I'm gone again. This time to SE Kansas libraries. No tumbleweed down there, but maybe I can take a picture, or two. This joint will remain open, even if I don't get a new post put up every day. Y'all have a great week!
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Happy Travelling Nancy. Maybe you'll find something similar to the tumbleweeds ... :-)
Have a safe and fun trip Nancy.
Bye-bye Nancy. Enjoy the trip.
So I'll guess this will the Just Like Nancy Monday Picture Post.
Going and flowing [LINK]
Going and flowing [LINK]
Gone but still flowing [LINK]
Morning all.
Happy Trails, Nancy.
Andi, thanks for flowing and going. Number 2 particularly appealing.
Waves to Olivia and MaryB.
Marvelous Monday to all.
Morning, all! I like #2 as well, andi - although the snowless one obviously appeals to me!
Hope everyone has a good holiday. Be safe, Nancy - we'll keep the fire going while you're gone.
Back to work after a weekend off - hope the week ahead holds great things for everyone!
Morning, gang and happy trails to Nancy!
Our weather changed drastically and I have the migraine to prove it. Crawling back to bed for a bit, then working from home.
Yello, all. Planning an abbreviated workday, then a trip to the doc about this poison oak. Monday is Monday, but only half of it at work is OK.
Sprinting today. Proofs due back. Book to finish. Just back from Chicago conference barnstorm. Hope everyone has a lovely week!
Hi,all. Safe travels, Nancy. Maria, hope you feel better soon.
Loved the going and flowing!
Man, I hope Nancy remembered to pack her toothbrush and her library card ;)
Hey since you know all these librarian types, you think you could put in a good word for Danni? Last library fine she had was $60. Why oh why does my child not fear the Library Police like I did growing up?
Why does she feel compelled to check out no less than 16 books at a time?
And yeah, she pays the fine. This time she couldn't cough up the dough so Dad make her work it off my cleaning out the garage and picking up dog poop. (The poop wasn't in the garage) Which they have to do anyways...
I think Danni has enough fines that she could have an entire wing named after her. :)
Happy travels, Nancy!
Great pix, love the mist in #2 - it looks like a great setting for a story!
Finally saw Slumdog Millionaire today. It was good, but I still like Milk the best. Hope to see The Reader this weekend, just in time for the Big Show!
Dare we hope for picture postcards like the last time Nancy went traveling?? Wishing you good times and good weather, Nancy.
Have a great week!
I don't know why I didn't post the comment I KNOW I typed this morning. Can I make it up with a joke?
For those of you who used to (or stil do) hang out at BT and remember keres' dog Luna, she had puppies and there's video! And if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, who cares -- it's puppies!
Puppy play [LINK]
Puppy meal deal [LINK]
Morning all.
Cute, Cute.
Wondered what mama looked like cause those are BIG puppies. Then feeding time--They will be beautiful dogs.
Reminded me of my students jocking for attention in class.
I have a room full of class clowns and drama kings and queens.
Need puppy moments. Ten new students today. Didn't get home till almost eight last night after counseling and three sets of needy parents and tough talk to kids.
Terrific Tuesday to All.
Thanks for starting off the day with puppies, andi - always good for a smile.
Sounds like a rough day, Lisa - hope today is better.
Sunny and 37 this morning. The trunk of the palm tree outside my window steams when the sun first hits it on these cold mornings. Very cool to watch. Bet andi could take a great picture of it.
Have a good day, everyone!
At the mimes, chipping away at an ambitious to-do list. Not sure why I'm bothering, but sometimes when you're waiting for your moment you go through the motions, right?
Still stuck on the next sub-series, but it's starting to fall into place (including the pivotal episode, just need to figure out how the climax plays out).
Marathon 4-hour meeting starts in 8 mins. Fortunately they bring in lunch.
Those puppy clips were so cute, I've got cavities!
Getting ready for the mimes.
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