Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flowing, flowing, gone. . .

Blog closed for a few weeks.

Photo by Andif, of course!


Larry Kollar said...

Going dark again, huh? Hope it's good stuff!

So… who's going to sub?

katiebird said...


I miss you already... Actually? I really do miss you. :(

Nicola Slade said...

Damn, I was going to wait before I boasted (kvetched??) but if you're not here I can't do that. So - the contract won't arrive till I do the rewrite but I have a conditional acceptance for my second Victorian history mystery. (Fingers crossed!)
Have fun and bring us back a stick of rock, Nancy. (Stick of rock - in case they don't have them in the US - is a seaside delicacy, a foot long cylinder (1"dia) of solid sugar, usually peppermint flavoured and lethal to the teeth.)

AndiF said...

That's kvelled you're deservedly doing, Nicola (kvetch is the opposite) and mazel tov!

So this Looking Up Monday Picture Post will also be a looking forward both to your return, Nancy, and to the outburst of spring that has just begun.

Well sort of up [LINK]

Okay more out than up [LINK]

There, I've got it! [LINK]

Morning all.

Family Man said...

Hi Nancy,

I'm like KB, I miss you already.

Hope you speedily get done what you're setting out to do, but the most important thing to remember during all the hectic time is..... ok wait for it, wait for it........

SLACK FROM TIME TO TIME! :)I'll be looking forward to you getting back.

Maria Lima said...

Morning, all - and congrats, Nicola!!

I'm looking forward to a 3day workweek, then Malice Domestic, where our own Nancy P will be feted as Guest of Honor. (and deservedly so!!)

Cheers, all!

Anonymous said...

I know it's for good reasons, but I'm so sad when you disappear, Nancy...your return will be joyous, though!!

Congrats, Nicky!!

Lucky you, Maria - please give Nancy a big hug from all of us!

In Crescent City, CA this morning, eventually landing in Eugene tonight. Last day on the coast, sniff. Although it's been fun, I'm ready to be home and sleep in my own bed. But not til Wednesday!

Good Monday to everyone here, and to come.

Kelly McCullough said...

See you after the denouement or wherever you are when you reopen.

Nicola, major congrats. That's lovely.

Me, I'm just starting the polish on the end book of the WebMage series now that I've got my reader comments coming in. Then, next week, it's time to freak out about the next series. Or maybe write a dozen book proposals up or something.

Anyway, TTFN, to to all.

Lisa M said...

Going with the flow. I put up a good front, but don't do change all that well.
Waves wistfully at Nancy packing.
Well deserved honor Blog Queen.

I don't have a blog, or I'd volunteer to sub for N.
Hug for KB.

YEAH Nicky!!!!
We call that rock candy and it's usually in chunks over here and I don't remember any flavors.

Maria--enjoy time with Nancy.

Andi--I'm going to need a Yiddish dictionary. Between you and Nicky my vocabulary abounds.
Great pics.

Beth--enjoy that time and safe travels home.

Kelly--good luck with the next stage.

Waves to FM and Farf and others to come.

Thunderboomers here this morning and almost three inches of rain. So hope all are well and safe.

I'm planning a June trip through Kansas and up to Wisconsin then down through Indiana and back to Texas. Not sure who is on that route but am looking for couches to sleep on or a place to throw a bed roll.

Marvelous Monday to all.

Nicola Slade said...

Thanks guys (kvelling, I'll remember that, it's smooth whereas Kvetch is harsh and angry!). Lisa, seaside rock is like candy canes but the most important thing is that the name of the town is written inside the stick of rock ie letters that go all the way down. If it doesn't have writing in it, it's not the genuine article thus Nancy should bring us all a stick of rock with Malice Domestic written all the way down the inside!
(Cultural differences, eh?)

bono said...

Alright, this proves it. I'm addicted to this blog and going thru withdrawal just thinking about it closing. Have lots of fun, Nancy. I'm looking forward to the tales you'll tell when you return.

Congrats, Nicola! Color me envious, Maria. Like Lisa said, give Nancy a hug for all of us. Safe journey home, Beth. Good luck, Kelly.

If there's time, I'd be willing to drive to Indiana to meet up with you, Lisa. It's only the next state over. Maybe, we could visit that store that sells Andif cards. (wiggles eyebrows)

Great pix, Andif. Everything is just popping here, too. Trees with little leaves or in full flower blossom (fruit trees not dogwoods - ours aren't as open as yours in the pic), tulips are blooming, and allergies going nuts. lol All part of the awakening. I saw this quote over the weekend and thought of you and your pix:
And this our life, exempt from public haunt, / Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, / Sermons in stones, and good in everything. -William Shakespeare

I feel like it's summer already with the temps in the 80's for the past few days. This required a stop at DQ for a banana split blizzard on the way home from work. :-)

Have a great week all.

maryb said...

We'll miss you Nancy.

Congratulations Nicola! And thanks for making me learn kvelled too.

AndiF said...

Lisa, you've got kvetch and kvell. You just need to round it out with verklempt -- which is how we feel about Nancy's having to shut down the blog -- and you've got the basic emotions covered. Find out what when to call someone a klutz, schlemiel, nudje, nebbish, or goniff and learn when you've (or someone else) has schlepped, plotzed, or been meshugeneh and you'll be well on you way. Oh yeah ... and you have to say oy gevalt convincingly. :)

Also Lisa, when are you thinking of coming to Indiana?

I like that quote, bono.

Beth, hope you are having a great time. Crescent City isn't exactly a thing of beauty but there sure are some lovely redwood forest nearby.

I'm in Pittsburgh and there's nothing lovely where I am. I miss my trees and dogs (oh yeah and husband).

Morning all.

Lisa M said...

Andi, Holy Guacamole.
You are a hoot and a holler.
I'm thinking of that third or fourth week of June. Just starting to plan since I can see the light at the end of the school year tunnel.

Bono would be so fun to see you.

Waves to All.

Terrific Tuesday.

Conda Douglas said...

Will miss you, Nancy and be happy when you return!

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh, andi? Let's see - there's the Phipps Conservatory down by the University, for pretty flowers and plants. And the nighttime view of the city as you come out of the tunnel from the airport is stunning. I was there for 5 months, but it was winter, so everything was kind of dead and dull. I know there are nice parks, etc. But compared to your woods...

Morning all! Last day in OR. On hold with United - they seem to have lost my reservation. (Shakes head.) See why I drive?? Once I get this resolved, will wander around this rain-drenched city. Hope your Tuesdays go well - I'll check in from Florida tomorrow - if I make it!!

Larry Kollar said...

The world is finally letting me write — a little bit. Poke, poke, prod, OMG it's Episode 100! And not the last one, but really really close to the end. BTW, next week is going to be a double-post.

The writing is going to have to let me plant tomatoes & herbs tonight though. They're gonna wither if I don't get to it.

Hope everyone's afternoon is going well. Congrats to Nicola for the second book! I've got a pot of coffee going… said...

Boards on the window. Mail by the door... Why did everybody leave so quickly for?

Nancy, so glad to hear the work is rolling along. Knock 'em dead, love.

boran2 said...

I hope that things are going well, Nancy.

Good evening all!

bono said...

Yikes, Beth, hope they found your reservation! Wishing you safe journey.

Andif, if you want to share your pix and don't have a place to post them while Nancy's place is boarded up, you could email them to us. (wiggles eyebrows)

I'll miss you guys. (Has Nancy left already?)

Anonymous said...

It took two phone calls and over 1/2 hour on hold, but I think everything is fixed. of course, i won't know until I get home tomorrow night!! Thanks for the concern, bono!

We'll just have to visit each other's blogs, and maybe someone will step up and host while our hostess is MIA.....

I have to get up at 3:45, so I'm signing off...night all! I'll check in tomorrow if I can, otherwise I'll be back from sunny FL on Thursday!

AndiF said...

bono, I've never mentioned this before but on Fridays, olivia and I post a photo diary over Booman Tribune. You can stop by there and take a look what we've got on offer plus all the great stuff that other people post. Here's last week's to wet your appetite. [LINK]

Beth, I'm glad everything got straightened out. Safe journey.

Off to get ready for another day stuck in a conference room (all I'm seeing of Pittsburgh, Beth, is what I call the Beige Conference Room of Death or BCROD).

Hope everybody has a much more visually appealing day than I will.

Lisa M said...

Andi--Dog, Tree, and Husband withdrawal--Oh My. Hope you get back to them soon.
Sometimes we need to get away to appreciate the mundane.
Each day I am swallowed by a building with no windows. I now have to leave the building during my conference period and come home to dogs and trees myself.
Cyber Hug to Lady in the Big City.
Thanks for links to another Pic Fix.

Beth--Here's hoping you're in FL with plenty of zzzzz. It would take me some time to decompress after all that mess.

Morning Maria, Jen, KB, Farf, Kelly, Dina, Nicky, MaryB, Boran, Bono, Conda, Ghostie, FM.

Wonderful Weds. to All.

Larry Kollar said...

Mime time!

The rain forecast moved out to later in the week, so it's Bike Morning again…

Andi, hope you get out of the conference room alive. By pure coincidence, next week's FAR Future features what used to be a conference room, with sentiments similar to those you have for the BCROD. ;-)

Mumble, the commute won't happen until I put down the computer. We need high-speed rail from FAR Manor to the office, doggoneit!

Lisa M said...

I have a few emails to keep in touch during the blackout.

If anyone wants to stay in touch

Waves to all as going to eat the nuked leftovers for lunch.

Maria Lima said...

Hey all - I'm happy to open up my blog for the gang.

chickwriter.comIt's on LiveJournal - but you can use OpenID to login. If you have a
blogger or google account, you have an Open ID account.

bono said...

Nancy, I have to tell you that I came here because I love your books. I stayed because of the warm community you built. I will miss that. However, if it means I will have more of your books to read in the future, I am thrilled to death.

Thanks for the link, Andif. I love your pix and look forward to continuing to see them. There are some other good photogs over there, too.

Hope you had a good flight, Beth.

Hey, everyone, see you tomorrow for the brownout.

AndiF said...

Well folks, I have been inspired by the upcoming hiatus to do what I thought I'd never do -- I've created my own blog.

It's called 40 Acres More or Less which is part of the deed's official description of our property.

There's a post up. I don't think I'll try for a new post everyday and I'm probably just going to put up pictures and minimal-to-no text but I'll try to do several a week and -- like the other people here who blog have done -- I'm inviting you to drop by and make it a place to visit and chat, if you want.

Nancy P said...


Andi has a blog, Andi has a blog, Andi has a blog!

I'm dancing around the room, so be grateful you can't see me.

Nicola, congratulations on your book acceptance!

Bye everybody and love and thanks and hugs and all best stuff. I'm off to the convention tomorrow. Have fun at Andi's place and all of your places. I'll see you 'round the village now and then over the next few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Home - flights were fine, just too many of them. All day on planes and in airports.....zzzzzz. Heading to bed. Excited to check out new blogs tomorrow!!

Nighty night....

Anonymous said...

PS - Nicky, I spent 6 years in London, and DEFINITELY remember sticks of rock!! Don't know that I ever tried to eat one, though...! Thanks for the memory -

bono said...

So, I went to Sally's Porch web site but there's not a place to leave a comment. Please tell her that I enjoyed the newest book even more than I did the first one. Also, a question: Now that she's writing full-time, how long until the next episode arrives? :-)

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