I'm going to spend the next couple of days concentrating on getting my characters as far out on a limb as they can go without either falling off or backing up or grabbing onto something else. Wish them luck. They're going to need it. Heh.
Let's talk about the pleasures and puzzles of the smaller mystery--mystery novels and other fiction--and the bigger one--life.
Good luck, characters! Great photo, Andif.
And I love novels where I think "how are these characters going to get out of this?" and then it gets worse!
Good luck with the writing Nancy and don't forget that when those characters get as far out as they can on that limb, they can always branch out. :)
I'm heading out of town for the next four days and won't be around much so for the Monday Picture Post, I thought I'd leave you all with some trees.
Can't see the leaves for the forest [LINK]
Can't see the forest for the leaves. [LINK]
Caption: "Dang dogs… I'll show THEM bark!" It *does* look like it's reach for them, doesn't it?
Andi, that shadow pic… wow. I'll bet that gets used tomorrow!
Dunno if anyone's still reading FAR Future, but I posted Episode 46 this morning. Actually, I put it there two weeks ago and told Blogger to release it this morning. I like being ahead.
Morning, all! Nancy, luck with the writing. :)
I'm off for another fun-filled work day. The Boss (CEO) is on vacation in Costa Rica so I have a feeling it's going to be a busy week.
Happy Monday!
(waving sleepily)
I was at the ER with my mother-in-law until midnight or so last night. And it took me a while to unwind once I got home.
I think she's fine. But, she really needs to live in an assisted living sort of facility. Any advice on how to look into that would be gratefully appreciated.
Morning, all. Hopefully getting back to a semi-regular routine - at least as far as checking in here before I start my day. More boxes to unpack, but at least we can see the walls of the garage now. Jealous of your writing on the porch, Nancy, and everyone else's chance to actually WRITE - hopefully in a day or two. The new story is bubbling, and I'm anxious to get at it.
Gorgeous weather here, as usual - wish you all could come lounge on the back deck with me! But I'd make you unpack a box first. :-)
Thanks for the pix, andi - I love the tree one!
Stay cool and productive, everyone - big hugs as I head back to the garage.
Bonne chance avec de bon mots, Nancy.
Bonne chance echappant, characters!
(or something like that!)
Love the pix, Andif.
Glad you have everything moved, Beth.
Good luck with the mother-in-law, Katiebird.
Mandatory wedding attendance complete. Time to relax here. Ahhhhh.
Hi, everyone.
Dear KatieBird, regarding the Assisted Living syndrome. I've aware of a bit about this subject due to my mother and the future for my son. Remember, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" is my life it seems.
My mom is fighting going into a care home. So there is nothing we can do. It'd be easier on all of us if she were in a home that was right down the street from us, rather than by herself in an apt 160 miles away.
I wish I could help but it seems there are more corrupt or neglected homes than there are good ones. Heck even Goodwill just got spanked due to their treatment of their own poster boy.
What I can tell you is what to look out for. Make MANY visits before you choose. Drop in AFTER hours. My husbands parents were able to get a great home for their mom (who just passed away this year at 105). They, too, said they had to be vigilant about their choices. Some of the fancy places turned out to be horrible.
Branching out! One time I climbed a tree in my Grandpa's yard. I got higher and higher that my 5 or 6 year old little body could get me. Than I fell. Lower and Lower. Till I was "caught" in the crotch of the tree. Where all the itty bitty ants seemed to be the most concentrated. Screamed till I was hoarse. Some of the best pictures of me are of ones of me up in a tree.
Go Nancy Go!
The book I'm reading is scaring the knickers off me. Yep still reading Virgin. Reading late at night so usually only getting a few pages in before I force myself to turn off the light and yank the covers around me much to the non-delight of my sleeping partner :)
I've never heard Nancy's voice. But I'm sure it's the same voice as the one I've given to Cain and Lightfoot. :) Which is odd for me to think because although I'm not an author, I'm one of those people who read author's books aloud to kids or audiences... and I rarely use my own voice to do that.
I've always concentrated on what the charachters would sound like. I hear them when I read. It's one of the most important aspects to me. Probably because I'm a reader (in many ways) than a writer. Anybody else do that?
So many grapple with books turned to movies because the charachters don't look like how they envisioned them. With me the looks don't really matter. It's the voice and how they speak.
Andif thanks so much for my trees!!
Each provides different perspectives.
Here is a link for a Florida organization that provides all sorts of info and links to national sites with info about assisted living.
I was lucky to have my Mom live with me the last 10 years of her life. We were blessed not to have to do assisted living but understand how daunting that prospect is.
You are indeed a wonderful daughter in law.
Beth-- Congrats on surviving the move.
Conda, Farf, Maria, Anon, and Janet
Waves to all.
Nancy, I'll be anxious to read about the tribulations your latest characters are experiencing.
Now I will try to edit. I had to work this morning. After a summer off that is torture.
Hi people,
I miss you!
It's been a hectic few weeks with travel, finishing up a draft of my WIP, launching my website, and a trial by fire initiation into MySpace. Phew. I could use a rest. How 'bout you?
I hope you're all doing well and a big cyberhug to everyone, especially Nancy.
Another very interesting photo, Andi.
Good luck with the writing, Nancy!
Hi all!
I'll have to read the new FF, Far.
Janet, Thank you very much for your advise. I can't believe I'm going to be doing this research. Mister and I have been so happy to have her in the duplex. But more and more I think that staying here is not what she wants.
Thanks again. It's especially good to hear that your inlaws found a comfortable place.
Where in the world is the blog mistress? She opens the door and then disappears! Rude, I tell you, rude.
::shakes cane at herself::
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