Nancyp leaves to make an impression on new writers in Tulsa.
Somehow, it all works out. See you crazy nice people on Sunday.
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Farewell and bon voyage, Nancy!
Have a great time, Nancy!
Wow, what a nice pic to leaf by.
Hope you have a great time, Nancy!
Have an excellent trip. May your audience leave not a single page unread.
And with that I'm gone for the day and probably for most of the weekend as well.
Have a good one all.
So long, farwell, Nancy.
OOOOOOklahoma, where the wind sweeps Nancy cross the plains.
Hope you get a moment to enjoy
The Falling leaves.
Waves to Andi--enjoy your weekend too.
Maria, Boran, Farf and all to follow--Fabulous Friday
Good morning to everyone,
Nancy, enjoy your trip. I've always enjoyed tripping (over)! :o)
I sent an email but since I've had some issues with mail not being delivered I figured to make sure it got to you :o)
Today we're having a nice, soaking nor'easter. I love nor'easters. I love weather in general out here on Long Island. I just hope TS Kyle keeps it's projected path just to the east of us. All things in moderation :o)
Have fun, andi! (I think Nancy is gone already, so I won't send her bon voyage wishes.) Cute, Lisa! And Happy Friday to everyone!! Sunny and 68 here today - fall is one of the reasons we live in North Idaho.
Winter, unfortunately, is NOT. :-)
Enjoy the rain on longisland, supersoling!
Fun pun--and have fun in Tulsa, Nancy.
Have a great trip, Nancy. I'm going to be bugging out for a bit as well-San Diego where I may or may not have internet. If I do, I'll stop in and say hi while I'm there. If not, think of me as talking like a Charlie Brown special adult, offscreen and indecipherable.
One of my favorite cities, Kelly - have a great time!
Andi, I knew you'd catch that meatball I tossed in here the other day :)
Hey Super! Yeah I got it, I've just been playing catch up with domestic chores and running errands. I'll write you Sunday with a LONG letter. xoxox :)
Was a busy week at work and I've been "fielding" questions from the politically unintiated at work. I refuse to tell people who to vote for cause they ask or say things like "Who are you voting for? I''l vote for whoever you are" which I say they shouldn't do. They need to open their own eyes. But it's so hard with the unreliable news sources they say. One woman is finally voting for the first time and she's trying very hard to get aware. She's tired of being a victim and having people make decisions for her and her kids.
She's been coming up to me for a few weeks asking me stuff. And all on her own she brought me some info about a certain VP who voted AGAINST womens rights, AGAINST victims rights and the AGAINST the disabled. She couldn't believe the stuff wasn't in the news.
And the she was all, "deregulation" that means these CEOs and Companies weren't... TAXED! So why should taxpayers bail em out?"
This from a young mother of three whose ex just recently got tossed into jail from abusng her and her daughter. She didn't graduate and due to the domestic abuse, work has her set up in a temp housing shelter and therapy program for her and her daughter who was terribly abused. They lost everthing though because his side of the family stated and I quote... "if god can forgive him, you should too" and then they stole everything out of her other house that wasn't broken or damaged...
So I'm just amazed that she's even worried about voting... when she has so much on her plate already but just goes to show you... knowledge is power. I'm just so damn proud of her!!!
Welcome to the real world, baby.
It's been very empowering at work to say the least. ;)
Probably too late to wish Nancy safe traveling but the wish is there!
Janet, the woman you described sounds pretty amazing to me. I can understand her determination to vote - it is taking back a bit of control.
Nancy's gone for the weekend.
Andi's gone for the weekend.
The leaves are beginning to change here in Texas.Forecast high 88, low 58. It is such a relief to no longer be toasting in the 90s.
Beth those temps in Idaho are great. Sweater weather.
It's fun to hear about the weather and changing seasons around the country and world(Nicky).
Love Fall.
Sensational Saturday to All.
Just dumped a somewhat dark piece of flash fiction on my blog. I hope those who are sensitive will wait until morning to read… :-P
This is what happens when I get sent (on three occasions on one day) to get in line to buy gas.
Waiting in line for gas--No wonder your mind drifts to the apocalypse.
Prices are high for gas here in Texas but waiting is not a problem where I live.
But maybe waiting in a line might spark my editing.
Like Daisy.
I'm probably 24 Hours from Tulsa to quote dear Gene Pitney who died in the Uk not long ago. But tomorrow I'll be even further away as we're off to Italy via Paris and spending a few days in Sorrento, then in Rome.
I'll try to remember to raise a glass to Nancy and the rest of you guys, but you know how it is... ruins to see, Italian food to eat, Italian wine to drink...
A riverderci...
Well Beth,
weather forcasters have never occupied any of the top space on my list of most accurate people in the world :o) My rip roaring nor'easter turned out to be a dull and dismal day with no wind but lots of rain. It's the wind I like. Especially as the storms pass us up the coast and the wind shifts to coming out of the north because it whips up the waves on the Sound. There's nothing better than standing on the bluffs with the wind in your face watching the waves stretched clear across to Connecticut. But, winter is coming and there will be plenty of those storms :o)
That short story you posted on your blog was excellent. Dark is good, in my book :o)
I'm SO jealous, NIcola - please think of us as you enjoy the European food, drink, culture, scenery....I miss having easy access to amazing places, when I lived in London.
And be sure to tell us about it when you get back!
Hi, guys. Supersoling, hey!
Fangirl here. I got to sit next to Roger Mudd for five minutes. The man is gorgeous. But even better, I got to meet and talk for some time to two of the stars of my fav tv show, "Saving Grace"! I didn't even know they were going to be there, and then I got to be at a dinner where they were, too. They were sooo charming and down-to-earth, and the young cute one gave me a totally unexpected kiss beside my right eye. Squeee! I thanked them for letting me gush.
I'm listening to David Cook sing "Light On" on repeat, while watching the Chiefs not-lose-yet. It's early. There's lots of time for that.
Super, glad it didn't turn into a Major Event. I wish I could watch storms like yours on the Sound - they aren't quite as spectacular here in N Idaho...
Ooo, Tony Gonzales just smiled right at me through my tv screen. Fangirl squeee again. I feel sorry for him, but only in the sense that he so deserves to be on a great team at some point in his career.
Fun weekend, Nancy! And lots o' drooling - what a nice day for you.
And your Chiefs are looking WAY too good vs. my Broncos...I think Denver left our regular team at home this week! A lot of time left...now at least I have someone to root against, since Bill's a long-time Bronco fan, too!
TG IS a hunk, Nancy! I've always liked him - maybe he still has a chance with the Chiefs...they're young, and look pretty strong today!
Hi, Beth! I don't think you and Bill have anything to worry about, and. . .ah, yes, the Broncos just tied it. Oh, for the glory days of that competition when a Chiefs/Broncos game meant. . .that we won, lol.
Drooling was right, although let me tell you it is kind of weird to meet in person a man whose bare butt you have already seen multiple times on tv. Snort. I should have said, "Oh! I almost didn't recognize you from this side!"
p.s. I wasn't talking about Roger Mudd. :)
Too funny re the butt, Nancy - see what I miss by not watching regular tv? Did you ask to see it to make sure it was really him?
Being a long-time Bronco fan, I too know the ups and downs...we try to forget the Superbowls we lost by 40 points...but a KC game always is one not to be missed, regardless of the teams' records.
I'm not counting my winnings til the fat lady sings!
I DID think that at first!! :-) And promised that I would watch the news more often...then again...
lol, Beth! Why didn't I think of that?
Did we just get a first down? Really? Maybe I should turn down the music and turn up the tv.
Yeah, I keep missing plays since I'm online. So much for our stellar multi-tasking skills, huh?
Holy Cow - what a game, Nancy! I went to fold laundry and missed all kinds of stuff! No more distractions for me...
Talk to you later, Beth! I'd say, "May the best team win," but I don't want to be defeatist. :)
Back to tv.
Nancy, you have me rolling fangirl.
Love the Beth--Nancy Banter.
Thanks so much. I just got in from the grocery store after pretty much a one engine crash landing in my editing. So laughing is good.
Sulking as I read about Nicky's trip to Italia and Nancy's butt hunk encounter.
Man, I gotta get out more.
My Healthy Choice Beef Merlot lunch and dog kisses from Atticus the Corgi just don't measure up.
Though he does have a cute, swishy Corgi butt.
Longhorns won yesterday. That's my football.
Chiefs played a good game, Nancy - enjoy your well-earned success!!
::dragging off to pout::
Huh? Did I read that correctly? Nancy's seen Roger Mudd's bare behind? What? Is he now doing a gig on the Nude News? Who knew?! Yikes!
Glad you're back safely and that you had a good time.
I'm doing laundry today, too, Beth. Just a Sunday chore to get ready for the week. :-p
Hey, Lisa. Yeah the only football I follow are the Buckeyes. Not having a great year so far. :-/
lol, bono. This is how rumors get started.
Beth,I'll be damned!
::feigns sympathy::
Thanks for the "sympathy," Nancy! We'll see you again later in the season...
Lisa, Nancy and I often watch sporting events together...a few thousand miles apart! And wait til the awards ceremonies come on... :-)
but you know how it is... ruins to see, Italian food to eat, Italian wine to drink...
::sniff:: yes, I know ::sniff:
Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. oops. shhh. football watching in progress.
but you know how it is... ruins to see, Italian food to eat, Italian wine to drink...
::sniff:: yes, I know ::sniff:
and shoes to buy :o)
Hey, Nancy!
Nice to find you again :o)
and oh, btw...
turns out the New York Giants won the superbowl :oP
Hi all from dark rainy NY. I hope that everyone had a nice weekend.
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