In my book, that's where. I'll be writing a scene set here today. Can't wait. Gonna be good.
This actual scenery is in Kansas, believe it, or not.
Got a picture to share of where your writing (or reading, or vacation, or home) is set?
Coffee and tea inside.
Today (meaning Sunday), besides writing 10 pages, I filled in three scenes with new little bits that satisfy me so much, because they were sudden realizations and they each link back to something earlier in the book and they help give the whole thing such a complete and connected feeling. I love when it happens.
Okay, from here on out "today" means Monday.
Oops, I'm still in Sunday mode - at least I think it's Sunday...
Safely back from our amazing trip. I promise to blog about it at my place maybe tomorrow, maybe Tuesday. Missed everyone! Now I have to go back and catch up on the week's doings.
I sure understand what you mean, Nancy, and it IS very cool. I'm also very excited that you're getting so close to being done.
Night from here, too.
Now I'M off to bed, too! See everyone in the manana.
I'm still thinking about the yesterday's light theme so the Monday Picture Post will ignore today's theme and dwell on light's many moods.
Edgy. [LINK]
Demanding. [LINK]
Alluring. [LINK]
And .. way to go, Nancy.
Hi Beth, can't wait to read all about your trip.
Hey all!
Now if I could get pix of the future, I'd try to get shots of the stock market page!
Andi, I'll check out your photos later, like at work. But I bet they're good.
Oo, I heard a fox outside just now. Such a strange call.
Beth, I so envy you the motorcycle trip through such beautiful country!
Andi, those are beautiful.
Far, lol, yes a photo of your fictional settings would be tricky to get.
Fox still calling. It's not barking, it's not howling, it sounds like a combination of a cry and a wheeze.
Beautiful pictures to start the day.
Nancy, I love connections too. Finding symbolism or dialogue that ties back in are great fun. I wanna be where you are listening to the fox, cup of coffee in hand.
Guess I'll stay in my classroom with my music awaiting my own precious critters. I start with 9th grade and they can have some unusual calls too.
Beth-Welcome back. Glad you had fun.
Farf-Think that camera able to take pictures of the future was on the Twilight Zone.
Andi Thanks so much for the light! I drove to work in the dark, so good to know there is still light.
Marvelous Monday to All.
I think I lost a couple of weeks. Nancy, that's just a beautiful photo. I wish I could talk mister into going out there...
(waving as I stumble off for coffee) Hi Everyone!
Heh, Andi in that second picture it looks like someone's just gotten beamed up. "Fire up the warp drive, Scotty, we're on the run from the cast of I Love Money down here!" "Aye Cap'n!"
Fox still calling. It's not barking, it's not howling, it sounds like a combination of a cry and a wheeze.
Wes makes noises kinda like a fox except he doesn't vocalize them all the way but almost swallows them, keeping them in the back of his throat. It's funny, he makes a lot of noise, especially when he is chasing a bug, but we've only heard him meow a handful of times, mostly it is that half-muffled foxy noise. Lucy meows rather than make the fox noises, but she is the one who looks more like a fox with her bushy tail and fluffier coat, so I call her my little Miss Foxy Brown.
Nancy, have you ever heard a fox in a heated argument with a dog? Quite the soundscape. :-P
Just checked out the pix… they were truly beauts!
Lisa, my life seems like it's next door to the Twilight Zone. Maybe I should dig around in the attic & see if I can find that camera.
KB, Jen, hey! KB, I hope you checked FAR Future last week: you're getting your long-ago wish for a little romance. It's sort of continuing in this week's episode, well, kind of.
Good morning all!
Nancy, yeah that feeling is fantastic. The other one I love is that sensation when you're writing a new scene and it reaches back and attaches itself to a couple of lines of a dialogue or a bit of description that felt right at the time, but didn't seem to do anything in the place you put it in, and now you get to say "ah, that's what I wrote that bit for!"
Beth, looking forward to the trip narrative.
Andi, incredible light effects, v. cool.
FarF, but then you'd mess up the whole space time continuum and that always attracts Dr. Who, and then you're screwed.
Lisa, hi!
KB, with you on the stumbling and the call of the caffeine, you should see how this post would look if I couldn't spellcheck and rearrange things.
Morning, Jen, that's an interesting sound. Does he do the ak-ak-ak bird noise thing?
Now, off to caffeinate. Back later.
Hey Nancy that's a fantastic landscape. I thought Kansas was flat everywhere (except along the Missouri). I can't wait to read the scene that takes place there.
Saw you comment about Brooooce! It was a fabulous concert. He played for 3 1/2 hours and did 9 encores. A lot of stuff from his new album (Magic) which, fortunately, I like. But also a lot of off-the-wall stuff. He now takes requests from the audience. They hold up signs with the names of songs he's done before and he goes along and picks a bunch and then throughout the night plays 'stump the band' to see if they remember. One of the encores was a request for a cover of Little Queenie which he hasn't played in concert in YEARS. I think since the 70's. It was great.
Ah, Mary -- I'm so envious. Bruce used to be one of my favorite people. And I've been to four of his concerts in the past. I was so sorry that we couldn't go to the KC concert this year.
How cool that he does requests!
Jen, that's an interesting sound. Does he do the ak-ak-ak bird noise thing?
Kinda yeah. It's definitely a sort of chirping. He doesn't sound like a bird, but he sure as hell doesn't sound like a cat either.
Farf, I am embarrassingly behind in my blog-reading but have enjoyed Far Future and will catch up when my energy levels allow. A request for romance doesn't sound like me t'all, though; either I was having a very weird day or you've confused me with one of your other lesbionic pals. ;p
aw kb I wish you could have gotten to the KC concert. This was my 5th Springsteen concert.
There's a good summary at Backstreets with setlists etc. if you want to read:
I thought the concert seemed incredibly high energy and it was like the band didn't want to leave the stage. But it's always hard to judge how one concert compares to others on the tour. The review confirms it - this was a HIGH energy concert.
I felt bad about it. But, then two friends came through town last night and I got to visit with them. I would have missed my chance if I was at the concert.
I don't think there's such a thing as a low energy Springsteen Concert.
Wow, that's not how I picture Kansas at all! Like Mary, I always thought it was flat. Amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Andif, spectacular pix, as always!
(shh, don't tell anyone but this city girl is afraid of wild life - a fox in the backyard? oh my!)
Nice shot of Monument Rocks! Love that place.
Cheryl, welcome! Your blog is wonderful and I'll visit it again. Gotta finish this book first.
Anony, Kansas is surprising, heh. As for foxes in the back yard, guess what? I AM in the city.
Katiebird, if Brooooce ever comes back, maybe we can both go.
Maryb, 5 concerts?! Wow. The only one I've been to was high energy like that, too. Phenomenal.
Jen, your cat sounds hilarious.
And Far? The thought of hearing a Fox and dog yapping at each other is mind-boggling.
Kelly, I love that thing you described. Love it.
Lisa, I thought of you and your ninth graders today.
I miss seeing Boran2 sign off at night!
Sorry, Jen. I meant that part for KB, but I kind of ran the two of you together so I can see how you might have confused it.
Loooooong day yesterday, off to the new post.
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