had a great time last night watching music on pbs--first classical, then phenomenal jazz, then U2 in an amazing concert from 2005.
It has been so much fun to come on and see you guys talk to each other last night and this morning. Big Smile!
One more thing--I absolutely loved meeting Mary. She's exactly in person as she is on line, and that's a Good Thing. I can't wait til Beth comes through!
Just one more. :) I'd be delighted to host an Oscar party here, if you want to. I just don't want to steal anybody's thunder if you'd like to have it on your blog.
I love that one the best, andi! And you're right, it would be almost right on the way - at least the way *I* take road trips! I'd love to see that part of the state - never have been there. Would I get to take a walk in your woods with the pack, both two- and four-legged?
Oh, Well -- we'll have to do something about THAT! Andi, I was Hoping we'd have a photo from you today. It's beautiful. Did I hear that you went to a party last night? How was it?
Oops! I saw the 100-comment comment too late, lol. Well, you guys can just keep chatting here. Like Tony the Tiger--that is Tony Temple who set a Cotton Bowl rushing record today--we'll set a record. :)
Beth, of course you can join the Pack in the woods. And I'll even sweep the dog hair off the couch.
kb, I just went over to my sister's place so now exactly big party time -- just a few people sitting around eating and talking and drinking wine. And it was very pleasant. And happy new year to you.
Sounds like a nice party, andi. And I'm a HUGE dog fan - I'll be down on the ground rolling around with them in no time. Dog hair? Who cares about dog hair? :-)
Well Beth, in case you want to do some dog hair pre-planning and find us on a map, follow SR 46 about 13 miles west of Columbus, Indiana till you see the little town of Gnaw Bone (yep, really) and we're just a little south and west from there.
It's really called Gnaw Bone? I bet the pack picked that place for you to live! I checked it out, and now know where you are. It'd be great to stop for a visit, andi - I'd love that.
We've been out much longer than any of the current crew has been around but the first pack member, BJ, was certainly instrumental in our making the move (yuck, she said, who wants to live where the yards are fenced).
As far as I'm concerned, your coming here is a done deal. We can work out the details when you start really planning the trip.
No, I'm sure I won't. And I have to stop in Myrtle Beach, High Point, and Atlanta before I can head up your way - and will most likely add another stop or two. So it won't be til mid-April til I get there, I'm thinking.
I'm just getting impatient to see my friends!
Guess I'd better get these books finished, since I can't leave til they're done. :-)
You betcha! If a hotel doesn't have wireless internet, I don't stay there. And when I'm lucky, the friends I stay with let me borrow their computers so I can post.
If I don't blog about it, I don't remember it! :-)
Oops! We might miss each other. Then again, it might be the second week by the time I finish in SC and NC. We'll figure it out as the time gets closer. I might be in Atlanta in Jan or Feb for a day or two...don't know right now.
Sniff has that same kind of impressive ability -- but the funny thing is that if we're going for walk in the rain, he could care less if he gets soaked.
LOL Nancy.
Hope you're having a wonderful time ... all the best to you and yours in the New Year!
Here's to a safe and happy New Year for everyone! See you next year!
(giggle) I've LIVED in the wilds of Prairie Village -- Be safe and have a Happy New Year!
Hi Beth & Olivia -- Are you having having a happy evening?
It sounds like a quaint place - is it? Or is the name deceiving?
I'm getting LOTS of work done on my book! And watching a great football game. And as soon as the next commercial comes on, I'm popping popcorn. And maybe might open the champagne early (ssssh)...
How about you, kb?
Kb, I forgot to tell you - I got your Christmas card when I picked up my mail today! Thanks so much for thinking of me!! Big hugs.
I had a nice time doing the cards. I've never done that many before -- it put my mind/emotions in a different place.
I'm thinking about having some wine, but what if it makes me morose?
And Prairie Village? Quaint? No.
(ducking from Nancy)
I'm glad you enjoyed sending them, because I enjoyed receiving it!
Ah well, maybe it was quaint when they named it! :-)
Don't think morose thoughts, and you won't get that way. Think happy new year full of potential thoughts!
Talk about being late for the party. (Can you be late on New Year's?) Happy new year to all!
You still have 37 minutes, boran - not late yet.
Happy New Year to you, too!
Good to know. ;-)
I guess that you've got a bit more time than I. You're not on the east coast, right?
Yep, I am this year. Florida. Usually I'm in Idaho on Pacific time, watching the new year crawl across the country.
Now it's only 19 minutes! Do you have your fireworks and champagne ready? I think my neighbors do...
No fireworks or champagne, only sparkling apple juice for us.
I've switched to chocolate...have a great celebration, boran, however you choose to toast it.
OOO It's getting close. I've got a glass of Merlot, Beth -- If you'd like some company!
There's no one I'd rather spend New Year's with, Katie - thanks for keeping me company!
How's the wine?
Lovely, it has a hint of a smokey flavor.
6 minutes....
You're an hour behind me, right? We get to do it again in an hour!
1 minute left!!
(1 minute!)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, kb!! Thank you for sharing it with me. I'm grateful for my new friends.
Happy New Year!
(You beat me!)
Beth, have a happy, happy New Year.
We are very lucky in our friends, aren't we?
Happy new year beth and kb!
Happy New Year kb, Beth, Boran and anyone else who stops in. I hope 2008 is a great year for everyone!
I'm saying a little prayer for Manee in Times Square. I can't even imagine ...
Happy new year mary!
Happy New Year, boran and kb! Thanks for sharing it with me. I wish only good things for you, my wonderful new friends.
Happy New Year, maryb! I hope Manee has a safe spot to watch the festivities - they're saying there are a million people there!
Hi MaryB & Boran2! It's fun sharing New Years with friends.
Mary, I didn't know Manny was in Times Square. We're watching it -- I wonder if I saw him & didn't know it?
Thanks kb, Beth and Boran. Yep, Manee's in Times Square - or at least he said he would be in one of the comments at his blog today. I said I would look for him on teevee.
I was in Times Square the day before New Years Eve one time and the crowds were tremendous, I can't even imagine it on New Year's Eve.
Manny went hours before just to get his spot. Perhaps we did see him in the crowd.
He's either very brave, or very crazy. I admire him for going!!
I hope he's taking photographs. But, it might be considered a security risk.
We're actually going to try and get together again before he leaves NY.
How fun, boran! I hope it works out.
With over 1 million people in Times Square, if they try to confiscate his camera, I wish them luck.
So you have 47 minutes to go, right, kb? Are you going to stay up?
We need to give him a (virtual) "I survived Times Square on New Year's Eve" button when he gets back.
I'm watching our local New Year's celebration on TV - a First Night celebration for families. They just had an artist who painted a giant portrait live on stage using his fingers. I think boran needs to try that - with a web cam. How about it b2? Something to think about for the new year?
My friend considered joining First Night in Boston, but was intimidated by the thought of celebrating with one million people.
Sounds like a great idea, boran! :-)
MaryB!! We watched that!! We were watching when he did that. Very impressive.
I'll get right on that, Mary.
kb - are you in St. Louis for the New Year?
Nope, but our Local Public TV station is showing it. Some guy with a xylophone is playing Chick Corea now. Right?
b2 - lol. You said that with such enthusiasm.
I hope you and Manny get together again. I'm jealous though if he gets to see you twice.
kb - yes!
How funny is THAT?? This is more than just a VIRTUAL link....
And Mary, it reminds me that we've got to make plans for the Oscars. Don't we?
Yep, first in Sedona and hopefully here. We'll see...
I can't believe we're both watching the same local show.
Yes on the Oscars. Definitely. Has Beth ever experienced the Oscars with you?
No, I don't think so. I didn't Blog them last year. did you?
Nope, no clue what you're talking about. I didn't meet kb until Nancy started her blog this summer. What am I missing?
And Sedona, boran? One of my favorite places in the world. And I've seen a lot of places....
May I say to everyone that anyone who gets the opportunity to meet b2 in person should take it immediately. Can't believe Manny gets to see you twice.
One of my sisters lives in NY, maybe ... Just maybe ...
I'm meeting Nancy and kb in April. And knucklehead sometime this summer. And spent Thanksgiving with Far. Hopefully will run into Ghost in April, too. I hope someday to meet all of my blog family!
Lucky Manny. ;-)
beth, I've been to Sedona several times. We stayed about a week this past summer. I really love it there. We should have bought something there years ago. It's too late now unfortunately, far too expensive.
kb - No. I wasn't social blogging last year at the time. In fact I was barely blogging at all anywhere.
Beth - it's fun. We critique all the gowns. And drool at all the guys. But it's more fun when kb has a relative who's up for an oscar. Any chance this year kb?
I haven't been lucky enough to meet kb (I know I promised ... ) but I did get to meet Nancy when she was on her book tour a couple of years ago. She was the first blog person I ever met live.
Hey, my NY sister is CHATTING with me on gmail. What a night..
In case I don't get back, It's been Really, Really fun.
Happy New year!
Isn't that always the way, boran? I discovered Telluride, CO and Whitefish, MT before they were popular, but didn't buy anything. And was in Aspen in the early 80's, before it was destroyed. Now if I could just find the next "big" place before everyone else does...
Enjoy the celebration, everyone! Sounds like fun, maryb. Count me in!
And anyone should take the opportunity to meet Mary, if it arises. She's lotsa fun.
Mary, No -- I don't think so. His big thing this year was a Halley Berry film.
He's working on a documentary of the Who right now.
Happy New year everyone. I can't keep my eyes open so I'm logging off and might be asleep before midnight.
Happy New Year, maryb!
Good night, Mary, and happy new year!
Have a great new year
with plenty of cheer
I gotta get some sleep.
Wait..wait! Happy New Year to all..this is an amazing group! So happy to know you..
xoox and many wishes for many wonderful years to come!
It IS a wonderful group, isn't it? Thanks, Hank - and the same to you!
Happy New Year.
I hope 2008 brings better days to everyone.
Happy New Year, indeed!
As I said in the intro notes to the FAR Future episode I just posted, the in-laws believe that what you do on New Year's Day establishes a pattern for the rest of the year. For example, work on your car today = work on it all year long. So I might be a little scarce today… I'm gonna try to kick Olga awake and get her to help me jump-start a couple of short story ideas I've had kicking around for a long while. Like I said last post, the goal this year is to sell a story. At least one. By Thanksgiving. But in any case, I'm going to write. If nothing else, I'll go the webscab route and use AdSense as a tip jar.
Here's my toast: to writers and readers, who inspire and encourage each other through their words! skaal!
Hmmm. With THAT rule (and it sounds as good as any) I guess, I'd better spend the rest of the day working on my SIL's website. I've already written at E4T....
I've been thinking about posting a TipJar or Adsense. But, I don't think E4T gets enough reads (yet)
I'd love to hear about your experiences with it if you go for it.
Hi, everybody, and happy new year! I'm still at my friends' house, and it's halftime at the Cotton Bowl which our team is winning so far. We had a great time last night watching music on pbs--first classical, then phenomenal jazz, then U2 in an amazing concert from 2005.
It has been so much fun to come on and see you guys talk to each other last night and this morning. Big Smile!
Okay, back to game soon. See you when I get home.
One more thing--I absolutely loved meeting Mary. She's exactly in person as she is on line, and that's a Good Thing. I can't wait til Beth comes through!
Sorry we hijacked your Place last night, Nancy, but we were having too much fun. Glad you're having a good time. We'll keep chatting til you get back.
And I can't wait to head for Kansas, either!!
AND Tennessee is winning - go Vols!
Just one more. :) I'd be delighted to host an Oscar party here, if you want to. I just don't want to steal anybody's thunder if you'd like to have it on your blog.
I hear a marching band. . .
I loved it that you did, Beth!
Way to go Tigers!
Yay, Tigers!
Home again, after a good time was had by me.
Hey Beth, if you're driving from Florida to Kansas, southern Indiana would make a nice side trip. And April is a really pretty time of year.
To add the finishing touch to my New Year's card, here' the same spot 1/1/2008.
Andi, I like that shot best of all, even if it does look as cold as our temperature.
I love that one the best, andi! And you're right, it would be almost right on the way - at least the way *I* take road trips! I'd love to see that part of the state - never have been there. Would I get to take a walk in your woods with the pack, both two- and four-legged?
Beth, I think you're turning into our Village Emissary. And you don't even have to broker any peace agreements. :)
Maybe I should put up a new post now.
Can I put that on my resume? You're starting to catch onto my MO - and see why I travel so much. Too many friends to visit!
The stupid thing is, I forgot to get a picture with Far. Well,there IS one of us yakking on the couch. Guess I'll have to go back.
We haven't reached 100 comments yet!
Oh, Well -- we'll have to do something about THAT! Andi, I was Hoping we'd have a photo from you today. It's beautiful. Did I hear that you went to a party last night? How was it?
Oops! I saw the 100-comment comment too late, lol. Well, you guys can just keep chatting here. Like Tony the Tiger--that is Tony Temple who set a Cotton Bowl rushing record today--we'll set a record. :)
Beth, of course you can join the Pack in the woods. And I'll even sweep the dog hair off the couch.
kb, I just went over to my sister's place so now exactly big party time -- just a few people sitting around eating and talking and drinking wine. And it was very pleasant. And happy new year to you.
Sounds like a nice party, andi. And I'm a HUGE dog fan - I'll be down on the ground rolling around with them in no time. Dog hair? Who cares about dog hair? :-)
Well Beth, in case you want to do some dog hair pre-planning and find us on a map, follow SR 46 about 13 miles west of Columbus, Indiana till you see the little town of Gnaw Bone (yep, really) and we're just a little south and west from there.
It's really called Gnaw Bone? I bet the pack picked that place for you to live! I checked it out, and now know where you are. It'd be great to stop for a visit, andi - I'd love that.
We've been out much longer than any of the current crew has been around but the first pack member, BJ, was certainly instrumental in our making the move (yuck, she said, who wants to live where the yards are fenced).
As far as I'm concerned, your coming here is a done deal. We can work out the details when you start really planning the trip.
Done deal with me, too! I'll keep you in the planning loop, along with Nancy and kb. And Far, since I'll be passing through Atlanta on the way.
OOO, it's getting exciting! I can't wait.
Me too! I keep thinking, I can leave the last week of March. I don't have to wait til April!
It'll be one of my better cross-country trips! And once I'm in CO, it's an easy day trip back when you have a Tupperware party! :-)
Or kb, you and Nancy could come to Indiana and save Beth some driving.
No, no. Don't do March -- things won't get really pretty here until the later part of April.
No, I'm sure I won't. And I have to stop in Myrtle Beach, High Point, and Atlanta before I can head up your way - and will most likely add another stop or two. So it won't be til mid-April til I get there, I'm thinking.
I'm just getting impatient to see my friends!
Guess I'd better get these books finished, since I can't leave til they're done. :-)
This is going to be some trip, Beth! Of course you're taking us all along by laptop?
You betcha! If a hotel doesn't have wireless internet, I don't stay there. And when I'm lucky, the friends I stay with let me borrow their computers so I can post.
If I don't blog about it, I don't remember it! :-)
[dancing for joy, on one foot]
Um... what week in April? We're going to be in Florida the first week in Apr.
Oops! We might miss each other. Then again, it might be the second week by the time I finish in SC and NC. We'll figure it out as the time gets closer. I might be in Atlanta in Jan or Feb for a day or two...don't know right now.
Anyway, hopefully we'll connect here or there!
far, how's the knee?
Hey, we need to keep commenting. We're almost to 100.
In case he's not around...
Far sent me mail and said his knee was a ton better. He didn't have to take an Advil all day, and believed that staying off it and icing it helped.
Or was it the booze? :-)
Okay, this excuse for a comment is an incentive for Beth to show up here in the latter half of April (this picture taken on 4/20/2006).
You're just trying to make it to 100.
That's a great incentive, andi! I'll try and drive slowly...
Well yes I am but I really do love it here when the dogwoods and redbuds are in bloom.
And it's good to think about April right now since I just went outside to get some wood for the stove and it's snowing horizontally.
Snowing horizontally? UGH! Think dogwoods and green grass instead - it'll be back before you know it.
I won't whine about it getting down to 36 tonight here, then.
Okay, andi, the next one is yours - #100!
Oh, you THINK so? Do you?
Andi, Horizontal snow? Wow. I'd LOVE to see that!
I just sent poor ole Hopeful out into that (fortunately it isn't actually snowing much). I expect this will be the world's quickest pee.
Drat you, kb!
Not bad -- considering I'm eating dinner at the same time!
Funny how their patterns change when the weather turns. We had a dog who hated rain - she could go 24 hours without peeing if it was wet outside.
Fireworks!! :)
katiebird, that cracked me up.
Ooo, Andi, I'm saving that photo for some pretty day when we want to meet outside.
Tsk, tsk, kb -- how prideful of you. ;P
Sniff has that same kind of impressive ability -- but the funny thing is that if we're going for walk in the rain, he could care less if he gets soaked.
I'm so ashamed. Hanging my head.
Still it WAS fun....
And NOW, can we have coffee in the CLEAN room?
Okay, kb. I guess it is time to turn off the lights here.
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