If you scroll down, you'll find a shot much like this one, only it was one I lifted off the interwebs. This one is my own. I took it today in the Cimarron National Grasslands, and I did exactly what it looks like I did: stopped my car in the right lane, got out, left the door hanging open, walked to the front of the car, stood in the middle of the road, and snapped the photo. I was in no danger of being flattened by a semi, lol. The worst that might have happened is that tumblin' tumbleweed might have rolled over me.
You guys, thanks for putting up with this travelogue. As you probably intuited, it's my way of keeping a record of this trip. Much easier than trying to keep a notebook or scrapbook or whatever. I may even say something about writing in here, although writing about highways is easier. :p
Okay, this is strange, but will probably turn out to be as interesting and nice as everything else has been. There is no restaurant open in this town on Sunday nights, so we are dining at the Assisted Living Center. I'm trying not to smile, but am being unsuccessful at that.
Yup. That's what I remember Kansas looking like when I was about ten and rode in the backseat of a station wagon cross country. :)
Sunday night closure. Psst they don't see alky-hall here in Oregon on Sundays either, some "blue law" on the books and you have to buy it in a packy store just like in Mass. Twenty-first century but some of us still are living with Puritanical BS laws. :)
Read about the tornado clean up. Didja know a good co-worker and a dear friend of mine goes back several times a year to Katrina-land. Each time they return they are more and more pissed off with how things are not progressing.
see/sell. Sorry. Any other errors I won't see because I'm closed due to Sunday. :)
Where is everybody? I disappear for a day and people find something else to do on Sunday! Well, except for Janet (hi Janet!).
LOVE the pictures - why do you think I keep a blog, Nancy? I have no clue where I've been unless it's in the blog. Glad you're having such a good trip, and being coddled and spoilt!
Spent the day on Grand Turk - will blog about it when I get back to Land of Fast Internet. Sun, margaritas, wild donkeys, and an island heavily damaged by Hurricane Ike. I saved y'all chairs at Margaritaville by the pool, but my other friends sat in them. You were there vicariously.
Sailing again tomorrow, heading home. Hope everyone's weekend was relaxing. Waving from the Caribbean!
Hi all. We spent the day doing laundry, errands and digging out of our icy prison. Thank goodness that the ice has melted a bit. Unfortunately it is going to get much colder in the next few days and what isn't ice already will be very soon.
At least the current painting is done and the new one is already started.
It's been great virtual-riding with you, Nancy! We have restaurants open here on Sunday nights, but (like Janet) no booze sales state-wide on Sunday. The county where our resort is, is also a dry county. Can't have people competing with the moonshiners, ya know.
Nice roads, anyway… hope you don't end up on this one though.
Hey Beth, bring back some warmth with you when you come back… Winter #3 is about to arrive, and it looks to be pretty cold for two weeks. Um, never mind, give it to Boran. He needs it more.
BTW, there's an Elkhart, IN, so you saying you're in Elkhart gave me cause to double-take.
Off to bed… it's past 11? Sheesh.
Nancy, the travelogue and the pictures (especially the wide open, flat, empty road) have been really enjoyable. And I can't wait to hear about dinner last night. :)
Lisa, yay on taking pictures!
bono, we had freezing rain, about an inch of snow, and then rain.
farf, you can tell that isn't Elkhart, Indiana because there aren't any band instruments in the room.
Morning Janet, farf, Beth, boran2 and to everybody else when they show up.
I'm not feeling too coherent this morning so today you get the Mishmosh Monday Picture Post.
Morning at the lake [LINK]
Ice Patterns [LINK]
Zen Sniff meditates [LINK]
Morning All.
Now that looks like my idea of Kansas. Nancy shows me it's much more though.
Andi--Ice Patterns!!
Farf, I'm staying away from your place.
I put a link to Texas snow free zone pictures yesterday for ya bono. Oh and the Grandlizard if anyone's interested.
Monday--Bah. End of Semester, Exam week--pulling at hair.
Marvelous Monday to All.
Morning, all! Nancy, love the open road pic, all those possibilities!!
Spent yesterday offline and reading (Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs and Personal Demons by Stacia Kane). It was glorious.
I'm enjoying steel-cut oats this a.m., just like I like 'em: plain with a little salt. It's BRRR chilly outside plus Monday. Need that fortification. ::g::
Magnificent Monday to all!
Morning all! Andi, I think the "ice patterns" is my favorite of the three — it would make nice wallpaper. Oh, and did I mention I have relatives in North Liberty? (closer to South Bend than Elkhart, but not that far away)
Lisa, Daughter Dearest happened to catch a glimpse of that sign in the creek on the way to church yesterday! The culvert washed out in 2005, when all the hurricanes were coming here to wring themselves out, and we figure someone picked up the sign & stuck it in the mud down there. But as DD would say, it's just random.
Off to the mimes… type at you later. New FAR Future episode is up at my place if you want something to read.
Rummages thru recipes. Damn. I didn't write it down.
Which Potter mystery had the Chile Rellenoes recipe with sweetened condensed milk?
All these Kansas photos have driven me to the point of now I'm contemplating netflixing "Infamous" (it has Daniel Craig in it - YUM) and I've just realized, I've never read "In Cold Blood".
Ahh the true crime novels. I've never bit into them. I did read "Helter Skelter" back in High School but then Ann "Cashing in on Killers" Rule hit the scene and "tv talk shows" made everything seem trashy and trampy.
Odd I guess. Since I love falling into a great mystery or thriller. But something about the notion that someone made big bucks off of a real murder and the possibility of re-victimizing people just "killed" the true crime genre for me.
But due to "Kansas" and I love Capote in "Murder By Death" and Nancy's beautiful highway shots... I think I might indulge this one time.
Janet, I'm pretty sure that was 27-Ingredient Chili Con Carne Murders. That recipe was good! And it was one of Mrs, Rich's own.
A few of you asked about book tours, so I've begun that discussion in a new post.
Nancy, I am thoroughly enjoying your trip. I'm so glad you're having good weather to complete your journey. How in the world did you end up at an assisted living facility for dinner? More research for a future book?
Lisa, pretty kitty in that pic. The grandlizard is bigger than I expected!! Thanks for the world of color. lol I'm living in a white winter wonderland that's about to turn arctic cold. :-(
Andif, I like the ice design pic the best. And the one with the pup was like a doggy version of where's Waldo. I didn't even see Sniff at first.
Farf, that must have been some wind that picked that sign out of the ground and tossed it down in the creek!
Hi, Janet, Beth, Kelly, Maria, boran2. Does anyone know where Maryb is these days?
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