Photo by Andif.
The Comment Coffee Shop is open twenty-four hours a day, so help yourself to your libation of preference. I think Beth has hidden a bottle of huckleberry wine over there in the corner, and there's always caffeine.
Farfetched, can you bring your homemade rolls and jam for breakfast?
Dunno about the picture uploading problem but here's the I Was Traveling on Monday Picture Post:
Dunno about rolls and jam but I know where you all can get cupcakes!
I might like to try dandelion wine. I've never had any, though I have read the novel by Ray Bradbury. Probably the most perfect summertime novel ever written. I understand there is a sequel now, written 50 years after the original. That has to be some kind of record.
Good morning from Bill's repaired laptop, only three weeks after I called HP to report the problem. Happy dance! Up early to try and get a head start on my day. But of course not earlier than andi - I love yesterday's picture, even if it came in today.
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Cinnamon rolls and cupcakes will go well with that bottle of wine...but you have to find it first! :-)
Blogger mystery solved mysteriously.
What a lovely photo, Andi, and that's a really nice website, although I would hope for more PHOTOS OF CUPCAKES.
50 years after, Paul? That's pretty amazing and impressive.
Beth, yay for repaired laptops! Says the voice of recent experience.
Good afternoon all. Just passing through on the way to happy writing pastures today.
Grumble. Effing work. Maybe I'll be in a little better frame of mind next week, but right now the life of a chicken rancher looks like an improvement.
Hey Nancy, you wish is my command. I mentioned Sweet Revenge over at BT and someone from a cupcake blog called "Cupcakes take the Cake" saw the comment and went for a visit. Reviews, pictures, and even an interview with my niece. Just click on the [LINK] for a sweet suite of photos.
Inconspicuous glade
awash in filtered light
as dew-drenched morning's run
erases waning night.
Shadow residents fade
disappear from our sight
to sleep; awake anon
answer nature's invite.
Hi all. I'll have some of that Huckleberry wine.
I'll have to post some photos of our bumper crop of grapes, some of which might even be used to make more wine. ;-)
Shadow residents fade
disappear from our sight
to sleep
Nice, Rick. Or, Nice Rick. As you prefer.
Boran2, please please post grape pics.
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