A few years ago, Andi barricaded herself in the dark recesses of The Photoshop Bar & Grill where all the empty kegs go to die. When at last she emerged, cobwebby but triumphant, she presented a new drink to the world--The Dirty Marmotini!*
Around here, when we say, "bottoms up," we mean it, hic.
*Official Drink of The Booman Tribune Cafe
This is a dangerous way to start a Saturday!
The dirt marmotini picture looks especially bright and crisp tonight. The colors of this blog suit it and set it off. :)
Last episode of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog is up. hmmmmm. Not sure what I think.
But I realize that I love the blog names of the characters.
Even if I created it, it's way too early for me to drink that image in -- I'll have to wait until noon at least.
Morning and happy weekend all.
(nodding) Mee Too.
Good Morning Nancy & MaryB & Andi!
Don't forget the BooSwarm:
1 part Midori
1 part lemon juice
1 part citrus vodka
soda water
serve with ice.
And the Snarky Booswarm:
A shot of Citron
A shot and a half of Midori
A shot of lemon juice
And about as much sour as the rest combined
Serve over ice.
I'd love to try them all...after 3pm! Off for a full day of watching kids go round in a dusty circle on horseback. Am bringing books and rum. I don't know how you who are parents do it, and stay sane and pleasant - my undying respect.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday - hic! :-)
Hey, Kelly, Kb, Andi, and Maryb, all of whom, except for Kb, I met through the Froggy Bottom Cafe at Booman's.
Gonna be hot and dry today. Sounds like good weather for a Marmotini.
Hey, Beth, I hope you have a good day with the kiddies. You didn't just fall into love, you fell into family. :)
You are so right, Nancy! I know I don't HAVE to go, but it's important to her, so...whatcha gonna do? I guess it's better than packing!
Stay cool on your hot, dry KS day.
I know I don't HAVE to go, but it's important to her, so
Imo, this kind of good choice on your part will resonate down through the years. It's not just that they notice when you show an interest in what's important to them, it's that they REALLY notice when you don't, and the resentment can fester for years.
This will be a day well spent, even if there's no immediate sign of it.
Yes, andif made one of those for me yesterday! Mmmmm.
Kelly, what are those swarm drinks? Are you recommending those as well? I'll have to save those for another day. It doesn't pay to mix drinks, er, I mean it doesn't pay to drink mixes, uh, it doesn't pay to ... well, you know what I mean (I hope).
Happy Saturday all. I'm off to try to find some air conditioning to cool off in. I can't handle the temperature extremes. :-/
My dog would love a dirty marmotini! She chases the marmots all the time, but has never caught one!
I'll remember your wise words for years to come. Today went pretty quickly - even had time for a nap in the shade. I'll keep depositing in that future account! Sipping on ice-cold tequila now that I'm home, since no one's around to make me a marmotini, dirty or otherwise! :-)
mmmm Kelly - I forgot about the BooSwarm. I could use one this afternoon. It sounds great for such a hot day.
Beth, good memories often come from things you didn't want to do in the first place. So hopefully you made a good memory today, if not for yourself then for others.
Anon, the BooSwarm was a drink that Tauri came up with as an unofficial drink for the Booman Tribune after a kerfuffle over at Daily Kos. The Snarky BooSwarm is the version I ended up with after hanging around in a free bar over a long science fiction convention weekend and playing with the formula. As MaryB notes, both version are quite yummy. The version I'm most likely to drink lately is 1/3 Citron, 1/3 Midori, 1/3 sour, on ice with a twist of lemon.
Hi all (waves madly).
Beth, sounds like you're doing a great job with the kids.
Heh. Plenty of dirty potatoes in the basement just now. Mrs. Fetched's mom had a good crop this year. The heavy rain last week washed up 4 bushels that didn't have to be dug, but now the digging has started too. She let me sort out a big box of small ones for my lunch cooking. We has many taterz.
Right now, I'm back from taking Daughter Dearest to her college orientation. Check my twitter feed for a few impressions. I'll post pix tonight. I'm running her friend's virus scanner on his computer & trying to dis-infest it. It probably won't fix everything, but we'll load him up with some other scanners & Firefox, and maybe we'll be able to keep it in check.
I bought a biiiiig bottle of rum last night. It will shortly be time to open it… you guys & all marmots are welcome to join me for drinks.
I found you on twitter FaR and will follow you.
I'm totally hooked on this concept now. Even though I have no desire to tell people what I'm doing at any given moment. I mean, how boring would that be during the week?
"Still sitting at my desk drafting legalese."
Hi, Anon and Conda, Maryb and Kelly. Hi, Far. Off to college. Wow. Big changes in your lives, too. Seems to be the summer for it around here.
Maryb, I don't get the Twitter thing, either, which means I probably should go check it out at Manny's blog and learn something.
Night, all. I'm really happy with the writing I did today, and now I need to sleep on it.
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