Go two counties over from the west side of Kansas and then go two down from the top. That's where I am tonight, in the town of Colby. Tomorrow, I'll go a bit west to
Goodland, where I'll spend the night, and then I'll start back east on Thursday, working my way back home through a total of nine towns and nine libraries, after also doing two yesterday nearer to home. It may sound grueling, but it's not for me, at least not yet, because I love doing this stuff. But I forgot my camera!!
squinting) I think I see you out there.....
lol, kb. I'm jumping up and down now to try to be more visible.
Waves to Nancy. Glad you are enjoying the tour. SAD--no camera.
Beth--Hanging tight to the travel wand--THANKS.
Absolutly unable to think. Leave tomorrow a.m. to go to Monterey.
Fear, excitement, anticipation vibrate through my veins.
Now to finish getting things set up at school for the time I'll be gone.
Wonderful Weds to All.
Well at least it's colorful where you're going. The counties around here are pretty much gray and brwon this time of year. :)
Happy journey, Lisa! It'll be wonderful, I'm sure of it. (Jim send his sympathy on the lesson plans for the sub.)
Morning all.
Happy trails to both Nancy and Lisa!!
I'm off to the mimes in a bit (still freeeeezing here - all of 15F this a.m. again). I have a full client day ahead - 2 training sessions on a content management system we built. I'm nervous as heck b/c this is a demanding client and this system was built using an open-source software platform, instead of our own custom app. (new to me!)
Wish me luck and smooth sailing, please.
Catch you all later!
I was just in Colby last weekend! My son and daughter-in-law live there.
Like flipping a switch… it's about 25 here at the moment, but once it warms up today there's no below-freezing in the forecast all week! 70F by Friday!
Nancy, is that the "remote" part of Kansas? Like where there's stories about places that never got grid electricity and where some counties offer free land to people who will live there?
Maria, good luck to you. The OSS platform should work fine… it's like anything else, your programmers get out of it what they put in. I use a lash-up of several OSS programs to do the techie documentation at work. It's really old-sk00l, but it spits out PDFs in seconds instead of minutes and it plays nice with source-control systems (which was handy that time I was maintaining 3 versions of the docs at once).
I'm off to the mimes myself. Firebox is loaded, cats fed, kids woke up, just need to scrounge a few leftovers.
Somewhat depressing: Is Writing for the Rich?
Sneaks in to grab a donut. Picks it up. Turns. Notices the crowd and all the light. Smiles sheepishly and waves. Begins to speak whilst edging toward the door.
FarF, thanks for that link. Scary but with a little more truth to it than I'd like there to be.
Beth, dratted travel wand. I think I escaped it this time, but it hit me pretty hard at the end of last year. Been on the airplane once already this year with at least three or four more rides in the future, plus a heap of car travel scheduled. Off to AZ in a couple of weeks.
Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful time. As much as I hate the two days before a major trip, there's nothing like it for rejuvinating me.
Nancy, hope you're having a blast.
Maria, I wish you smooth sailing and success.
KB, Andi, Paul, and all those who come later, happy hump-day!
Me, I'm going to go and try to finish this book. It's got to be done before AZ and I've got a convention to go to and one of those car trips between now and then.
Waves again. Bolts.
Kelly, another author "friend" of mine just posted on her blog last night that she finished the book she's been working on. It sounds like a great feeling!
Travel well, Nancy! (And I just hate it when I forget my camera--although nowadays with cell phones...)
Howdy, all! Started out chilly this am, but Florida is slowly warming up. Our first baseball game tomorrow, just in time.
You'll do fine, Lisa. Just relax and soak it all in - sun AND learning!
Waving to all travelers, armchair and otherwise. Kelly, any Cactus League games when you're in AZ? Hope the day at the mimes went well - spent my morning proofing a friend's mss, and now am back to mine.
Will check in as I can - have a great evening, everyone! And safe travels.
Ah, Lisa, I know EXACTLY how nervous you are, because years ago I was that nervous, too. There's not much anybody can say to give you peace of mind except maybe to remind you that, a.) somebody has to get published and it may as well be you; and b.) this, too, whatever happens, is part of the process. Part of the process, part of the process, part of the process. You'll learn so much, meet cool people, be inspired (I hope!), get scared, maybe laugh or cry, and wow, how do any of us stand it?!
We'll be with you in spirit, giving you little shoulder pats, and whispering, "Breathe."
Paul, the mother-in-law of a friend of mine came to the event. Colby must be one of those places that connects in some way to everybody.
Hey, Andi, love all the recent photos. Many thanks.
Maria, I hope it went well.
Far, it's 80 degrees here! This is Kansas! in March! Will be 40 tonight. I don't know nothin' 'bout no electic grid, but I wouldn't be surprised if this were a new "homestead" county. I'll ask tonight.
Gooood luuuckkk, Kellly!
Hi, Beth. So odd to see you in one place while the rest of us travel.
Lisa - what Nancy said. ::g::
I survived the all day training - went really well, actually. Now I hope the balance of the day goes as well. :)
Kelly - still sending you mojo and hoping to get my writing mojo back soon!
Hmmm, I wonder if this will work. If the wish for good luck for actors is "break a leg," is the wish for good luck for writers "break a pencil?" lol Whatever it is, I wish it for you on your trip West, Lisa.
Nancy, I'm glad you're enjoying your book tours. Glad everything went well today, Maria.
Farf, I wonder if the reason "the value of journalistic writing in the marketplace is not at all high" is because journalists (IMO) don't offer objective reporting anymore? It is sad that there are fewer and fewer openings for people in every field.
Hey, everyone. Waiting for the forecasted warm up here.
Happy travels, Nancy!
Greetings to all! (It's hard to respond to everything when at the end of a thread.)
Thanks to all for the good writing wishes. They must have worked because I got 2,000 words of pure flow--love that feeling!
Lisa, what others have said: You'll do great. Also, beyond remembering to breathe, remember to have fun. A good workshop is a great to meet your fellow writers and talk deeply about a lot of things that most people outside the world of writers don't really care about (excepting a big chunk of dedicated readers). Take joy in the experience.
THANKS for all the support.
Leave early for the airport in the a. m. so will check in Thursday evening.
It means a lot to have so many great people pulling for me.
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