The dark side of these very small towns I've been visiting is the economic struggle, which is intense and felt all along Main Street and beyond. The light side is the amazing spirit, intelligence, humor, and energy I've seen in their libraries and beyond. The photo above is at sunset in Courtland, Ks., where I ate at the only place to have supper--a pool hall on the western, "dark" side of this particular Main Street. I had a cheeseburger and fries cooked the way French fries ought to be cooked--soft inside, crunchy outside, greasy and hot. Then I crossed the street and gave my speech inside their beautiful, immaculate Arts Center, a remarkable testament to how much they want the arts--and their home town--to thrive. There were homemade cookies, and iced tea, and I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all. It sure was had by me.
I love these towns. I wish them well!
Nancy, I really enjoy hearing the enthusiasm you have for the towns and the people you've visited.
I get so tired of the negative and we can ALWAYS find the down side.
My Brother-in-law sent me the following link this morning:
Toetapping Good Time
Makes me wish I could sing and dance.
This is my Friday off. SOOO glad as 12 new students came to intake meeting yesterday which means Monday will be a pip.
Maria, Hope you get some down time to write and relax.
Beth, glad you're home. Parents with failing health seems to a theme for several of my friends right now. Hope you can find the traction you need to get going the way you want.
Andi, Pat the pups for me.
Fabulous Friday to All.
Have a great day off, Lisa! And thanks - I've gone through my own parents passing, so this is round two.
I love small towns, but they do face unique challenges. How cool that you get to contribute to them in such a unique way, Nancy.
Watched the fire coverage in OK last night on the Weather Channel - scary and sad. Weird, after our topic yesterday.
Off to buy new tires - have a wonderful Friday, everyone!
Good morning and Good Friday to those who celebrate it and a good Friday to those who don't (it was pretty good here, Jim's off and I slept all the way to 6:30).
It's been a great trip going along on your trip, Nancy. Of all the pics, the sign in the street is my favorite.
Morning all.
Morning, all! Nancy, thanks for the positive - could use more of that these days!!
Yay, Friday, even if it's rainy/thunderstormy.
::Keeps fingers crossed that there is no day job work this weekend and I can concentrate on the copy edits::
Hugs to you all!
ummm... :) Coffee and Nancy!
Much ugliness expected in Sector 706 this afternoon as storms move through. It doesn't sound *quite* as bad as the Palm Sunday Outbreak some years back, but this Good Friday one sounds potentially bad enough.
I'm now about 2-3 episodes from wrapping up FAR Future — now if life will just STOP for a few days, I might actually finish the dang thing. I haven't even gotten to my taxes yet! (It would help if we weren't eating out every damn night.) At one post a week, it'll be some time before the last one gets posted & I lose half my readers. ;-)
Hoping everyone stays warm, dry, and no trips to Oz today!
Nancy, how bittersweet your post is. I love small towns, but know how they struggle.
And in answer to your earlier question, we're having a typical Boise spring: snow in the morning, 70 degrees at noon, then hail, then sun then...never boring!
Thanks for the explanation re: the purpose of the fires, Beth. It does seem there would be a better way to get rid of weeds?
Many times what is posted here reminds me of song lyrics. Reading Nancy's post today reminds me (of course!) of John Cougar Mellencamp's "Small Town" -
Well I was born in a small town
And I live in a small town
Prob'ly die in a small town
Oh, those small communities
All my friends are so small town
My parents live in the same small town
My job is so small town
Provides little opportunity...
Good song, good thoughts from Nancy, good fellowship here. :-)
Farf, good luck finishing the last couple of episodes!
Conda, your post reminds me of the weather saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change." We're having "typical" opening day weather here, 50's with off and on rain. Hey, we're used to it. It often snows! lol The rain may actually bring the Indians some good luck. We lost the first three in sunny Texas (hi, Lisa).
Thanks for the Good Friday wishes, Andif. I wish everyone a good holiday weekend whatever you're celebrating.
Hi, everybody. Thoughtful posts today, from thoughtful peeps.
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