Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Once upon a time. . .
This may look like a fairy tale, but it is a real place. This is a church on an island in the fog in the middle of Lake Bled in the Julian Alps in northwestern Slovenia. This photo was taken this week by my friend, mystery writer, Linda Grant. If it inspires you to write a story (or a poem!), so much the better. . .
If I were going to write a story about it, I'd have it be about the day it was decided and the people who made the decision that this was the perfect place to build a church.
I was about to say that I didn't know that Linda Grant wrote mysteries but then it occurred to me to check to see if there were two writers with that name. I hope they help boost each others' sales.
Love the picture, Nancy. I have one like it from the Summer Palace in Beijing, but doggone if I remember how to add a link - I'll need to get lessons from andi or Farf again. You really have to want to go to church if you have to take a boat!
Houseguests this weekend - my friends who are battling cancer, who I helped unpack last weekend. We can use all of the good vibes you can send this limping household. Carolyn and I will go to the Fall Festival downtown, and Mike will traipse through the woods, pretending to hunt elk - but I think he's searching for something else.
The early morning light lifts my heart as I paddle towards the spire of hope and protection reaching up from the still water. My lover lies near death, unconcious in the hull. I see movement on the shore. A man waving us closer. Thank God we are safe. As I throw the bow rope to the man, movement in the trees catches my eye and a cold shiver tickles my spine.
Beth, thank you for helping me keep perspective in what is important. Enjoy the weekend with friends. I hope that fellow finds a bit of what he seeks. Much positive energy your way.
Gorgeous pic - a place both so isolated and desolate, yet full of mystery and promise. If I were to write a story, it would be about how the place started out as a church, but is now a haven and prison for the differently abled. Those with abilities and powers not accepted by a God-fearing world. Sent to live in a place once holy and consecrated, abandoned by society and left to create their own isolated community.
Hmmm...I think I shall ponder this...
Good morning to you all! I'm snuggling in my recliner, enjoying the rainy day from indoors.
Here's a treat. . .a new site from our own boran2. It does a lovely job of displaying a few of his paintings.
Oh cool! I'll bet that church has seen some real stories in its time.
Boran's gallery is cool too… there's some paintings there I hadn't seen before.
Gorgeous photo -- so wonderfully moody.
If I were going to write a story about it, I'd have it be about the day it was decided and the people who made the decision that this was the perfect place to build a church.
I was about to say that I didn't know that Linda Grant wrote mysteries but then it occurred to me to check to see if there were two writers with that name. I hope they help boost each others' sales.
Thanks for the b2 link.
I think that island has a scene in the epic novel The Historian, which is a monstrous book about a monster. (I never finished it.)
Love the picture, Nancy. I have one like it from the Summer Palace in Beijing, but doggone if I remember how to add a link - I'll need to get lessons from andi or Farf again. You really have to want to go to church if you have to take a boat!
Houseguests this weekend - my friends who are battling cancer, who I helped unpack last weekend. We can use all of the good vibes you can send this limping household. Carolyn and I will go to the Fall Festival downtown, and Mike will traipse through the woods, pretending to hunt elk - but I think he's searching for something else.
Have a good Saturday, everyone.
The early morning light lifts my heart as I paddle towards the spire of hope and protection reaching up from the still water. My lover lies near death, unconcious in the hull. I see movement on the shore. A man waving us closer. Thank God we are safe. As I throw the bow rope to the man, movement in the trees catches my eye and a cold shiver tickles my spine.
Beth, thank you for helping me keep perspective in what is important. Enjoy the weekend with friends. I hope that fellow finds a bit of what he seeks. Much positive energy your way.
Sensational Saturday to All.
That's IT, Lisa - it's Avalon!
What a dreamy pic -- I wish I could see it for real!
Gorgeous pic - a place both so isolated and desolate, yet full of mystery and promise. If I were to write a story, it would be about how the place started out as a church, but is now a haven and prison for the differently abled. Those with abilities and powers not accepted by a God-fearing world. Sent to live in a place once holy and consecrated, abandoned by society and left to create their own isolated community.
Hmmm...I think I shall ponder this...
Good morning to you all! I'm snuggling in my recliner, enjoying the rainy day from indoors.
Beth: "You really have to want to go to church if you have to take a boat!"
lol, yes.
Beth: "Mike will traipse through the woods, pretending to hunt elk - but I think he's searching for something else."
What a sweet and perceptive sentence.
Andi, Lisa, Maria, I want to read all those stories about the photo.
Avalon, farf, lol, and yes!
Okay, Paul, thanks for freeing me from getting that book. :)
kb, hi!
Wonderful photo! It would also make a nice painting.
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