We may have some visitors coming over from the Mystery Readers International website, so I want to post a special welcome to them. (The reason for the visits is that I did an interview, conducted by my friend and sister mystery writer, Carolyn Hart, and it's posted there.) If you "regulars" spot any MRI members in the comments, please offer them a friendly wave and a howdy. And if they're lurking? Then we'll smile and give 'em a wink.
I still have my head down, writing. I am totally inspired by the examples of Kelly and Kimberly!
Welcome, MRIers!
Yay for you, Nancy. I agree. I spent the day online, in pursuit of worthy things, but as a result have only written 371 words. With a daily goal of 2500, I'd better get busy!
Looking forward to your reemergence...and howdy to everyone once they discover the new post! :-)
Beth, isn't it weird how, for all those times the words come so slowly, there are other times when you can't believe how many you wrote? I had about 500 words earlier today. . .and then suddenly there were 2500. I didn't know I was meeting your quota for you! You're welcome. Oh, wait, I'm not going to let you have them. That may turn out to be just as well. . .for you.
Nancy, if you EVER need a repository for your unneeded words, I will freely accept them!
It IS funny. I seem to speed up as I near my goal. I guess perception is everything. Right now I'm perceiving that I'm never going to make 2500 before the Duke game at 9pm...!
Kimberly sure gave us an example of speeding up as she neared her goal, lol.
I did 3645 the first day I started my current project, but that was unusual. If I could match her output, I'd be finished in a jiffy!
Of course, that would entail turning OFF the internet.....
Good Lord, ain't that the truth! I've barely done anything this last week, besides slapping out 350 words as a humorous response to Rick's blog this morning. "Just one more site," and next thing I know it's past time to stumble to bed.
I find that I tend to seriously accelerate as I approach the end of a book, in part because all of the major decisions are made and the thing has a weight and trajectory to it at that point that's easy to use as motivation.
Welcome, welcome!
Kelly, I do the same thing with my paintings. As things finally start to work and I get closer to completion, I find that I can't put it down.
Boran, that's really cool to know. Thanks.
I consider 1,000 words a productive day (though I generally do a bit more than that). Once I wrote 5,000 words in a single sitting, but that was when I was finishing a novel (not yet published) and I think the momentum, plus my desire to be finished, took over.
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