Isn't that pretty? It's what I found when I went looking for an image for "SinC," which in my world stands for Sisters In Crime. I thought I might find a photo of our logo. Instead I found that pretty thing which, in a mathematician's world, is also called "sinc." Don't ask me what it really is. I may be a mystery writer, but that doesn't mean I have a clue.
So I don't know what that sinc is, but I do know what SinC is, and today's the day I'm launching a new chapter of it in the Kansas City area. If anybody's reading this who is within driving distance, y'all come to the I Love a Mystery bookstore in Mission, Ks., at 11 a.m. today for our very first meeting. It's for readers and writers, librarians and bookstore people, and any other human being of any make or model who wants to support women in the world of mysteries.
If you like your women mysterious, you're gonna love us, I promise.
And by "today," of course I mean Saturday.
I've had key lime pie two nights in a row. What did I do to deserve such goodness??
'Night, y'all. Unless we all wake up to chat at 3 a.m.
Hey, I'd love ya even if your weren't mysterious.
Unfortunately, I have another, prior engagement and can't make it to the inaugural meeting.
I am curious why you're starting a new chapter. Is there one still going on over at Borders in Overland Park?
If only I could do a little accordion fold in the center of the U.S., I would drive over in no time.
Alas, I guess I'll just have to console myself with the reading Denise Mina's new book (pretty good consolation, though).
Ditto, andi.
Have fun, Nancy! Wish I could be there in body instead of just in spirit.
Morning, everyone! We have clouds today, but they don't look very promising...still no rain for dry Florida. High fire danger tomorrow - what a winter. Stay warm...
Congrats on the new SinC chapter, Nancy! Hope you have lots of sinister fun.
Ya know, I really have to object. Promoting all the sisters into crime is really not a positive thing to create good role models for the next generation.
Really now, are we going to have chapters of...
MOM (Mothers of Murder)
DAD (Dads Applying Death)
BOD (Brothers of Doom)
I mean, the jails are really quit full already.
But if you must go, just be sure to tell the sistahs that I've got a detective who'll be watching out for them. He's a member of...
...CAUGHT (Cops And Undertakers Getting Harmful Thugs)
As far as I'm concerned, all women are mysterious. ;-)
Good luck with this, Nancy!
Rick, I love that and will steal it for my meeting today. Especaially BOD, lol.
Andi, Beth, Ghost. . .I wish you all could accordian-fold the earth and come!
Paul, let me know if you want to be on the list for getting the news. As to the "why," there are several reasons. . .for one thing, the OP chapter seems to focus mostly on readers' needs, which is fine, and long may they prosper, but I've sensed a hunger for a chapter devoted more to writers. Writer-oriented chapters tend to be more active in terms of seminars, forums, etc., which makes sense since we want to sell books, meet editors, etc.
Also, the other chapter meets at Borders--also fine, but I really want to support the local indie mystery bookstore, which happens to be women-owned and run.
And I think we can inject some new life into the Old Girl.
Exactly what we want you to think, Boran2.
; D
Have fun, Nancy. Like the others if I could but apply a fold to the map...
Thanks, Kelly. I hope we'll locate the SF-F and other genre writers in the area and get together with them now and then.
Starting a new chapter is always so much fun! (Says she who has done so at least once).
Have a blast, Nancy. I'd tesseract there if I could, but I've got no Charles Wallace to assist...nor a Mrs. Whatsit nor Mrs. Who.
I'm slinking back into my fictional version of the Texas Hill Country for the day...need to bang out some more words.
Happy Saturday, all!
(I forgot to mark the comments box again - just go on with whatever you were doing)
I love the accordion fold in the earth idea. I'd be there too if that existed.
Good morning and happy Saturday to everyone.
Woo… I haven't had to think about sinc functions since college!
My favorite short story by Stephen King was "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut," in which Mrs. Todd did fold the map. It was stuck in my head for weeks after reading it.
New FAR Future is up if you've been waiting…
Cool pic, Nancy. And I belong to the local chapter of SinC here in Boise. It's a great group, lots of good writerly stuff and just plain a blast. And remember, you don't have to be a "sister" or even female to attend or belong(or at least that's true of our local chapter).
And rick, loved your post!LOL
Paul, I forgot to say--lol, and thanks!
The meeting was fabulous. Truly. Between 30 and 40 people. (Four or five men). Very high energy, excited, eager to get going. We're going to meet on the first Saturday of every month. That will be our regular meeting. But they also want to meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month for the smaller groups we're forming, which at this point look like they're going to be:
1. A critique group for writers
2. A mystery book club for readers
3. A combination of the two where participants will all read the same mystery novel and then we'll tear it apart to see how it was done. This one's my baby.
4. A group to pursue the idea of helping people to become reviewers.
5. Outreach to libraries, etc.
I think there may have been other groups proposed, but I don't have the meeting notes yet.
On March 1, we'll select pres (probably me), vp, sec., treas. We'll have a report on what other chapters do. Report on website and/or blog possibilities. Also a report on the larger mystery world and events coming up. And we'll break up into the small groups so they can begin their stuff.
People stuck around to meet and chat. It was cool.
Anybody who wants to join the local needs to join the national--which you can do on line at the Sisters In Crime website.
We were probably in the meeting part for an hour--leaving the rest of the day, which people liked.
Hi, Conda. Give my regards to your chapter!
Hey, Maryb--wish you could have folded Missouri and walked across today.
Far, new chapter! I am so pitifully behind in my blog reading!
Ok, It's a good thing I didn't try to go anywhere. I really thought I waved this morning & was wondering why no one was posting...
Nancy the meeting sounds great. I should have skipped the caucus on Tuesday and come to your meeting today.
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