We're expecting snow, so I thought I might get out the can of Irish oatmeal and see if I can make it better than the one time I (over)cooked it last year. To get in the proper mood, I tried to find a good photo of a bowl of oatmeal, but you know what? Oatmeal doesn't photograph well, lol. In fact, you don't even want to see a picture of a bowl of oatmeal, because it might put you off your oats for a long time. I like my oatmeal very hot, with butter, milk, strawberries, and brown sugar. I like my pancakes with butter and maple syrup only. I like my snow on a sunny day.
I like snow as long as it follows a few basic rules: 1) don't hang around with bad companions, like ice, hail, or high winds, 2) don't be greedy and try to accumulate too much, and 3) remember to be a good guest and leave proomptly.
A little snowy Hump Day photo to encourage your snow to follow the rules. [LINK]
P.S. I hate that message that blogger leaves so everybody knows you can't successfully type a blog comment.
Nancy thanks for the pancakes. Waaayyy too early for oatmeal pictures.
Haven't tried that Irish kind.
I just eat the Old Fashioned cooked with milk(less than called for) in the microwave.
2 minutes but I have to watch that it doesn't overflow. Then blueberries and pecans. Yum.
Morning Andi--Love the Rules. If only Mother Nature would listen.
It's been wiiiiiindy here. Feels like I'm on the plains.
I had an email SNAFU yesterday where my subject line got changed without my realizing it. Ended with--I don't like you.
I don't know what made that happen. Never written those words.
Causing me real headaches as the receiver didn't believe my clueless explaination.
So CHECK those details before hitting the send button.
Cyberghosts have a mean streak.
Beth, drive into the light. There's sun and beach at the end of the road.
Wonderful Weds. to All
That's just weird, Lisa. And funny, sorta. And thanks - the sunshine has been such a relief the last couple of days.
You make snow look tempting, andi.
Thankfully, it looks like I'm going to miss the white stuff completely - will be in FL by tonight. Long day driving today - wish me luck.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
Morning All.
Happy driving Beth!
LisaM -- that is one of my greatest fears -- ack!! I hope it all gets sorted out.
I'll sign the petition if you're sending it to Mother Nature, Andi. Those are very reasonable requests. :-)
(Ps. Nancy can delete those 'Comment deleted' comments forever if she waves her magic blogger wand.)
::waves a weary hand to the group::
Hi, all - still down for the count and crawling back into bed in a few. Thanks for the hugs, good thoughts yesterday.
Beth, hope your journey continues to be safe.
No snow here, but it's cold and supposed to be clear today.
When I get the urge to make a pun on sunny beaches, I need to step away. Not sleepy or terribly productive last night, dunno why. But I'll pay for it today.
We had a power glitch here too this morning. Off to make coffee & feed the fire. Then work.
Favorite Hawaiian shirt: In the 1970s I found this wonderful rayon Hawaiian shirt (with wood-barrel buttons) in a thrift store in Wichita Kansas. The shirt was manufactured, apparently, for a farm-equipment convention in Hawaii. It was basically a bright yellow background with large and separate flowers. Completely filling the inside each flower outline was depcited a model of tractor or piece of heavy farm equipment in brilliant reds, greens, and blues.
I called it The Grin Reaper shirt and wore it far too often to cookouts, beer parties, political rallies, etc. Friends, and sometimes casual acquiantances, offered to buy the wonderful and crazy fun shirt from me -- it seemed so utterly unique as an Hawaiian shirt design. At one point, I decided I had worn it enough, and sold it to a friend, who convinced me he loved the shirt more than anyone else could, for what I had paid for it - $1.50.
The next time we got together with a handful of people at his house to watch a Triple Crown horserace on TV, I looked forward to seeing the shirt on someone else. To see if I grinned when looking at it.
He wasn't wearing it, though. When I asked him where the the shirt was, he said, "Burned it the day I bought it."
Lisa, maybe you should check with Ghostfolk for stories of haunted computers.
Beth, drive carefully! And may there be warm temperatures and clear skies at the end of your journey.
Hi O (take more pictures of flowers!), Maria (feel better!), Farf (nap at lunch!).
Hmm, I seem to be in an exclamatory mood. Might as well not waste it ... Nancy, write that chapter with dogs and overwhelmed protags!
Hi, all. Pancakes, yum. One of my favorite places is The Original Pancake House. If there is one near you, try it. Maria and I had breakfast there on Saturday.
Speaking of which, Maria, hope you are better soon.
Got some random stuff in the crockpot for lunch… too much onion, chickpeas, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, and a can of chicken. Wrapping up an ongoing change to the entire product line today.
Ghost, I love Hawaiian shirts. I know I would have treasured the thing. There's only one rule that I'm aware of: the louder, the better!
Good morning all,
Andi, I like your rules for snow, at least one and two. Three might conflict with x-country skiing. We finally got a couple of inches of the real stuff today. If they stay and a few friends come by later in the week we might actually get out on the skis before the year changes.
Nancy, have you tried the overnight oatmeal recipe yet? I know I posted it here a while back. It's a great way to wake up first thing in the morning.
Lisa, sorry to hear about the email thing. That's both weird and upsetting.
Beth, safe travels.
Olivia, hallloooo, long time not much see.
Maria, get well soonest. BTW I saw a very nice ad for your books recently-in Weird Tales, I think. Full page with two of yours and one of somebody else's.
FarF, resist the pun. They're never as rewarding as they should be.
Ghost that sounds like a truly magnificent shirt and I mourn for its passing.
Dina, hope you have a lovely day.
Everybody who comes in later, hello and TTFN.
Gotta go figure out who's shooting at Ravirn this time.
People are funny about oats--it's real personal. Me, I eat 'em with butter and salted. No sugar, jam or syrup. Which my mom always said was "Scots" style. Anybody know if that's right?
Salt on your porridge is supposed to be the way to eat it, but yuk! I come from England's Deep South so I'm decadent and have it with Golden Syrup and milk http://www.lylesgoldensyrup.com/
which is yummy.
And pancakes are strictly for Pancake Day (day before Ash Wednesday) and are like crepes, with sugar and lemon! (We ate a lot of pancakes and batter puddings when the kids were small and times were hard!)
Day's nearly over. I've got one document to go to call the "ongoing" thing finished, and that's a matter of colorizing some stuff in Photoslobber and cleaning up the text.
The local college station has been playing stuff from a British electronica group called "Bomb the Bass" lately, and I dropped the first of my iTunes birthday money on the album. Just the stuff I like!
Later, y'all!!!
Brrr, that picture makes me feel cold, Andif. It's pretty but cold!
I'll take pancakes instead of oatmeal anytime.
Freaky email situation, Lisa. Yikes. I hope it's not catching. lol
Beth, would you please send some FL sunshine for those of us stuck in the North? Please. Forecast is for temps in the 20's and lake effect snow for the next few days. :-/
Hope the extra rest was healing, Maria.
Greetings all.
Hey those pancakes are on the wimpy side. The freakin blueberries are almost bigger. :)
Me, I'm a cream of rice gir. I like to make it a bit on the lumpy side and put milk, butter and huckleberries or blueberries in it. Or jam.
Didja know that Grade B maple syrup is better than Grade A? I did not know that till I work told me. I assumed a would be bettern than a b? Watch out for GMOS though in syrup from Canada. Go for organic syrup from Canada.
And there is a HUGE difference between "natural" and "organic" if you are living outside of Oregon. We have stricter standards in this state.
No snow here. Whew!
Boran2, another reminder: Stay away from the Decaf :)
Coolness Danni got her art project back from last semester and she got an "A"... and that's better than a "B" unless it was done with syrup. ;)
Gotta crack the whip around here and straighten up the house after our complete slackerage after our Turkey Coma.
(((Poor Maria))) it's gotta be hard to stay healthy if you travel around alot. You get all those new bugs. Plus I think planes just make people sick. Confined, reused air. EW! Maybe just focus on bulking up your immune system somehow(?)
There's packets of boosters you can get for like 49 cents here called Emergen-C and they have various ones with different agents in it - vitamins as well as immunity boosts.
And drink LOTS of WATER. Stay hydrated. Caffiene actually dehydrates you. I had to really cut back on the Iced Teas and instead I drink water.
Then I can treat myself to some yummy strawberry lemonade from Purity :)
The best porridge I ever had was in Ireland. Soaked overnight and then cooked slowly with real cream stirring constantly - at least that's what they told us.
I never make it at home but I order it out all the time.
Rule No. 3 revision for skiers and people who like to build snow forts:
3) remember to be a good guest and leave when asked.
Andi, perfect.
Andi, the MOST IMPORTANT rule
Never eat, lick, throw or handle yellow snow.
Andi, the MOST IMPORTANT rule
Never eat, lick, throw or handle yellow snow.
No snow here in NY, yet, but it is getting colder again.
Riiight, no yellow snow or decaf.
The mouse once again got a meal without springing the trap. Ugh.
Good night all.
Nothing like a good pun, Farf - I'm always interested! As long as they're taken in the right light...
That's awful, Ghostie! I would have been so disappointed that someone would destroy a treasure like that - I guess there's no accounting for taste...I hope you have pictures!
Made it to Pensacola - warm sunny vibes heading north as fast as I can send 'em! Wishing you all were here to hang out on the beach with me. Made it late this evening, and look forward to wearing flip flops and a t-shirt tomorrow, even tho the locals think 60's is cold...
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