Have a good night Nancy! The word that comes to my mind upon viewing that photo is majestic.
We've had a busy day ending with a fireworks show in a nearby town. Interestingly enough, it was actually my first live large-scale fireworks show. Yes, it's true.
I believe, b2. I love fireworks, but I didn't until I was grown, so it was many years before I saw a big show. It was the noise I hated then, but love now.
If anybody reading this is in the KC area and you're stuck for something to do this morning (ha), come on over to I Love a Mystery Bookstore in Mission at 11 a.m. for the Sisters in Crime meeting. I'll be giving the program: "First Page, First Paragraph," about how published writers get our attention quickly. You don't have to be a Sister to attend. You can even be a Mister. Free coffee free me.
I had two burgers burned over a backyard grill for my feast last night and I could barely finish them, suffering for the rest of the evening. I didn't go to see the fireworks, but my wife confirmed that I could have seen them from a window in the front of our house had I tried. Saturday obligations are going to prevent me from coming to the SIC meeting. As the Hindu said, "It's been one of those lifetimes!"
I'm here at Dina's, stealing her computer while she's in the kitchen cooking up a storm for the rest of the gals, who'll be arriving around noon.
Lovely train trip up. We went to a fabulous mom'n'pop Italian restaurant for a late lunch yesterday, then spent the evening chatting and watching DVDs.
We had a bunch of people over yesterday. Somehow, we managed to get through it all.
As I write, I've picked two gallons of blackberries. Some of them look really plump & juicy. Blackberry 3.14 on the way, as the mathematician might say.
Just a few days ago we went through what the gypsy in the Wiz would have call a "whoppah" of a thunderstorm here in Portland/Beaverton. Lasted over 2 hours.
They skies were strewn to pieces as night threw a tantrum. The heavens in turmoil.
It kinda describes how I sometimes feel inside. Contained chaos.
and oh yeah... we survived the fourth. But wicked tired from standing roof vigil with our neighbor. People on either side of us had those air fireworks and they were exploding just ten feet off our house.
Leisurely day here in Oregon. Muggy and about to get another cup of coffee from our new machine. Two cats fighting for a spot near the front window.
Nancy, I'm so glad I came. It was a wonderful presentation. When I saw my sister afterwards I retold your whole presentation (at least as far as I could without being able to read the actual examples)
It was one of the best hours of my life. It was amazing. You were amazing.
Katiebird, thanks! If I look as if I was having fun, I was!
G'morning to you and Andi.
What's up for today? I'm doing some "studying"--reading a mystery that our Book Dissection Group at our Sisters chapter is going to dig into to see how the author did what she did.
My neighbor gave us baby praying mantis... mantes? manties? (what the plural on that? LOL) for my roses. I LOVE having politically aware, tree hugging happy people as neighbors.
Got me thinking about Olivia, hockey-loving-sweeties. She'd be able to take fantastic photos of these guys.
I have a "date" with my son. He's going to kick my butt at Xbox. I can't do those driving games... gives me motion sickness. But... I kick ALL their butts at the retro-Atari games like centipede. Muhahahahaha.
Anon, I do take it on the road sometimes. I'll be giving the same workshop at the Okalahoma Center for the Book conference/festival in (I'm pretty sure) September. Must check dates. :) I gave it at a writers' conference in Wichita a few months ago.
It seems as if I'm seeing praying manti and ladybugs for sale in nurseries this year in prominent ways that I've never seen before. A friend of mine bought a bunch of lady bugs, but when she put them on her aphid-infested plants, they fled to the neighbor's, lol.
No, he got up and left when I started racking up the points on a tetris-like game.
Yup the ladybugs will just flitter off the filty buggers. But the praying mantis will stick around... just make sure to dead head your flowers BEFORE you place em in your garden. I've been trying to find these suckers so I can deal with the dry roses.
Be sure to click on that incredible photo to enlarge it. It's a stunner.
I'm going to bed. At this hour?? I wore myself out with yard work, housework, and eating the requisite 4th of July feast.
See you tomorrow, Saturday, morning.
Have a good night Nancy! The word that comes to my mind upon viewing that photo is majestic.
We've had a busy day ending with a fireworks show in a nearby town. Interestingly enough, it was actually my first live large-scale fireworks show. Yes, it's true.
How about that, I thought impending too ... but followed by the words loss of my internet satellite connection.
Reason #5683 why I'm not a writer. :)
Happy weekend, all.
I believe, b2. I love fireworks, but I didn't until I was grown, so it was many years before I saw a big show. It was the noise I hated then, but love now.
But andi, that only proves you're a funny writer. :)
If anybody reading this is in the KC area and you're stuck for something to do this morning (ha), come on over to I Love a Mystery Bookstore in Mission at 11 a.m. for the Sisters in Crime meeting. I'll be giving the program: "First Page, First Paragraph," about how published writers get our attention quickly. You don't have to be a Sister to attend. You can even be a Mister. Free coffee free me.
This is an astonishing tragedy. My beloved sister from DC is here for the weekend and today is the day she assigned to me.
We're supposed to meet at .... 11am.
Could there possibly be a SIC curse on me? I think there's been a conflict (or illness) every single meeting!
I had two burgers burned over a backyard grill for my feast last night and I could barely finish them, suffering for the rest of the evening. I didn't go to see the fireworks, but my wife confirmed that I could have seen them from a window in the front of our house had I tried. Saturday obligations are going to prevent me from coming to the SIC meeting. As the Hindu said, "It's been one of those lifetimes!"
This is an astonishing tragedy.
kb, you scared me! Then you made me laugh.
Paul, you made me laugh, too. One of those lifetimes, indeed. I'll bet the Hindu didn't have burned burgers, though. :)
cool pic! I thought "portent".
I'm here at Dina's, stealing her computer while she's in the kitchen cooking up a storm for the rest of the gals, who'll be arriving around noon.
Lovely train trip up. We went to a fabulous mom'n'pop Italian restaurant for a late lunch yesterday, then spent the evening chatting and watching DVDs.
I love holidays. :)
Parting the heavens comes to mind. An arrival of some sort? I hope it's not the cylons! Starbuck, where are you when I/we need you?!
Happy Saturday, all!
We had a bunch of people over yesterday. Somehow, we managed to get through it all.
As I write, I've picked two gallons of blackberries. Some of them look really plump & juicy. Blackberry 3.14 on the way, as the mathematician might say.
Argh! I forgot my comment about the pic, which was: Dang, I sure hope there's some *rain* in that!
One word?
Just a few days ago we went through what the gypsy in the Wiz would have call a "whoppah" of a thunderstorm here in Portland/Beaverton. Lasted over 2 hours.
They skies were strewn to pieces as night threw a tantrum. The heavens in turmoil.
It kinda describes how I sometimes feel inside. Contained chaos.
and oh yeah... we survived the fourth. But wicked tired from standing roof vigil with our neighbor. People on either side of us had those air fireworks and they were exploding just ten feet off our house.
Leisurely day here in Oregon. Muggy and about to get another cup of coffee from our new machine. Two cats fighting for a spot near the front window.
Janet, I love this. . .
The skies were strewn to pieces as night threw a tantrum. The heavens in turmoil.
And this could also be a description of a thunder storm. . .
Two cats fighting for a spot near the front window.
Maria, it sounds as if you guys are having a great time. :)
Far, pass the berries.
Katiebird, I'm so glad you made it to the meeting. I loved looking out and seeing your smiling face.
anonymous. . .anymore, i don't know whether to eek or not eek when cyclons appear. I think I'll eek when the humans appear!
Nancy, I'm so glad I came. It was a wonderful presentation. When I saw my sister afterwards I retold your whole presentation (at least as far as I could without being able to read the actual examples)
It was one of the best hours of my life. It was amazing. You were amazing.
Katiebird, thank you! You are sooo kind. I hope you had a great time with your sister!
Everybody, I'm leaving this up on Sunday just because I can.
And because I can't bear to let that photo scroll down the page yet.
And it has nothing to do with forcing people to read katiebird's comment again. Huh uh.
Just what I needed -- another reason to be jealous of katiebird and now her sister too who got to hear all about the presentation. ::pouts::
I took pictures....
I have no idea if this will work but, I took some photos. Here's a link the the slide show I created.
Katiebird, thanks! If I look as if I was having fun, I was!
G'morning to you and Andi.
What's up for today? I'm doing some "studying"--reading a mystery that our Book Dissection Group at our Sisters chapter is going to dig into to see how the author did what she did.
It was just as fun from my side of the room!
Thanks for the pictures, kb. Though I have to admit this is one of those times I'd really rather have those thousands of words. ;)
And Nancy, since you like portentous skies, here's one from Kentucky:
ominous clouds [LINK]
I have an almost overwhelming urge to post the first paragraph from the book I just started reading....
Coolness! Pictures!! Thanks Katiebird!!!
My neighbor gave us baby praying mantis... mantes? manties? (what the plural on that? LOL) for my roses. I LOVE having politically aware, tree hugging happy people as neighbors.
Got me thinking about Olivia, hockey-loving-sweeties. She'd be able to take fantastic photos of these guys.
I have a "date" with my son. He's going to kick my butt at Xbox. I can't do those driving games... gives me motion sickness. But... I kick ALL their butts at the retro-Atari games like centipede. Muhahahahaha.
I can smell the rain coming with that storm. All of these great AndiF pictures ... I foresee a coffee table book. With a forward by Nancy P.
In between barbeques and multiple daytime festivities I went to the movies to see Wall-E. I can't recommend it enough.
Thanks for the pics kb!
Love this picture - I expect the hand of God to be reaching down in the next frame.
I love the picture of the thunderhead. Majestic!
I want to go to a sisters meeting. Do you take the show on the road, Miss Nancy?
Have a great beginning of the work week everyone or enjoy your well earned rest if you're retired.
Anon, I do take it on the road sometimes. I'll be giving the same workshop at the Okalahoma Center for the Book conference/festival in (I'm pretty sure) September. Must check dates. :) I gave it at a writers' conference in Wichita a few months ago.
Coffee table book, yes, Mb. I want a stack of them, also including ones by Olivia and Knucklehead.
Hi, dina. It has that "divine" look, all right. :)
Janet, did you beat your son at the game? :)
Fun With Sons = Good.
It seems as if I'm seeing praying manti and ladybugs for sale in nurseries this year in prominent ways that I've never seen before. A friend of mine bought a bunch of lady bugs, but when she put them on her aphid-infested plants, they fled to the neighbor's, lol.
No, he got up and left when I started racking up the points on a tetris-like game.
Yup the ladybugs will just flitter off the filty buggers. But the praying mantis will stick around... just make sure to dead head your flowers BEFORE you place em in your garden. I've been trying to find these suckers so I can deal with the dry roses.
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