We have a day before the ice storm cometh. It is cold. I have a cold. I am cold. You may be getting several days--weeks, months--of fireplace and sunshine photos until I begin to warm up. I don't know when that will happen. The warming up, I mean. Do you think brandy would help?
Say something warm.
Bunny Slippers. :)
Basset Hound snuggle heat :)
We've had an abundance of splashy sunrises lately. To me, no matter what the temp is, these sunrise always look warm; so try staring at these and see if they help.
You're feeling warm [LINK]
warmer yet [LINK]
even warmer [LINK]
Morning all.
P.S. Bono, in case you didn't see it, I answered your frost flower questions here.
Bright quilt and fluffy pillow on the couch with steaming Cuban coffee on the end table.
Andi I chocked on my coffee when I got to your suggestion.
Thanks for the sunrises.
34 and drippy rain here today.
Manuel, we have Springer Spaniel, Corgi and two cat snuggle heat.
MaryB--Bunny Slipper B fun.
8 new students today to go with the 15 we ended up with yesterday.
Come on Holiday!!!!
Wonderful Weds to All.
I had forgotten my request for you guys to say something warm, so when I opened my email to messages that said, "Bunny Slippers," and "Basset Hound snuggle heat," I was puzzled, lol!!
Very pretty, Andi, but no bare tree will ever make me feel warm. I think I'll go back to bed. I got up at 4 just for the pleasure of hacking and sneezing and turning my upper lip raw from Kleenex. (Didn't they used to be soft?)
Menopause, very funny! But that was the first time in my ENTIRE LIFE that I finally had warm feet and hands. I loved it. Truly. Loved it. It appears to have changed my internal thermometer permanently. Stupid colds, notwithstanding.
Lisa, my god, what are they doing to you? So many new students at this time of year? Why????
Morning, all!! Thanks to everyone for the great comments re: my book launch. I ended up staying late and chatting with a couple of old friends and then came home and crashed.
It went really well, some clients came, some new fans and a bunch of old friends, including some fellow authors.
Andi, I LOVE your "warm" answer. So very true!
Lisa, I'm coming over for some of that Cuban coffee, yum...
Must run, as I have an early client meeting this a.m. -- so much for the glamourous life of a writer!!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday.
What an exciting blog the past few days, Nancy. I should come here more often.
Maria Lima: Wow. That cover is so so so perfect! And it is so much fun watching you get famous. :-) And deservedly so. Rich is next, right.
Loved the dissection of the suspense book, Nancy (and friends). So much to learn... and discern.
I guess using my brain is going to have to keep me warm today. Like that works.
Lisa M., I loved your question about chapter endings that bring the reader to turn the page.
I'm struggling with the same dang thing. Seems silly on the surface, but is actually pretty tough.
What I have been struggling with in my current project is trying to find a clock for my story. I want the pressure of time and if I can find it for this story that will increase the reader's need to turn the page.
Especially at chapter's end, a quick, even oblique, reference to the ticking clock can be the page-turner. But I don't have one yet. I’m in the middle of Chapter 3 and I want to start the clock pretty much now.
My character(s) need to feel the need to use time (to act NOW instead of LATER) because... You know, sort of like running out of air and dying if you don't do something.
It's a little conceptual and at the same time concrete. I just can't come up with it for this one. Everyone is just sitting around looking at each other and being otherwise interesting. LOL. [Hey, maybe I’m Henry James, after all.]
In a way, it's like House needing to properly diagnose a patient or they die tomorrow.
If I knew what I was trying to say, this post would be easier to understand. Sorry. Does anyone have an idea for compressing the urgency of time in a story in a way that propels every chapter of a story?
Oh, anyway, Lisa, I think if you got that, you will have exciting and compelling chapter breaks for sure.
I'm not much help on the warm front today. First snow of the season chose TODAY to fall in NH - 2"-3" and still falling. Beth will be staying inside, thankyouverymuch. And continuing to wonder why she came north in December!! But at least we have power - thousands are still without. I had warm Grape Nuts for breakfast, NP - maybe that would help.
Puffs with lotion - only solution to a raw nose. Or the Bahamas.
I promise beachy pix at my blog today - once I thaw out enough to write something.
Glad it went well, Maria! Chilly waves to everyone else...
Nancy, I'm so sorry about your cold. There's nothing good about them at all. {{Nancy}}
Sex. Um, I mean, home-made black bean soup cooked all day in a crockpot.
Off to find breakfast and a more coherent brain.
Cats on either side of me.
And Maria, congrats on a great launching!
Andi those sunrises are warm - the middle one almost looks like there is a fire in the distance.
Nancy - get the Kleenex with lotion. But DON'T get the kleenex with the germ killing stuff in them - if they accidentally come apart and get near your mouth they taste horrible.
Have a good day everyone.
Heap of cats and hot chocolate by the fire chatting with an old friend--which coincidentally is what Laura and I did last night.
Maria, congrats again.
Ghost, that's very very clever.
Down comforter...or two. And surround yourself with a pile of pillows.
Yay, Maria, on the wonderful book launch!
Hugs and warm thoughts all around.
P.S. Brandy actually wouldn't help you warm up. Though it might make you feel nice.
I did some research on hypothermia for a presentation a while back and hypothermia actually comes on more quickly in those who have been drinking alcohol.
So my professional recommendation is going to be for hot tea with honey, rather than brandy.
Drats, I'm missing a party because of this cold. Usually, I don't like parties,but I would have known all the women at this one, it's in a cozy little house with a fireplace, and there will be CHRISTMAS COOKIES. I love Christmas cookies with icing and sprinkles, almost as much as I love wedding cake.
But noooo, no cooookies for Naannncy.
Hi, Ghost, Kimber, Far, Katiebird, Dina, Beth, Maria, Kelly, and probably Bono later, and Nicole, and maybe Conda, and certainly Boran2, and I hope I haven't forgotten a regular. Blame my stuffed up brainz.
Sorry you have the sniffles, Nancy. Warm wishes for a speedy recovery. I turn the thermostat up (all the way to 68! lol) when I get home from work to warm up. I just need to remember to turn it down before I go to bed.
Thanks for the info re: frost flowers, Andif. It sounds like I may be getting down there too late, but I'm going to go looking for them anyway. Lovely sunrise pics. Thanks.
23 new students the week before winter break, Lisa? What up with 'dat? Yikes. In Ohio, school districts build in 5 additional days for "snow days." If they go over, THEN they need to make them up. Some districts choose Saturday school or Spring Break. Some districts even extend the school year into the summer (shudder).
Maria, glad last night went well. Congrats again. I'd like some of that hot cocoa, please, Kelly. Ewww, re: antibacterial kleenex in the mouth, Maryb. :-p
Waves to everyone.
Ghostie-- You and I are thinking the same way. I'm not sure that I've built in enough anticipation to keep those pages turning. I've had some thoughts about strengthening the suspense piece.
Nancy--So sorry you're missing out on Cookies. Not sharing your cold is a noble thing.
Bono--Getting close to the holidays unsettles the students. So more fights, profanity, sex, and under the influence which results in a trip to my building. Transition/change is not something my students do very well. Holidays = a change.
Waves to all. Have a good night.
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