It was Kimberly who noticed yesterday what I had not, not even after I'd stared at the Blue Door several times. It has no handle! There's a mystery for you. And here's a handle that Olivia photographed during her Europe trip. Of course, it is attached to another door that probably belongs to somebody, but maybe they won't mind if we remove it and tiptoe over to the Blue Door and put it there. I feel a little nervous about opening it now. . .
Maybe Friday is inside?
I always know that once Boran2 has checked in, it's safe to open the post for the next day. So here 'tis, for Friday.
I'm off to bath, bed, and book.
A preemptive hello to all. I will be mostly off the net for the weekend. See you all in a few days.
And a sleepless in Kansas City hello to everyone.
I wonder if I can use the handle in this picture as a visual aid to sleep. (Open the door and walk into a peaceful land where everyone snores...
She moves her hand to cold metal of the strangely compelling handle, slowly closes her fingers around the sensuous curve, tenses the resisting muscles in her arm, is briefly still, and then with held breath, quickly jerks open the door, and steps into the waiting ...
... lushly bright morning [LINK]
AAAck! NOOO -- That's the exact opposite of what I want to see.
Hi Andi! Am I doomed to be awake for the rest of the night?
Sorry kb about the not sleeping and the bright light. :(
But hey, you just need to change your mindset ... this is just the period between sleeping and taking your next nap (everything I know I learned from Family Man).
(shaking my head) I used to love naps. But now I'm afraid that they're stealing the good sleep.
I guess I'll go back and try again. I just hate to risk waking mister.
Hope you're zzzz-ing now.
BTW, I wrote my post before I saw yours. I think that's a pretty nifty coincidence.
A fierce handle, another guardian to protect what's on the other side.
KB sleep can be elusive.
Sending you soothing relaxation.
Moving water: ocean waves, creek burbling across riffle rocks, or even a little churning white water in the river
To reset the body rhythm.
Yeah Lisa, that swan looks like strictly business…
The brass swan reared its head from the handle where it rested, glaring at the travelers. "Who?" it sang.
"Eowyn and Franklin, of Faraway," Eowyn stammered. "We have an invitation from your master."
The swan looked at the two, its gaze as piercing as a brass spear. Finally it croaked, "Then enter," and laid its head down, becoming only a handle once more.
Amazing how much writing one can get done when there isn't a chicken house emergency.
It's a swan! ::slaps forehead:: Thank you, Farfetched. I kept thinking, duck?
I do love the idea of a door handle swan that comes alive and challenges visitors, like something out of Harry Potter.
Lol, Andi, and ahhh...yes, it's a bright and shiny day in the enchanted forest of webworld.
::Sings lullaby to katiebird::
Kelly escaped the net! We fishies will miss you until you get caught again.
Lisa, I. . .zzzz.
(whispering so as not to wake KB) I cheated last night and took a Tylenol PM, so I wouldn't be awake at 3am thinking about packing.
Waving to Kelly as he disappears into the sunrise. And wishing everyone a happy Friday!
Come on over to our garage sale tomorrow - it's weird to see pieces of my life spread on tables around me. Pack rats release their stuff grudgingly.
I think the swan is guarding a door to a lush courtyard garden, with benches under flowering hawthorne trees, ponds for bathing birdies, and herbs growing in profusion along winding flagstone paths. And we're all sitting on the benches, reading each others' books...although andi's forest is pretty tempting, too!
Beth, I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that a pack rat could travel so much… what do you take, what do you leave?
Then again, a friend of mine and I agreed sometimes it's easier to walk away from your stuff than to sell it.
Collective creative energy--
Beth-- Now there will be more room for new pieces from your unfolding journey.
And what goes will be locked safe in pleasant memories.
Don't have to dust those.
Now I'll tap into that energy and get to work on my story.
I keep everything, far - and have often lamented that I need to STOP keeping so much, as I pay movers to haul my stuff across the country - or pay to store it. After this move, I should have a lot less to haul. But I don't plan on moving much more, either!
Since I don't have roots, my stuff is my roots and my history - my great-aunt's grandfather clock, my grandparents' dining room set, my father's bedroom set, my mother's rocking chair. Hard to part with that stuff, since they're all gone.
But you're right, Lisa - I need room for the new things I will find as I travel these new paths.
The handle opens the door to ... my vacation! This is my last day in the office and I leave tomorrow afternoon for 10 days in the north woods.
oops. Sorry to be shouting if kb is still asleep.
Beth--How lucky you are to have such cherished roots.
That melding of the old and new is our greatest challenge.
The handle opens opportunity.
What fun you'll have with the new house. Keeping some of those cherished roots bridges the past with what the future will bring. How wonderfully special that will be.
Mary, have a great time at the lake! Don't forget the sunscreen and try to keep the new freckle count somewhere under a zillion. ;)
Thanks, Lisa! It will be another adventure, that's for sure.
Enjoy, maryb!! You've earned it.
Hi, all!! ::waves madly::
Still busy/crazy but had to stop in for a brief respite and to catch up with the gang.
MaryB - have a great time on vacation.
I'm off tonight to the movies for the first time in AGES. Going to see The Dark Knight with friends. I adored the darker Batman comics when I was a kid and loved Frank Miller's treatment, so am looking very forward to this. Plus, hey, a night out.
Hope to catch up with my e-life over the weekend.
P.S. Behind the Blue Door...is that a sequel? ;-)
I just got back from "work" -- they finally realized that they didn't have any idea how to do the statistics stuff I showed them before I left.
So, they called me this morning to ask if I could help. It took hours. THAT was a good lesson. I'm really glad I'm gone.
There's room on the other couch if anyone else is interested in a nap...
MaryB -- Where in the North Woods? We're thinking about going to Wisconsin next week.
Thanks Andi Beth and Maria. The day is done! I guess I'm officially on vacation. But I need to get through the list of things to be done at home before I get on a plane tomorrow afternoon.
kb - northern MN up at the Canadian border. But alas nowhere near Olivia. In the middle of nowhere basically. Heaven.
Wisconsin is almost as good :)
Beth, I'm astonished, like Farfetched, that YOU are a pack rat! That's pretty funny. :)
I hope the moving's going well.
Maryb--have a great time! Fewer people! Cooler weather! Nature!
Maria, let me know if you like the movie, okay?
Lisa, yeah, we've seen some great collective creative energy this week.
Ah, kb, there's nothing like going in to an old job to make you glad you left it. :)
Have a great vacation, Mary! Mine is in about 3 weeks!
And I'm about to finish Cybermancy and start Codespell!
Hey, boran2, are you early? Does this mean I'd better put up the post for tomorrow. . .at 8:28 p.m.?
Good to see you, as always.
New painting this Saturday?!
Hi Nancy! Yes, I guess that it's closing time for this thread now that I've posted a comment.
Yep, there's a new painting up already.
apologies for demystifying the mystery, but there is a handle. just above and to the left of the square block. it's much simpler than the brass swan…more zen-like shall we say.
Hey, dada! I'm going to pretend it isn't there. :)
Hey Dada! Whooo I wasn't the only one who noticed the itty handle thingy.
Handles... You don't really notice them till you get injured and find that there are some you can't use. Work injury followed up by a doctors screw up which led me to having a second degree chemical burn on my left thumb/hand which burned like a mofo for SEVENTY days. Yes, seventy days. How I spent my Christmas and over 6 months of hand therapy... another reason I was out of the e-loop a bit.
Handles and switches... they can really SUCK ;)
What was worse... I couldn't read in bed. Hard to turn the pages. Doing much better now just mucho nerve damage. Not whining... just esssssplayning.
And NO... I can't sue the doctor's or the workers comp clinic. I'm totally screwed that way.
Oh, wow, Janet, that is a looonngg time to hurt. Poor baby thumb!
stanky old iodine that is left on stitches was thought to be the slow acid culprit.
Turns out they used a product on me that isn't supposed to be used on open wounds... aka... two stitches.
The seventy days burn. The first few nights were awful because no one thought that two stitches should hurt me so terribly. I was about to go N.V.T.S! Till my thumb started to turn red, then brown and then a waxy black. Finally someone started to listen to me and I even made a hand surgeon cringe when he saw it WEEKS later. He couldn't believe I had gone trhough it.
My doctor is livid. He didn't see it right off because this happened on the weekend before christmas. He saw me to remove the stitches after the New Year and about freaked out.
THIS is the ONE bad thing about being married to a hockey player...
But... after this he will now be in my corner on all things related to PAIN THRESHOLD!! LOL
Remember: I had kidney stones while pregnant and had four stone removal surgeries while in my final trimester. I know pain. Which may be why I could "handle" this past year.
stanky old iodine that is left on stitches was thought to be the slow acid culprit.
Turns out they used a product on me that isn't supposed to be used on open wounds... aka... two stitches.
The seventy days burn. The first few nights were awful because no one thought that two stitches should hurt me so terribly. I was about to go N.V.T.S! Till my thumb started to turn red, then brown and then a waxy black. Finally someone started to listen to me and I even made a hand surgeon cringe when he saw it WEEKS later. He couldn't believe I had gone trhough it.
My doctor is livid. He didn't see it right off because this happened on the weekend before christmas. He saw me to remove the stitches after the New Year and about freaked out.
THIS is the ONE bad thing about being married to a hockey player...
But... after this he will now be in my corner on all things related to PAIN THRESHOLD!! LOL
Remember: I had kidney stones while pregnant and had four stone removal surgeries while in my final trimester. I know pain. Which may be why I could "handle" this past year.
stanky old iodine that is left on stitches was thought to be the slow acid culprit.
Turns out they used a product on me that isn't supposed to be used on open wounds... aka... two stitches.
The seventy days burn. The first few nights were awful because no one thought that two stitches should hurt me so terribly. I was about to go N.V.T.S! Till my thumb started to turn red, then brown and then a waxy black. Finally someone started to listen to me and I even made a hand surgeon cringe when he saw it WEEKS later. He couldn't believe I had gone trhough it.
My doctor is livid. He didn't see it right off because this happened on the weekend before christmas. He saw me to remove the stitches after the New Year and about freaked out.
THIS is the ONE bad thing about being married to a hockey player...
But... after this he will now be in my corner on all things related to PAIN THRESHOLD!! LOL
Remember: I had kidney stones while pregnant and had four stone removal surgeries while in my final trimester. I know pain. Which may be why I could "handle" this past year.
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