It was COLD in Kentucky, so let's all go to my favorite beach in Hollywood, Florida.
I met incredibly nice people in Lexington this weekend. They made me stay in a lovely hotel, and they kept forcing me to eat fabulous food, and they made it possible for me to spend time with one of my best friends, and they insisted on selling a bunch of my books, and they wouldn't let me pay for anything. Total meanies!
I hated to leave them, but I'm glad to be home to you. Happy Monday, y'all.
Gonna be almost 60 degrees here tomorrow (Monday). Followed by snow.
!! It's great to see you! And I'm glad you had a good time.
Welcome home Nancy and hi KB.
Nancy if those friend of your just have to have someone to pamper, I'll say I'm a writer, and I'll be happy to be right down there. :)
It's good to have you back, and I know the snow has been holding off on your account. :)
Morning Nancy and kb.
Welcome back Nancy. Let's see, what do I have to greet you in the Monday Picture Post? Why what a surprise ... it's ice! But it has a sort of lazy-day-at-the-beach theme because ...
we're going with the flow.
well, we would if we could.
Welcome home, Nancy - we missed you! Although as you guessed, we found ways to amuse ourselves...but it just wasn't the same. Glad you had a great time.
And the Giants won last night...did y'all hear me screaming during the final few minutes? For a change, the game was better than the commercials.
Starting the new book today - wonder who will show up in it?
Happy Happy, everyone!
Well, that's an ice breaker, Beth. :-)
Starting the new book today.
Congrats on finishing! Wow, the creative rush that comes while you're wrapping up a project -- that urgency to do something else -- something new. Too cool!
Knock down a chunk of it. :-)
Andi, we're all coming to your house with candles to help the creek thaw. [ Some movie director wishes he'd thought it. :) ]
Sounds like a lovely trip, glad you enjoyed yourself and made it back safely.
Good to see you back Nancy!
Morning, gang and welcome back, Nancy!
Andi - love the pics. :)
The writing went slowly this weekend. Woke up about 3 a.m. and had a facepalm moment about the scene I wrote on Sunday. Good thing, that, because I missed something fairly important.
Unlike some of you earlybirds, I did go back to sleep. ::g::
Happy Monday, all!
Lol, family man. I'll send them your name.
Gorgeous photos, Andi. I haven't had coffee yet, so my other adjectives are still dormant, but when they saw the pictures, they quivered with anticipation.
Beth, that game was incredibly thrilling for a Giants' fan! I just saw the final few minutes.
New book starts today?!! Go, Beth!
Ghost, that image of all of us arriving with candles is very M. Night Shamalya (sp?).
Thanks, Jen and Olivia. Good to see your pretty fonts!
Maria, there's something about 3 a.m. At the hotel, at least four of us authors reported waking up at that time on both Thursday and Friday nights. It's said the hotel is haunted, which is, of course, the explanation we preferred--over the garbage truck I heard on Saturday night.
Hi Everyone! Sorry to be absent this morning. I've been hanging out at MyDD where somehow a diary I wrote made it to the Recommended list. It's silly, I know but, I'm just sitting around and looking at it. (I also posted it at an Orange blog -- but it was mostly attacked by vicious dogs)
Don't feel like you should read it -- it's political. And inappropriate for here.
Very interesting stuff, Katiebird.
Me too on Edwards' health care (and couple of third tier candidates). What's left now seems like the same ol political treament to me.
If I were younger I'd move to Canada or France. If they would let me.
Nancy, can you help me with my French lessons?
PS - the current book is snoozing. Not done yet, just taking a wee breakie. So I can't really say it's wrapped up - just a draft done. Better to have the facepalm moment NOW, while we're the only ones who know about it, maria! :-)
Haunted - but you didn't see anything?
Congrats, b!!
Coffee sounds pretty good today - even if it's the fake useless kind...
Hey Nancy! Good to hear they treated you right in Lexington! But that's just what they're supposed to do for a Famous Author, right?
We had a really nice weekend on Planet Georgia, 60-degree weather and the rain held off until Sunday afternoon (at which point I went for a nap). Woke up to thunder this morning, though, and meandered around the manor unplugging computer equipment.
Beth, hooray for starting a new novel! You gotta write when the urge strikes, though, because it doesn't always stick around (says he who didn't write more than a few emails this weekend).
Candles on the ice… Hey, I've got an idea. Let's put them on little rafts, set them on the ice, and they'll continue melting the ice downstream… and continue glowing as they work their way to the Ohio, and the Mississippi. Down in New Orleans, they'll see the glowing candles heading to the Gulf and take hope…
How do you say "More chocolate please?"
Donnez-moi encore plus de chocolat, svp. En ce moment. Beaucoup plus de chocolat. Rendez-le rapide.
Ghost: Gimme. Gimme more. Gimme now.
KB, I enjoyed your take on the healthcare situation… still do. We're going to have to go single-payer eventually, if we don't end up in Third World status first. But if we have to take intermediate steps to get there, fine.
Let's put them on little rafts, set them on the ice, and they'll continue melting the ice downstream…
Yes, Far. A vast improvement!
"better to have the facepalm moment NOW". . .too true, Beth. Because readers *will* give it to you. :)
Far, what a lovely image!
Put chocolate on the ice, too?
Hey, who are these readers that are giving it to my friend Beth?
I'll kick the sht out of 'em, they keep it up. :-)
In situations like thse, Nancy, I like to remember what Anais Nin said.
I mean, everything she ever said. Or wrote. All of it. :-)
Beth & Nancy, no kidding re: facepalm moment!
Ghost re: Rendez-le rapide
Bien sur! Je le desire maintenant!
Speaking of Canada, I'll be heading to Vancouver the first week of September to celebrate my 50th birthday and do some research for book 3 (as yet untitled). Doing the Lima family thing: my parents, sister, BIL and me, unleashed. I've never been there, so am looking forward to it greatly.
Speaking of Je le desire maintenant!, Vancouver!
When the bride turned forty, we each picked three places in the world we would most like to live. Vancouver was the only one on both our lists.
I've been through Vancouver on the way to the Gulf Islands - spent a couple of weeks there writing at a friend's house - talk about peaceful and productive. I loved Victoria...that'll be fun, maria!
Thanks, ghostie - if my honor ever needs defending, you'll be the first person I'll call! :-)
Yikes - the &^%$# Toshiba is acting up again this am - today it's playing browser games. Sorry for the multiple post!
Bad, Very Bad news:
A woman I work with and her infant daughter was murdered over the weekend (presumably) by her ex-husband who then abducted his toddler son. He was just arrested in Texas. But she'll never be back....
Oh, Cathy! I'm so sorry. You must all be in shock there at the library. It's such a terrible story.
Thank you...
I should have said that the boy is safe.
Katiebird, so very sorry to hear that.
Hi all, in and out for a while as the novel is back in flow state and that means more writing less everything else.
Life's a beach, and then you swim.
Oh, is that another deadline I see on the horizon for your next book?
Or, is it GOZILLA?
"Monday, Monday!"
Oh, I'm so sorry, kb - that's awful, just awful. Why do people think it's okay to take someone else's life??
Big hugs to you today.
Kb, I was so horrified that you knew her that I completely missed where you said the father has been captured. That poor little boy.
Oh, kb, that's just awful. :(
Hugs to you!!
KB I'm so terribly sorry that happened. It always amazes me how inhuman people can be to each other.
Please take care of yourself and don't try to worry too much.
Oh kb, I am so sorry. My sympathies to you and all the other people at the library.
KB...So sorry to read about your loss.
Jeez. I can perhaps see how someone could be twisted enough to think killing his ex is a good idea, but the baby too? WTFF??? At least they caught him.
Hi all, welcome back, Nancy. My sympathies, katiebird--how awful. That's all the time I've got today, gotta get to work!
kb my sympathies. It's awful when anyone is murdered but especially hard when you know the person.
Nancy it was 75 degrees today here - with the snow still on the ground this morning it was so foggy you couldn't see at all. Of course it's all melted now. Tomorrow they are predicting thunder storms but no snow for us. I was hoping for a nice weather election day but ... alas.
Gosh, Nancy, it sounds like you had a perfectly awful time. Welcome back!
Anybody know what the back story is to Bobby Knight's resignation? (Since it's Bobby Knight I assume there must be one, but I haven't been following basketball the last few weeks.)
lol, b2. Yes, I sure hope they never make me go back.
Maryb, I'm wondering, too. The story I read said absolutely nothing about a reason. You'd think it would take a heck of a reason to make a coach quit in the middle of a season.
I'm watching ESPN, surprise. They were as surprised as anyone at the announcement. One of the announcers he saw BK a week or two ago, and he wasn't having any fun any more. Also, his son is his assistant, so it's good timing for him to step into his dad's shoes and take the team the rest of the way thru the season. Bobby has 902 wins, so they're also saying maybe he just decided it was time. So far no one's acting like there was any one incident that caused it. They'll discuss it more on SportsCenter at 11 eastern time.
The end of an era, to be sure.
Hugs to EVERYONE! -- Thank you very much for your support.
I've tried posting here at least 3 previous times and something's kept it from happening every time. I'm SO sorry that I've been out of touch.
What's this about Bobby Knight's resignation???
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